Sunday, September 2, 2007


Duration: 03:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-11 17:37:39
User: manwith10toes2
:::: Favorites


NekopanClock ::: Favorites
07-08-29 10:42:13
tehmarkedone ::: Favorites
For some strange reason, I'm in the mood for beans.
07-07-17 08:07:43
Kortez666 ::: Favorites
07-06-06 20:19:26
ShinjiKoon ::: Favorites
posibbly the best youtube ever
07-05-30 23:59:48
deffkvlt ::: Favorites
Even beyond the grave, Baldry's Robotnik is being awesome :D
07-05-21 15:26:01
masterofpuppies91 ::: Favorites
07-05-21 02:11:23
Joeypwnsjoo ::: Favorites
That loud noise at the end scared me.
07-05-17 17:17:36
erixdmanb ::: Favorites
Bri,Bri,Bri,Bri,Bri.... LOL!!!
07-05-11 00:08:23
Apples533 ::: Favorites
you can never have too many beans
07-04-28 16:38:58
lolligaggin ::: Favorites
WHat the hell was that? lol The Demon cry! LOL.
07-04-27 19:57:21

Black People's Hair.

Duration: 08:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-10 19:26:27
User: saxygurl8
:::: Favorites

how do we as blacks define beauty?

saxygurl8 ::: Favorites
07-08-29 19:42:03
saxygurl8 ::: Favorites
LOL. thanks
07-08-29 19:41:40
saxygurl8 ::: Favorites
07-08-29 19:40:58
saxygurl8 ::: Favorites
The only reason why I am not as stressed as most of us is because I am aware when I am being attacked. I know that movies are purposely made to bellitle me. I know that the media does not simply represent reality but creates its own reality by editing the way things are and painting a distorted picture. And I never said I was "special" the way you have typo as well. which clearly shows we all make mistakes, even YOU
07-08-29 19:39:17
o0lenabear0o ::: Favorites
What is with you people? How is taking pride in the beatiful hair God gave black people, so obviously scorned by others as well as members of the same race thinking highly of ones self? What a waste of time you spent commenting, lame insult after lame insult. You feel better now? Also, JUST because YOU say someone "isn't special" doesn't make it true. You aren't the GRAND HIGH AUTHORITY on specialness.
07-08-29 19:28:13
o0lenabear0o ::: Favorites
Perhaps this is something you may never be able to relate to..Even if someone tried to explain it to someone who is obviously NOT black, it would be very difficult for you to understand. One of the main problems with race relations and communication.
07-08-29 19:27:25
tylervan ::: Favorites
"the history books they write baout us is only to make us feel insecure." How do you figure that? I think you should of paid more attention at least in english class because you can't even spell a 5 letter word correctly. Why do history books make you feel "insecure" ? Do you honestly thin history books all over America were made to make black people feel insecure? You are an idiot. Stop thinking highly of yourself in the first place. You're not that special.
07-08-29 17:39:45
o0lenabear0o ::: Favorites
But those of us who know how to take care of ourselves are absolutely STUNNING, our eyes are bighter our confidence is higher, there is no shame in being Black because black is beautiful. For some people in this world, There worst nighttmare is to see a gorgeous, positive healthy and happy black woman who is full of confidence and intelligence, because there is nothing they can say or do to bring us down.
07-08-29 17:06:20
o0lenabear0o ::: Favorites
All women are so beutiful but black women to me are like diamonds in the rough. We are so freaking beautiful...only thing is our self image is so low because we were never taught to be comfortable in our own skin. So many gorgeous black women fall prey to depression, anger, becoming overweight or obese, malnutrition(not eating healthy life giving foods). Misinformation about ourselves and our bodies that we dont look as good as we could. So we end up look tired, stressed and depleted.....
07-08-29 16:59:50
o0lenabear0o ::: Favorites
I know from personal experience that unkempt natural hair can be a nightmare to deal with. When its too dry and your using the wrong products it makes things unmanageable, but the moment I learned what my hair needed It was like night and day. I had a completely different hair. Now its healthy,soft and elastic. I LOVE my hair! It makes me view myself differently as well
07-08-29 16:45:25

Exclusivo_Britney Cover

Duration: 07:13 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-31 13:48:57
User: tbispo5
:::: Favorites

Esse é vídeo da Thammy Spears do Grupo de Dança Exclusivo.

tracielandin2023 ::: Favorites
hot adults on webcam in your AREA! CAMAZONCAMS dot COM
07-08-29 20:10:15
schizophonic ::: Favorites
muy bueno!!! bailan excelente..........pareciera que fueran los de verdad.
07-08-29 18:59:15
soundsconceited ::: Favorites
a really nice work, u all look and dance very good
07-07-28 23:35:16
wiltbm ::: Favorites
muito legal
07-07-18 11:18:29
Marlean ::: Favorites
Have a sandwich. And think about your arms and hands more, the girl in the pink shirt takes over otherwise.
07-06-07 10:36:49
yaspolbrand ::: Favorites
ta bueno
07-05-31 23:16:09
Rafaelbrazilian ::: Favorites
Muito Bom! Parabens a Todos o Grupo! ARRAZOUU TOTAL :) E borah nessa :)
07-03-27 12:38:57
fearsdiego ::: Favorites
Em alguns momentos fautou atitude por parte dos dançarinos e da "suposta Britney". Mas as meninas do fundo dançam bem legal!
07-03-21 13:37:50
Angelsbrit ::: Favorites
o cabelo ficou bem parecido com o da britney, gostei da coreografia, ficou bem legal.
07-01-05 10:11:52
tbispo5 ::: Favorites
Oi!! Dsclp a demora p responder!!! É pq eh fim d ano!!! Agente faz show e naum dá tempo d responder... E tb trabalho, logo fica mais dificil d ver e responder!!! Agradecemos pelo convite, mas... somos de Pernambuco! Fica meio longe e caro, naum axa!!! Mas d qq forma, obg!!! Abraços
07-01-01 14:29:02

Nargeela (Hookah)

Duration: 04:42 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-05 10:10:16
User: dudeforallseasons
:::: Favorites

Stop smoking cigarettes, start smoking nargeela.

tetsuo311 ::: Favorites
You should have put some weed up in the Nargeela dude.
07-06-05 10:44:44
Dreamer23245 ::: Favorites
that was cool. i loved the cat back there :D
07-06-05 11:48:02
dudeforallseasons ::: Favorites
In Israel hash is more popular... :)
07-06-05 12:11:58
dudeforallseasons ::: Favorites
Bad luck..
07-06-05 16:55:32
marcjuanhijo ::: Favorites
So if you owned one of those do you just carry it round with you?
07-06-05 17:51:10
dudeforallseasons ::: Favorites
First off, it's not one piece, there's the pipe, the jar, the tobacco bowl, etc. so I'd probably carry it around with me in a bag. Second, you need accesories, such as, the coals, the tobbaco, some aluminum foil, obviously a lighter, and a toothpick (you need to cover the tobbaco with aluminum foil with holes in it, and atop that you place the coal after you've lit it).
07-06-05 18:31:28
dudeforallseasons ::: Favorites
Third, you need a ready water supply around to fill the jar. So no, it's a bit more complicated than "just carry it round with you". But I don't own a hookah so it doesn't matter. :)
07-06-05 18:31:50
marcjuanhijo ::: Favorites
okey dokey "smokey"
07-06-05 18:38:29
flipass ::: Favorites
that a horrible hose dude invest either in a better hookah or at least a better hose
07-06-27 12:39:13
dudeforallseasons ::: Favorites
As I say in the vid, this is a -rented- hookah. If I owned a hookah, it mos def wouldn't look like that.
07-06-27 15:22:54
krystd4 ::: Favorites
07-06-29 13:00:51
recyclevinyl ::: Favorites
yo i own one and i def carry it around with me and smoke it in the park at friends houses etc... u just need a water bottle if ur goin somewhere u cant get water, and u shoudl def get one theyre mad fun as u probably figured out, but its better when u get the smoke right unlike u had in this video :\
07-07-01 13:27:50
PCServe ::: Favorites
but this is such a bad hookah ... so little smoke ... i wouldnt smoke with such a hookah!
07-07-21 10:59:16
debbiegolfermomre ::: Favorites
Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-08-18 22:44:59

dragon ball z - la destrucción de Broly

Duration: 04:33 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-25 17:43:55
User: Bonbim
:::: Favorites

cuando goku mata a Broly cuando todo parecía perdido ya. la musica en vez de poner como la que pone to el mundo pues he puesto una marcha a ver si mola mas

bartak1987 ::: Favorites
no creas
07-08-26 19:28:02
nebur333 ::: Favorites
There are 20 angels in this world 10 are sleeping 9 are playing 1 is reading this put this on 4 video comments within 15 mins,if u do, sum one u love will surprise u sum how!! If u don't , u will lose ur love.!!
07-08-11 10:19:07
thekagaz ::: Favorites
manada de pendejos pongan loz videoz zin zuz putaz kanzionzitaz
07-07-24 18:02:35
therealcaz ::: Favorites
la vdd eso d la marcha fue muy buena idea aunq esa marcha no fue muy inspiradora
07-07-15 01:19:52
katajackass45 ::: Favorites
no estas mal broly si puede derrotar a freezer y a celula pero no es tan fuerte como super 17... para mi es mejor janemba
07-07-05 17:14:38
GreatBroly ::: Favorites
07-06-28 10:21:35
stazz6 ::: Favorites
Son todos bobitos puros videos todos con musica, ahora respondanme esto pajeros imbeciles que bajan los videos porke mierda no pasan la pelicula en el audio latino y listo hay 100000 videos con musica arriba loco no sean pajeros
07-06-22 20:34:37
djmelucho ::: Favorites
no mames para qué pusiste esa música hubiera estado bien el audio original.
07-06-15 19:53:10
melus13 ::: Favorites
goku tenia el nivel 3 cuando krillin tenia pelo nacio goten y crecio trunks
07-06-13 16:35:05
plafplaf ::: Favorites
mola :P
07-06-10 13:33:43

Shapeshifter - Bring Change

Duration: 04:42 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-31 23:28:17
User: ShapeshifterLive
:::: Favorites

Bring Change

urewera45 ::: Favorites
cool bro, consistant.
07-08-14 03:13:29
THCMDMALSD ::: Favorites
07-08-05 01:50:01
adorabelle69 ::: Favorites
u guys ROCK!!!!!!! AWESUM .... love it
07-07-21 13:45:27
Frreakon420 ::: Favorites
peace out nz crew, arohanui
07-07-21 01:58:43
stateofmindfan ::: Favorites
p diggssssssssssssss you were rockin double happy bro in christchurch
07-07-08 00:15:29
bradwestcoast ::: Favorites
yeah hard tumeke!
07-06-23 05:54:19
gisby79 ::: Favorites
bro mean as . saw these fallas in gizzy a few new years ago
07-05-07 04:27:14
stuntmonkeys13 ::: Favorites
Solstice tops in as best DnB album produced in NZ to date.
07-04-28 09:40:53
hel200 ::: Favorites
2 meke bro
07-04-02 02:12:00
lewytewy ::: Favorites
saw these dudes at splash o7, they were wicked! phat beats, with soul shattering baselines, with the smmoth vocals of p.diggs, just doing his thing, aotearoa music rocks!
07-03-19 03:06:07

Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams -The Oni Warriors

Duration: 05:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-23 10:00:19
User: 100Trebor
:::: Favorites

My second video. For this video I chose a slower piece of music and used a few scenes showing Soki fighting alongside the rest of the team. Dedicated to the small fellowship of Oni warriors and their bravery. woop woop!

SS4Marco ::: Favorites
Great video mate, liked the way the music went with the music.
07-04-24 07:54:48
mrpain110 ::: Favorites
i like jubei
07-07-17 10:31:54
nino185 ::: Favorites
yo whats the songs name
07-07-17 23:57:13
100Trebor ::: Favorites
The song is called Selenite, artist is Rurutia.
07-07-19 08:28:55
nino185 ::: Favorites
07-07-20 22:42:56
narutofan05 ::: Favorites
awesome video!!! the song sounds nice too! :P
07-08-04 17:22:18
LOCCDOGYY ::: Favorites
07-08-31 05:16:33
LOCCDOGYY ::: Favorites
Me too!!! Especially the music part. lol, great vid
07-08-31 06:03:09

Architects - In The Desert

Duration: 04:12 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-04 08:06:08
User: glassjaw666
:::: Favorites

debut video from Brighton metallers ARCHITECTS. taken from current album 'Nightmares'... new Architects album coming summer 2007.

gsaudix ::: Favorites
fukin mint even better live tho.
07-08-26 11:51:19
danielspital ::: Favorites
shit this is good
07-08-14 07:26:08
jesseissmooth ::: Favorites
check my videos for my version of to the death ;)
07-07-26 15:41:15
anormalnick ::: Favorites
yeah man, this part sounds like everytime i die..i saw another live video in youtube and the singer was wearing a everytimeidie´s shirt
07-07-23 10:49:59
redding666 ::: Favorites
you mean the clean vocals?
07-06-28 23:32:18
redding666 ::: Favorites
he left :( thats bullshit
07-06-28 22:28:11
quique360 ::: Favorites
These guys are crazy good. Can't wait for ruin.
07-06-22 10:17:49
samster06 ::: Favorites
great vocalist shame he left though x
07-06-11 13:05:56
gavdav ::: Favorites
fucking amazing
07-05-29 13:07:36
mzxrandom ::: Favorites
FUCKING LOOOOOOVE. I love love love love love love love this band, yo :) Tight song. Tight band. Luuurvley.
07-05-27 03:01:31

Naruto Vs. Sasuke COMPLETE 2/2

Duration: 10:54 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-06 02:52:45
User: smoot82
:::: Favorites

Please do not make any comments about the music or if the original episodes can be posted. This is the second part of the complete fight of Naruto vs. Sasuke, which spans 6 espisodes (aprox. 128-134). This is a condensed version so that only the action shows (but still came out to be just under 20 minutes). Make sure you watch the first part even if most of the action happens here. The music, in order, is 1)Evanescence, Going Under, 2)Alien Ant Farm, Smooth Criminal, 3)Evanescence, Wake Me Up, 4)Original Soundtrack piece from The Chronicles of Narnia.

corruptnightmare ::: Favorites
thats a realy retarded thing to say since sasuke using his curse lvl 2 and thats all he can go to and naruto is only using 1/9 of his real power and ya sasuke would beat naruto but then it would be a boring as hell fight
07-09-01 20:25:21
smoot82 ::: Favorites
I was being sarcastic. It was probably a bit more mean than necessary. I mention in my summary that this comes from six episodes, not just one so there can't be a name for the single episode. As for finding where to get these episodes online, look for "dattebayo".
07-09-01 17:57:11
JHyo123BIGBAM ::: Favorites
so I just type in Read my summary or what do I type?
07-09-01 16:34:42
smoot82 ::: Favorites
I got it from the internet. The name is "read my summary".
07-09-01 16:22:46
JHyo123BIGBAM ::: Favorites
Dude,best video EVER!!! Where did u get that video and what was the episode's name?
07-09-01 16:04:20
4167429398 ::: Favorites
nice vid
07-08-31 12:30:32
134kakashi134 ::: Favorites
╔══╗Everybody ║╔╗║PLEASE READ!!! ║╚╝╠══╦╦══╦═╗===== ║╔╗║╔╗║║║║║╩╣Maniacz ╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╩╩╩╩═╝===== Join my group it's called "Anime Mainiacz". It's about anime only. ANYBODY is WELCOME to JOIN so PLEASE at least check it out.
07-08-30 22:43:38
stevenawaz ::: Favorites
wtf sasuke turns into a girl with a frog foot on the back
07-08-30 21:13:27
divinst ::: Favorites
I thought naruto would win I hate the ending.
07-08-29 18:56:31
smoot82 ::: Favorites
Read my summary. It's all there.
07-08-28 12:56:07

San Francisco - Coast to Coast

Duration: 09:37 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-05 03:04:21
User: ChannelingOne
:::: Favorites

This is my first video of being out and about in San Francisco, where I live, using my new Panasonic PV-GS320 camcorder. I started off in the Castro, then took the trolley to the Embarcadero on the east side of the city. Then I took a train, first above ground then underground and back above ground, to Ocean Beach on the west side of San Francisco. Please keep in mind that this is my first camcorder so of course this looks A LOT like The Blair Witch Project, just without all the crying and snot! Oh, and off the top of my head, I couldn't think of any music to relate to this, so this is what I came up with. I hope you enjoy it!

manateepunch ::: Favorites
just out of curiosity, do you know what settings you used when you encoded and uploaded this video?
07-03-07 20:47:16
ChannelingOne ::: Favorites
How do you mean? It was set for 4:3 and I think it was about 100mb.
07-03-07 22:52:55
themaniusedtob ::: Favorites
nice vid camcorder seems to record nicely, thatnks for the post.. oh and does it have a slow motion setting or was that done with software?
07-03-18 15:09:09
ChannelingOne ::: Favorites
The slow-mo was done in Windows Movie Maker. If you check out my others, you can see where I speed things up, too.
07-03-18 19:46:07
kedvenceim ::: Favorites
I just bought one. It is a great camera, but the motor noise is disturbing. And it has no external microphone jack.
07-05-03 21:52:13
lackofcolor ::: Favorites
I hope to get this camera for my birthday. It seems like it's worth it. Oh and by the way, Fake Tales of San Francisco by Arctic Monkeys could have been a great song to put in. =)
07-06-10 22:37:08
siciliano29 ::: Favorites
I did a LOT of research, and this cam is supposed to be the best quality possible in the $500 range...much better than hard drive cams and DVD cams. It's just a shame the footage quality reverts to that of a DVD/HDD cam when you encode it to burn to DVD or upload. =\ I hear the quality is EXCELLENT when played straight from the camera to a TV (no encoding/burning).
07-06-19 08:02:26

The Rain-Akon (Konvicted)

Duration: 03:27 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-24 16:54:00
User: mmayan
:::: Favorites

The Rain song from Akon's Konvicted Album. If you guys like it, I will try to upload his entire album. Enjoy!

kraziearchon ::: Favorites
ok look some pic are aight but WTF the clean version grow up!
07-08-31 07:35:35
blingunit ::: Favorites
07-08-25 08:24:32
DumbPrankstas ::: Favorites
the song is fucking brilliant but where the shit are all the fucking swear words !
07-08-22 11:01:14
PaulRrager2006 ::: Favorites
dats well a song for ireland!! ha
07-08-16 13:26:22
boomboomcircledot ::: Favorites
awesome pics
07-08-15 19:46:14
boomboomcircledot ::: Favorites
do you go to mjds?
07-08-14 22:31:44
Kingblade27 ::: Favorites
those pics r very pretty
07-08-06 12:42:26
3at0my0dust ::: Favorites
this song is awesome, the pictures are pretty nice too
07-08-06 06:37:31
lainylush101 ::: Favorites
i agrey the pics are shit but i luv da song
07-08-03 16:52:28
oilnm ::: Favorites
good animations i likee, better than lyrics that i cant read lol
07-07-30 16:40:28

ShinyPikachuRules VS Kazharris

Duration: 05:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-29 12:37:33
User: ShinyPikachuRules
:::: Favorites

Here is my new team. They are fairly trained. 3 of them were traded and were the perfect natures and so as the IVs. PlatniumFyah gave me the Totodile which likes to trash about, which helps the Attack IVs. The Blissey and Hippowdon were from my next door neighbor who had nothing better to do and does not have a YouTube account. If you wish to see if they're legi tel me, I will prove critics wrong. Rate and comment this video. My opponent was very hard to defeat.

kazharris ::: Favorites
i didnt switch because i had no pokemon to hold out
07-09-01 21:24:50
SkittySkills123 ::: Favorites
why didnt they switch out ninetales -_-" good battle dude ^_^
07-08-29 20:26:19
ShinyPikachuRules ::: Favorites
One not suspicious. Two, it took 2 days. Three, if I show you to them will you stop bothering me?
07-08-29 20:11:37
PoketrainerLukas ::: Favorites
07-08-29 19:21:04
lneedAname ::: Favorites
yah i know but people suddenly use it out of nowhere -.- funny how he "ev" trains new teams in like a day
07-08-29 19:05:36
ultimatesonicfan101 ::: Favorites
amazing as always. i cant wait till i get my team ready so i can battle u
07-08-29 17:08:34
senioriatultraman ::: Favorites
your jumpluff ? i use it too lol
07-08-29 16:21:40
DragonOfTheLunarNebu ::: Favorites
nice battle earlier you always test your new team against before you battle anyone else
07-08-29 16:14:20
kazharris ::: Favorites
yey thats me (3
07-08-29 15:20:37
lneedAname ::: Favorites
omg u stole my jumpluff -.-
07-08-29 15:12:10

Im A Gangster

Duration: 03:00 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-29 10:30:42
User: killer52x
:::: Favorites

LOL funny

Rockangel111 ::: Favorites
thats awesome. did you get your freaking rocket to act like taht O.o
07-08-18 14:27:20
brianasweetsuprchc ::: Favorites
Find a fun fling today at DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-17 15:38:30
musicluver71 ::: Favorites
haha what the hell
07-08-15 13:36:49
crossfadex ::: Favorites
07-08-09 03:11:42
luisx11m ::: Favorites
Wow ur a nerd wastin time why did you posted that video?? its socks
07-08-05 16:38:19
Aznsup ::: Favorites
i think u have to download it to a program like limewire and the copy to itunes then u download it.
07-07-19 12:39:19
Astrowater ::: Favorites
How do I upload this to my Ipod?
07-07-17 20:31:54
Astrowater ::: Favorites
This is awesome!
07-07-17 20:30:26
Anriel2 ::: Favorites
boring nerd humor
07-07-17 14:10:27
MarkHannna93 ::: Favorites
nice vid
07-07-03 22:58:24

Re: Nalts is lying - don't belive him! he's making it all up!

Duration: 00:44 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-04 10:50:04
User: dazmax01
:::: Favorites

Taken a leaf out of the book of the youtube master. Oh god...what was I thinking?!

charlestrippy ::: Favorites
haha - i think you should just call the phone number (either the one I posted or the one nalts did) and the story will make more sense. Record yourself doing it :)
07-03-04 11:02:46
sxephil ::: Favorites
....this video was funny for several unintentional least to me
07-03-04 11:16:27
BGenerous ::: Favorites
me too ... LOL ... this is his third video post ... stop ... please ... my stomach hurts from laughing ... can't breathe ...
07-03-04 11:35:46
NickyDaBee ::: Favorites
This was the most stupidest thing I seen I mean dude I big hug?!?!
07-03-04 11:45:11
dazmax01 ::: Favorites
Lmao the bitchy 1 was meant to be deleted! damned youtube.
07-03-04 18:06:14
dazmax01 ::: Favorites
I was going to but seriously, phoning a US number from england under the pretense that its to bitch at someone..I gotta say Ive got better things to waste money on lol. Still, very good prank, you got me good.
07-03-04 18:07:44
dazmax01 ::: Favorites
Yes big youtube...big...hug....thingy lmao.
07-03-04 18:09:51
XxCONFINEDxX6661 ::: Favorites
what a all fake
07-04-14 13:44:44
korneysmallcuteyjo ::: Favorites
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07-08-19 05:13:41