Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sansiro Gentleman

Duration: 02:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-07 06:56:08
User: milanchannel
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il fairplay del milan

gianlucaTA ::: Favorites
Assolutamente Clarence SEEDORF!! Un vero SIGNORE!
07-05-27 15:30:37
giovanhot86 ::: Favorites
secondo me vince gattuso . sul serio .
07-05-09 09:26:13
CWGeronimo73 ::: Favorites
Seedorf !!! Vince lui.
07-05-08 03:08:43
GiuseDamn ::: Favorites
forza jankulovski
07-05-07 11:33:01
Mavrick2003 ::: Favorites
MilanChannel... Thank you for all the videos..I live in Canada and this is amazing... Forza Milan... nel cuore!!!
07-05-07 11:15:42
10pier10 ::: Favorites
secondo me e seedorf,kaka o pirlo! Ti amo milan...
07-05-07 10:24:29
inovillacastin ::: Favorites
hope we win d final!!!FORZA MILAN!!!
07-05-07 09:37:01
momba1 ::: Favorites
dobbiamo vendicare.... tutti ad atene
07-05-07 08:26:57
mods1975 ::: Favorites
Grande Milan, grandi Off Spring! :)
07-05-07 07:50:31
jesterinflames ::: Favorites
milan is a world class an example for every football team...forza rossoneri!!
07-05-07 07:29:23

1994 Whitney Houston 36th Grammys I Will Always Best Pop

Duration: 06:42 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-30 21:48:35
User: 1988CityRhythm
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This live version of I Will Always Love You is THE BEST ONE ever! No breaks, no hoarse voice, no singing high notes low, no butching up the song at all. Very good use of mixing the chest and head voices. She even beat Mariah in this category! Go Whitney!!

ileanauccello2665 ::: Favorites
Great ringtones visit RINGTONESET dot NET
07-09-07 20:47:26
shaybean54 ::: Favorites
i love whitney's voice but i love Dolly singing this song.
07-09-07 15:50:40
soulshock44 ::: Favorites
and yes that proves that sheis without a doubt one of the most inspiring female artist of the era
07-09-05 12:25:58
soulshock44 ::: Favorites
karaoke? u've got to be kidding right? and yes watch american idol for example, 1,150 of 70,000 auditions were songs of hers during the show's third season. The song "I Have Nothing" has been performed in the finals 6 times, more than any other song. and by the way, she's the most awarded female recording artist ever
07-09-05 12:23:48
2real2ignore ::: Favorites
Only on youtube...people will try and make enemies out of friends. Ms. Parton and HOuston are very good friends, Ms. Parton wrote the song, and with the success of Whitney's version of the song, Ms. Parton was making a lot of money. PEOPLE PLEASE STOP BEING SO CHILDISH, Both Ms. Parton and Ms. Houston are 2 of the greatest female atrists in the world.
07-09-02 00:48:57
jbrandonvalentine ::: Favorites
"not being nasty about whitney or anything but dolly sang i will always love you alot better than whitney. minnie xxx" YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!
07-08-31 20:50:46
drxclassic ::: Favorites
yeah. thanx.
07-08-27 20:37:18
dannyboi123444 ::: Favorites
no, 36th grammys, as in the 36th grammy awards.. ok Whitney is the most awarded person ever but i dont think anybodys got 36 grammys! LOL
07-08-27 19:34:08
anthonymolie ::: Favorites
dolly is such a good sport, she never ages.
07-08-22 18:35:23
MinnieAKAalysha ::: Favorites
not being nasty about whitney or anything but dolly sang i will always love you alot better than whitney. minnie xxx P.S check out some of my videos if your a dolly fan.
07-08-20 15:51:52

Re: ナイスおっぱい

Duration: 07:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-05 16:17:10
User: PeterCleave
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Two songs for dodolook. Long Black Jar and Idol composed and performed by Peter Cleave.

Gigi Becali - Miau Miau by wWw.Fan-Video.Com

Duration: 00:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-31 12:09:31
User: pitbulache
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ce tare a fost gigi la faza asta

Phillipe Blond is 22, glam, gorgeous & Alpha Kitty

Duration: 02:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-07 10:34:10
User: AlphaKitty
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As one of the most glamorous fixtures on the New York fashion scene, Phillipe Blond always turns heads. He believes being blonde is a state of mind.

Tanya033 ::: Favorites
did anyone freaking notice that its a MAN??? wtf u can SEE by just glancing at him
07-09-08 08:28:51
kitsonbm ::: Favorites
lol how is he an adorable looking blonde with a male voice ? you can tell just by looking that its a man without a voice, only men can't tell when women are actually men
07-09-08 06:30:09
pixiehun ::: Favorites
LMAO. Crack on Feet.
07-09-08 06:23:53
nonu12 ::: Favorites
07-09-08 05:27:55
xoxgoodbye ::: Favorites
She reminds me of Donatella Versace.
07-09-08 01:49:35
dcstrike ::: Favorites
Gorgeous :D
07-09-08 01:49:22
Padawopwop ::: Favorites
I love her sultry voice
07-09-08 01:48:24
nognilk ::: Favorites
Her voice is sultry because she's a man
07-09-08 08:52:18
CuriousCuriosity ::: Favorites
lol Crack on feet. Priceless xD
07-09-08 01:01:34
shtefanee ::: Favorites
so your sister must be JStar right?
07-09-08 01:01:21

Paynes HorrorFest Video

Duration: 02:32 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-08 23:41:29
User: PayneandCreed
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Here is my Horror fest video submission... Be sure to vote for me after you watch it...

DUDEMANN177 ::: Favorites
you suck and blow if u no wat i mean
07-09-07 23:55:40
mydarkspark ::: Favorites
sssssse xyyyy!!!!:P:P:P
07-09-07 20:44:41
Viesmo ::: Favorites
Ni lo escribiste bien jajajaja
07-09-07 19:35:54
Ladylovaitar ::: Favorites
Pretty lady
07-09-07 18:57:43
destroyersoul ::: Favorites
is a very beautiful *¬* ph my god *-* PD : soi español (spanish) xDDDDDDDDDDDD ^^
07-09-07 14:25:46
ROWCAW ::: Favorites
this blows
07-09-07 13:46:14
Arucard110 ::: Favorites
i wanna fuck u like an animal!!!
07-09-07 01:21:55
FuadRamses777 ::: Favorites
Were the judges a bunch of completely blind assholes?How could so exquisite a creature not have won this contest?You would have gotten my vote Payne!You're not only hauntingly beautiful,but you have great camera presence as well.I don't think I want to know who won the contest because after watching you,it will only upset me!
07-01-24 18:35:25
rahsillyyo ::: Favorites
damn Payne you're sexy as fuck
06-11-02 13:15:14
PayneandCreed ::: Favorites
Thank you VERY much!! It was a blast to do even though I didnt place, maybe next year!!
06-10-23 03:40:55

Sade Love Deluxe 1992 Interview

Duration: 07:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-15 10:32:19
User: 1988CityRhythm
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marionblanco ::: Favorites
divine indeed, she takes my breath, and gives me life, thanks for the kiss of life Ms. Adu
07-09-07 15:56:34
Vidsquad ::: Favorites
Fantastic interview
07-08-31 04:45:32
flabness83 ::: Favorites
to say she is beautiful is an understatement.she is divine.
07-08-29 00:01:44
TomaszTabin ::: Favorites
07-08-20 11:30:43

Chaser's War on Everything Episode 22 Part 3

Duration: 06:16 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-02 03:37:17
User: waterproject123
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I have created a Chaser's fans Youtube Group called "chasersbiggestfans". If you love the Chaser, please do not hesitate to join freely. Type in the domain: SEASON 2 Episodes now available.

executerX ::: Favorites
the sandy ad was hilarious! LMFAO!
07-07-11 07:36:51
bleedxthexsky ::: Favorites
that oughta sting ya ring . classic .
07-05-14 09:26:09
Gala2006 ::: Favorites
lol, "you can'T run non- shimshack ads!!"
07-05-11 12:04:26
LinkinParkOz ::: Favorites
07-04-20 04:30:45

Na Morskome Plavom Zalu - (1/1)

Duration: 03:45 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-28 21:42:29
User: TheZlobo
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sjecas li se dolly bell...???

pece4ever ::: Favorites
tacno zal je
07-08-24 08:02:16
matchezz ::: Favorites
Nije morski zar, nego zal.
07-08-17 06:59:27

Peace Advocates Confront Sen. Mikulski's Staff Member

Duration: 08:07 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-24 20:39:14
User: liamh2
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On July 24, 2007, Peace advocates confronted a staff member for Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) over a variety of issues, such as: Mikulski's continued voting to fund the Iraqi War, the impeachment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, and another possible war of aggression pushed by the Bush-Cheney Gang, this time with Iran. The confab took place in a hallway outside of Mikulski's Fells Point Office, in East Baltimore. The protest action was sponsored by the Baltimore chapter of the Iraq Pledge of Resistance.

RattyRatman ::: Favorites
IMPEACH: Usalone. Com Impeachbush. Org MARCH ON WASHINGTON SEPT 15th: Sept15. Org MARCH ON WASHINGTON 29th: Troopsoutnow. Org YOUR REPRESENTATIVES: Congress. Org Senate. Gov MEDIA: Fair. Org
07-07-27 05:16:56

Antiwar Protesters Challenge Sen. Mikulski (Part 4)

Duration: 06:33 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-14 11:21:52
User: liamh2
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On March 13, 2007, about 30 anti-Iraqi War activists went to the office of U.S. Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD) to confront her about the fact that she has continued to vote to fund the war. Three members of her staff met the activists in the public square outside of the office, in the Fells Point area of Baltimore City. Mikulski was a no show! There was an exchange of views. The activists delivered a two-page letter, with a supplement, dated 03/13/07, to a Mikulski representative outlining their demands. Then, the protesters read the names of the 59 Marylanders, who have died in the conflict. They reminded Mikulski's staff personnel that there will be more "death and destruction," unless the Senator takes a strong stand to end this war and to bring the troops home.

La Champions più bella

Duration: 04:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-18 14:32:53
User: milanchannel
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Campioni d'Europa

cep23 ::: Favorites
Pato hihiuhuihiuhiuhuiuhiuhiuhiuhiuhuih
07-08-12 12:19:40
mrandrea82 ::: Favorites
ehi cep23....i tuoi commenti fanno solo pena.....mi fai ridere..vergogna
07-07-28 13:58:33
cep23 ::: Favorites
giusto un cesso di cantante per uno schifo di calcio. fate cagare merda il culo
07-07-12 22:27:03
alessandro3004 ::: Favorites
semplicemente stupenda....e pre l'ennesima volta campioni d'europa!!!
07-07-12 11:45:34
diegopi90 ::: Favorites
"IO NN LA VINCO DA 42 ANNI" ahahahahaahahaahah SFIGATI! sempre e solo forza unico grande milan
07-07-07 17:55:22
caleidoscopico72 ::: Favorites
cmq stronzo nerazzurro so ancora forti morire...7 rosicone sheva!!!!!!
07-07-06 17:57:40
LindaAuz ::: Favorites
per me la champions più bella rimane quella con la juve...e chi se la scorda quella serata..uhhh cmq per gli interisti è meglio lo scudetto AHAH
07-07-03 12:07:04
skyzik82 ::: Favorites
Piu bela cosa non c'è....Più bella cosa di teee Grazie Milan
07-07-03 06:44:12
BrigateRossonere1990 ::: Favorites
E come dice Eros: Grazie d'Esistere!!!!
07-07-01 19:38:30
RONALDINHA1988 ::: Favorites
contatatemiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii grazieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
07-06-30 15:06:33

Champions League

Duration: 04:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-14 05:43:49
User: milanchannel
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Il cammino del Milan in Champions

shelgolferbabein ::: Favorites
Go to CAMAZONCAMS . COM for very hot cam girls!
07-08-11 00:54:26
Melphicia ::: Favorites
I don't believe it, Kaka captain of Milan :| This video is wonderful (l)
07-07-31 17:03:58
sillijuna ::: Favorites
Kaka = future captain of Milan
07-04-15 16:59:04
farhad01582 ::: Favorites
This is the season AC Milan become Kings of Europe again!
07-04-14 15:37:20
milic03 ::: Favorites
kaka sick as great movie
07-04-14 10:20:35

Fuse Awards - Short

Duration: 02:42 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-25 21:02:26
User: horrorfest
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Here is a brief clip from the Fuse Awards

Juke Box 257 - parte 1

Duration: 06:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-27 11:56:31
User: milanchannel
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Clip: presentazione nuova maglia stagione 2007/08


Duration: 00:37 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-13 20:31:24
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Chaser Arrested at APEC - Official ABC Footage

Duration: 00:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-07 17:47:29
User: mgberman2000
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Their fake canadian motorcade of three cars and several motorbikes managed to pass two security checkpoints - watch the preview released by the Chaser Team, taken by ABC cameramen.

GivesYouWings ::: Favorites
Even without sound, that clip was worth it.
07-09-08 08:28:16
AussieYobbo ::: Favorites
07-09-08 05:24:58
miciah ::: Favorites
lol "Me and Osama 2007" pics for the cops' kids
07-09-08 03:34:40
dodda ::: Favorites
Love it
07-09-08 03:31:51

ラジコンヘリに乗ってみようT-REX600 相模川編

Duration: 03:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-28 00:08:30
User: skyhighdogs
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ラジコンヘリでT-REX600 空撮。 地上から撮影した飛びっぷりはコチラ This movie was taken by a camera on Radio Controlled Helicopter T-rex600 moter:ALIGN 600L battery:Hyperion Lipo 6S1P 4800mAh roter:FUNTECH CARBON 600mm ESC:ALIGN 75A

Jenna Jameson Extreme Erotic Video

Duration: 00:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-11 18:09:59
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Jenna Jameson Extreme Erotic Video

Protesting Colin Powell in Baltimore

Duration: 04:28 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-06 21:20:25
User: liamh2
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Activists Richard Ochs and Chris Bush protest Colin Powell's visit to Balitmore, Maryland, and demand that he tell the truth about the Iraqi War. Powell, the former U.S. Secretary of State was in the city to give a speech at the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall.

Sandy Lam Chyi Yu The Rose Duet Bette Midler 林憶蓮 齊豫 Westlife

Duration: 04:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-03 09:43:47
User: 1988CityRhythm
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Two of Asia's FINEST female vocalists Sandy Lam & Chyi Yu recorded this Bette Midler classic 10 years ago, a duet made in heaven in deed!

runningmarathon ::: Favorites
Rose to my dear friend ... echo
07-08-14 11:22:07
josh253atHK ::: Favorites
07-07-29 14:37:04
LiliPod123 ::: Favorites
07-07-12 22:24:37
phita72 ::: Favorites
The voices, the lyrics, the meaningful words sooth my soul. I love to have this song played in my funeral service.
07-07-10 01:31:16

Vakero- Tu Mujer

Duration: 03:21 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-03 13:52:34
User: elcorillordcom
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@ 100% Urbano

elcomandante11 ::: Favorites
el vakero es un montro en to la vaina palante q tu si que eres un full en esto prrrpo..!!!!
07-09-06 17:24:35
parceritoColombiano ::: Favorites
klk vakero vales verga tu maldita madre
07-09-06 07:05:54
martinezeddy ::: Favorites
vakero otra ves te rompio pal palomo que se cree que escribe i no tiene punta ni letras dale vakero
07-09-04 22:51:07
fariseo21 ::: Favorites
vakero palate gue te colaste y sin firma
07-09-04 20:17:36
ELVISDYG ::: Favorites
klok vakero alante y pikaso
07-09-04 10:18:29
schase179 ::: Favorites
vakero lo mejol q hay
07-09-03 22:16:33