Friday, April 4, 2008

runescape random event

Duration: 02:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-03 08:57:41

runescape random


PhorbieOwns  2007-12-29 12:11:56

Lol hey. Thanks for sending me your video. Im sorry to hear u didnt enjoy Runescape so much. It basically became a passion for me and I never looked back..However I was extrmley un impressed when they took out pking and all that. They just lost more fans . Cute dragon skirt and rune plate -helmet ftw ;) ^_^

Duman - Haberin Yok Ölüyorum Rock İstanbul Konseri Videosu

Duration: 08:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-05 08:05:12


kobebryant01  2007-12-07 11:09:45

muhteşem ya duman farkı bu işte bi gelemediniz şuraya tekrar sabahtan yerimi almazsam nolim ya :D
sezaisezai35  2007-12-04 21:08:01

akort olayı bi derece ama öle dandık ses fırmasıyla calısırlarsa olacagı bu bence . staras veya altınçizme olsaydı baksen artık konserin seyrine.......
turgaydursun08  2007-10-15 06:39:58

bunlar basıt problemler.
castylla  2007-10-10 13:50:07

abi bu konserde çok akort problemi yaşadılar ya

Video del aniversario de milicia villista parte 8

Duration: 08:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-17 15:26:01

El sábado 8 de marzo alas 6 pm de la tarde en casa club aun lado del club de leones la milicia villista y otros grupos que mencionare enseguida estuvieron haciendo pachanga en grande ya que milciia festejo su primer aniversario ( curioso el mismo día y en el mismo lugar fue el festejo del primer aniversario de la rewuelta curioso verdad ? ) en el se festejo este aniversario y en conjunto tocaron aproximadamente 9 bandas las cuales 4 no fueron por razones desconocidas aun así el festejo se inicio perfecto con complot huichol quienes iniciar el slam al iniciar a tocar varias bandas incrustaron el uso de ska reggae algo que me desconcertó a mi ya que no me agrada mucho el genero pero hubo mucha gente que se puso a bailar con dicho conjunto de música ska reggae, otra banda uso el ska con jazz se escuchaba padre pero aun así no me agrada mucho donde si y hasta se puede aprecias es el uso de ska y la forma de interactuar con el publico que usaron varias conocidas y nuevas que lógico son de fuera pero fueron los que dieron apogeo al baile y creación de slam así como baile y mucho ajetreo tanto que por razones desconocidas dos chavos iniciaron un pleito en segundos seguridad y miembros del staff calmaron la situación y el ultimo grupo pudo tocar tranquilamente. Dedicados informarte eso fue lo que aconteció en pocas palabras pero bien dice el dicho una imagen vale mas que mil palabras pero... no solo de imágenes informare si no que ala ves te mostrare que capture de el evento fueron vídeos imágenes e información de este gran eventos.


Busted - All The Way

Duration: 04:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-04 07:56:43

Busted performing All The Way At CDUK August 16th. (year unknown)


runebattleaxe122  2008-02-20 04:01:57

do they have a mv for this?
paceysgirl  2008-02-15 09:42:59

Faby song, clever lyrics, thanks for posting!
b45667  2007-12-09 18:14:35

love it
0catbee26  2007-11-16 23:09:55

beautiful busted! love you guys! miss james matt and charlie [even tho he turned evil, lol jk]
StarGirl2426  2007-11-07 22:26:17

Love this song...

Best Version of Old Man River - William Warfield

Duration: 03:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-18 23:10:44

He sings this version in Db Flat Major. Making the high note an F natural. He sings through more than one and a half octaves with no problem. And we all know he can sing waaay lower than and Ab. So that's quite some range. An amazing voice, dwarfing the orchestra even in his lower register. He sounds amazing. Unfortuantely, I don't know what year this is from. It's quite amazing that broadway voices used to be of such high quality as opposed to today. Enjoy.....


DrJHaney  2008-03-18 17:41:15

Thank you, drjhaney
Leanne60  2008-03-18 01:58:22

How neat! He sounds like he was a sweetie in character. Good times.
Leanne60  2008-03-17 22:19:40

This song still makes me cry. It is soooo beautiful. Best version, I think. Thanks for sharing.
RSuelzer  2008-02-25 12:53:34

ajb1776  2008-02-18 04:21:31

Why all the Robeson images if this is Warfield's voice. Somebody please tell me. Is this Warfield's voice in tribute to Robeson. For now, the dichotomy doesn't make sense.

Tribute Ayrton Senna 2 by F1expert

Duration: 02:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-22 19:40:51



Duration: 03:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-03 12:25:47

Kayaker can't get his boat ashore.


My First Kickflip

Duration: 00:6 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-28 22:25:58

This is the first kickflip that I ever landed and I got it on film.

#006 MMA Chinese Lesson - tea house 3/3

Duration: 09:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-23 11:13:20

"huang san TELEPHONE" aiba, another baka!! hehe, i also like jun's part. his expressions after drinking the tea were the best! 2005.05.14 Arashi no Chuukagai Ryugaku! yet another episode of learning chinese with arashi. enjoy! english subtitles are available you can credit me as teichan/saturdaynite. thanks!


hypersugardude3104  2008-03-18 09:19:39

lol! i missed MatsuJun's ... uhh... lets say "playful" side ;p
foodluver88  2008-03-06 17:02:09

i love nino's "nice" in chinese and his peace sign :D yay!
Kueihoa  2008-03-05 19:41:07

MatsuJun!!! SUGOKU Kawaii!!! SAIKO!!!!
fu3ledbyj3ss  2008-02-28 19:34:06

lmfao, i love LOVE jun's 'no no no'
ayuadams  2008-02-26 03:10:46

Sho at 03:12 is so funny!! Hao he(see his face).. LOL..

Bush: We'll hold the Whitehouse in 2008

Duration: 01:06 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-28 21:51:55

GO HERE As CNN's Brian Todd reports, white male swing voters may decide the race for the Democratic nomination. "Republican governors are smart,capable people"


tvfilm  2008-02-28 22:30:28
