Thursday, August 9, 2007

Think before you speak

Duration: 44 seconds
Upload Time: 06-07-26 21:26:49
User: xx2000xx
:::: Favorites

Boogie gets busted.

Motorola Madness: Ed Zander vs. Carl Icahn

Duration: 272 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-04 12:52:15
User: TheStreetTV
:::: Favorites

Will the billionaire Icahn's agitation ultimately pay off for shareholders?'s Scott Moritz and Mark DeCambre weigh in.

Is the Queen taking a ROYAL CRAP?

Duration: 41 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-25 23:59:46
User: renetto
:::: Favorites
Description: Let me know your thoughts...

goneblogging87 ::: Favorites
idc about this at all
07-03-19 17:33:00
torpedofish ::: Favorites
This vid is ROYAL CRAP
07-03-21 08:24:31
sdsinukaol ::: Favorites
07-03-23 14:12:03
chrispollock ::: Favorites
ignorance is bliss. stop telling us
07-03-24 00:29:29
MonologuePrince444 ::: Favorites
what the hell are you talking about? leave me alone. :(
07-03-24 11:57:27
BlackSabbath90 ::: Favorites
I want to go to England sometime, been to Germany and many other places in Europe.
07-03-27 19:52:11
runetto ::: Favorites
Talk Show - nothing is innappropriate - our first Broadcast! See what we have got to say about it today!
07-03-29 18:58:21
JeremyGafford ::: Favorites
sorry, but your tax dollars do not pay for the royal family, at the beging of each reign it is up to the soverign to surrender the crown estates to parliment in exchange for the civil list, which is much less the the revenues of the crown. So ineffect the queen is substidusing the government, as for the royal crap, she wasn't at the palace, the union jack not the royal standerd were flying.
07-04-13 13:43:52
mrbeanfanclub ::: Favorites
07-04-20 14:56:47
metalica46 ::: Favorites
07-05-05 14:01:55

Best of Will Kirby #9

Duration: 132 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-07 12:30:42
User: xx2000xx
:::: Favorites

Best of Will Kirby #9

yugiohlover101 ::: Favorites
06-08-12 14:28:59
dallasc85 ::: Favorites
06-08-20 22:55:09
lolosis59 ::: Favorites
OMG, I LOVE how Howie got under the evil doctor's skin! Howie used to laugh about it in the HOH room and Janelle and Kaysar and James were so impressed with his ability to unnerve Will, especially in the first few weeks.
07-05-26 18:09:35
jessielee10210 ::: Favorites
lol "eventually howies braincells started argueing and just shut down,"
07-07-19 22:32:42
luis6555 ::: Favorites
Howie got burrrrned
07-07-20 23:36:56

Jim Cramer Says MasterCard's Growth Mimics Apple's

Duration: 179 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-06 14:47:33
User: TheStreetTV
:::: Favorites

Cramer says MasterCard's growth strategy parallels Apple's.

Renetto ROCKS with Bon Jovi

Duration: 198 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-16 02:27:41
User: renetto
:::: Favorites
Description: How to be a ROCK STAR...

Beatleologist ::: Favorites
I used to like Bon Jovi. No longer.
07-04-28 19:52:58
ih8georgebushx ::: Favorites
go fucking kill yourself along with seiakujin
07-05-14 20:24:19
erobichaux ::: Favorites
hell yeh biotch!! i love 80's rock. especialy the metal. METALLICA!!
07-05-16 12:43:29
garekip14 ::: Favorites
fuck you bitch, go blow your dad.
07-05-18 13:01:33
ezrakudo ::: Favorites
are you bipolar? you just strike me as someone who may have that? this is not a hater message! great video! ~ ezra
07-05-30 11:38:28
manxwardies ::: Favorites
You Rock! with kick ass moves
07-06-04 17:41:00
degrassifreakenlover ::: Favorites
07-06-19 18:30:49
JohnCalhoon ::: Favorites
i like your glasses.
07-07-06 01:44:07
littlegodess1 ::: Favorites
keep your day job
07-08-06 01:24:00
littlegodess1 ::: Favorites
psych ward called there missing there nut job
07-08-06 01:29:50

Buenafuente - Victor Valdés nos ayuda con la quiniela

Duration: 289 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-16 11:35:54
User: antena3
:::: Favorites
Description: El portero del Barcelona, Victor Valdés no duda en fundirse en un abrazo con Corbacho que lleva una camiseta del Madrid y luego ayudarle con la quiniela

Clementine300 ::: Favorites
Dios, mucho mucho x)______________
07-06-29 21:16:03
Ayssel07 ::: Favorites
07-06-30 05:51:23
lighted92 ::: Favorites
lo unico bueno k tiene eva hache es su cara de chiste hahahahahaha
07-06-30 09:44:35
rociobc13 ::: Favorites
Ayyy me lo comia me encanta valdes!!
07-07-14 08:35:45
dani0390 ::: Favorites
valdes no vales para nada que malo dios..
07-07-22 15:49:30
ecdlyo ::: Favorites
valdes... creo q me enamore xD
07-07-23 10:58:07
aMduplas ::: Favorites
te doi la racon todos somos tamudo XDXDXD
07-07-24 06:30:56
soniafcb ::: Favorites
Que guapo esta siempre peroe s que ahi saliedo perfecto!!! tkkkkk siempre blaugrana:P
07-07-24 16:41:50
pelayinxixon ::: Favorites
tu si ke eres malo
07-08-04 08:27:07
PaTRiSTyLe ::: Favorites
07-08-06 10:38:11

Shot-Ski - Roger Clyne - Circus Mexicus

Duration: 26 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-28 18:44:32
User: brandonvanzee
:::: Favorites

A little fun with shots on a ski. Only in Mexico!

Buenafuente - Este tio se parece a Pau

Duration: 311 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-12 08:09:46
User: antena3
:::: Favorites
Description: Hemos encontrado al hermano gemelo de Pau Gasol y nos lo hemos traido al programa

darka23 ::: Favorites
( KristinaFueraFacha3 ) Que dices tu !! Los Hombres de paco que !! ¬¬
07-04-03 02:50:29
tirateunpedo ::: Favorites
si sk os tenemos hasta en la sopa...
07-04-03 16:12:19
necrominai ::: Favorites
soys un catalanes d mierda tirardo a españa por la borda jilis
07-04-21 07:15:51
skile1988 ::: Favorites
callate anormal
07-04-30 19:23:24
periuk10 ::: Favorites
Joder... que cosas os decis tio...
07-05-01 20:35:43
libertynet07 ::: Favorites
pau gasol catalan y español a joderse hijos de putaa
07-05-09 16:44:44
enxeneta ::: Favorites
Me das vergüenza.
07-05-23 14:55:47
stemanacor91 ::: Favorites
jaja, què als espanyols el rollo països catalans no els va? Què hi farem?
07-06-20 11:04:16
odioalosgays ::: Favorites
putos catalanes
07-06-20 20:02:54
fribolite ::: Favorites
tanto k presumes de ser español aprende a escribirlo tio jaja
07-07-07 14:25:53

How a Popular Frequent Flier Program Took Flight

Duration: 316 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-27 12:00:36
User: TheStreetTV
:::: Favorites

Citigroup and American Airlines executives details the past two decades of the Citi AAdvantage frequent flier card.

Cambio Radical-Soraya deprimida por sus pies

Duration: 59 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-20 07:05:53
User: antena3
:::: Favorites
Description: Soraya, a sus 23 años,se siente profundamente deprimida por la horrible apariencia de sus pies.

SHaRK82 ::: Favorites
deberias operarte el cerebro...
07-04-09 09:40:21
maralara ::: Favorites
Pues sí, la verdad es que lo que le hace falta a esta es psicología, no cirugía. Que gilipollez lo de los pies. Es como quejarse por tener un pancreas feo. Patético programa.
07-04-09 12:44:00
kapulla ::: Favorites
bahhhh gilipolleces, en ves de hacer un programa para kambiar físikamente lo tendrían k acer pa kambiar psikologikamente maxo, vaya país de borregos!
07-04-13 12:27:19
dracos38 ::: Favorites
07-05-07 20:42:42
tapion1987 ::: Favorites
Deprimida por sus pies o por que tiene toda la cara de un pie?el que puso el video se equivoco con el titulo de éste.
07-05-10 19:35:27
elenusqui ::: Favorites
que escusa mas pobre para operarse la tetas!
07-05-12 13:40:58
Caramelito2006 ::: Favorites
Joer lo de los pies no es normal... necesita un psicologo!!! que la entiendo, que tiene un complejo, vale pero no es un complejo que deba someter a una operacion.
07-05-12 18:29:38
FresitaFr ::: Favorites
Esto es todo tunning!!!!!!!! xDDD
07-05-18 18:01:05
Sirion1988 ::: Favorites
chupame un pie
07-05-20 07:22:50
vejete ::: Favorites
enseñando mis pies enseñando mis pechos!!! PLOP!
07-07-04 00:25:40

Midway Games CEO: Mordor Madness

Duration: 266 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-25 10:39:59
User: TheStreetTV
:::: Favorites

David Zucker explains the strategy and opportunity for the new multiplayer online game version of 'Lord of the Rings'.

Beyonce Falls Down In Concert!!!

Duration: 312 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-01 17:43:54
:::: Favorites

MUSIC EDITION! Beyonce! Kelly! Jessica! Lance!

SaineRaine ::: Favorites
I'm Straight. Feel better?
07-08-08 23:48:50
EmoGirlDx ::: Favorites
haha, doode dint she request for people not to post this on youtube ? [x
07-08-08 23:52:59
GISweetPea ::: Favorites
I JUST subscribed and I've been watching your clips and I LOVE them. WHAT THE BUCK!!!!! I love you.
07-08-08 23:56:19
omerta25 ::: Favorites
I want a parade damn it!!!
07-08-09 00:27:18
Sei1863 ::: Favorites
a heap of weave and sequins... LOVE YOU!!
07-08-09 01:05:36
blueangel88 ::: Favorites
lol... omg... I'm an awful person I love beyonce... but this really made me laugh...
07-08-09 01:10:54
Jayy630 ::: Favorites
my cousin was at the concert and she wasn't lip syncing. I dont see you doing big things like beyonce. Everyone trips,falls ect. It has to happen at least once in your life, and it happend to beyonce, at a concert, in front of millions of people.
07-08-09 01:12:05
laciebaby ::: Favorites
"i saw a kid fall down the stairs once and i laughed. so basically i'm a horrible person." HAHAHAHAH. man, that part was hilarious.
07-08-09 01:19:43
eekovar ::: Favorites
i love you, this is prob. the best video blog i've seen. aaaahmazing!
07-08-09 01:37:53
greendaychick26 ::: Favorites
OMFG, THIS GUY SHOULD LIVE FOREVER!!!! GO WAT THE BUCK!!!!YAY!!!!!! if u dnt lik him, then fuck you, and if u dnt like him, DONT WATCH DUMASS!!!!! thx ^_^ ~katina~
07-08-09 01:40:11

Lots Of Time To Bash Democrats, Little Time To Defend Them

Duration: 252 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-26 01:01:49
User: newshoundsblog
:::: Favorites

In this 5/25/07 discussion on FOX News' Hannity & Colmes, Sean Hannity plus two conservatives, Oliver North and Newt Gingrich, get almost a minute and a half to bash Democrats over the Iraq war funding bill while Alan Colmes, without any liberal guests, got less than one minute to defend them. Comment at

Are you all being duped by a "Corporate Marketing Scam"?

Duration: 892 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-23 16:36:55
User: renetto
:::: Favorites
Description: Thanks for watching... paul P.S. I have no proof that any other YouTubers were paid to make videos for YouTube... that was just my openion... nothing more... nothing less... "Renetto from YouTube"

Parosh ::: Favorites
07-06-18 11:26:21
seabbott ::: Favorites
so now your advertising "live video"? you are so impressed with yourself... give me a break, Robinett... you have no talent, you are not interesting.. you should really should get over yourself... "we" and I am so not impressed.. this is just another commercial for "live video"? ... you are so full of crap..
07-06-19 14:35:55
UserOfCommonSense ::: Favorites
with all due respect, he did say himself that he had no talent and that hes just a regular guy. Give him a break.
07-06-21 02:16:38
gnash68 ::: Favorites
Good for you, renetto. This is an important discussion. You have been honest about how UGC video is changing. Revenue sharing is out there. We all need to consider the ethics of that.
07-06-21 03:53:49
vanmonster ::: Favorites
good video
07-06-25 04:06:31
Melbourneleader ::: Favorites
i used to be on livevideo and it sucks
07-06-25 09:47:55
DealyRizazamatizazz ::: Favorites
I find you talented, hell, I even get a laugh watching these rants, these are the longest vids I have watched.
07-07-19 22:24:35
WICKEDmount ::: Favorites
Wow, You are so talented
07-07-27 12:27:39
johnrc329 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for sex related stuff. I like the website _CAMZHOME.COM_
07-08-02 18:17:25
rtsman3 ::: Favorites
fuck u @ss
07-08-04 23:41:41

Arrow Electronics CEO: Tech Demand Remains Strong

Duration: 280 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-25 10:22:29
User: TheStreetTV
:::: Favorites

Bill Mitchell discusses his company's earnings report and the tech sector's strength.

Shout out x2

Duration: 83 seconds
Upload Time: 06-07-12 05:54:20
User: xx2000xx
:::: Favorites

More shout outs from bb7

booboo900 ::: Favorites
howie didn't mean rachel from last year when he said ray ray did he?
06-09-17 16:04:27

FOX Continues to Identify Lieberman as a Democrat

Duration: 62 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-11 23:06:44
User: newshoundsblog
:::: Favorites
Description: FOX news just can't seem to get it straight. Joe Lieberman is an INDEPENDENT, not a Democrat. During Your World with Neil Cavuto, he was misidentified as a Democrat and then later during Special Report, James Rosen verbally referred to Lieberman as a "prominent Democrat." Comment at

Autopromoción-Sin Rastro

Duration: 32 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-03 11:13:40
User: antena3
:::: Favorites
Description: En esta temporada, entre otros casos, el equipo de "SIN RASTRO" investigará la desaparición de una gran promesa del baloncesto, seguirá la pista de un hombre que sufrió las consecuencias del huracán Katrina o tratará de dar con el paradero de una joven que se sometió a un exorcismo. En otro de los casos, Elena se hará pasar por bailarina de un local de strip tease para localizar a una joven madre desaparecida. La quinta etapa de "SIN RASTRO" también seguirá de cerca las tramas personales de sus protagonistas. Jack buscará un apartamento con Anne para irse a vivir con ella y con el bebé que esperan. Uno de los casos de la temporada hará que Vivian recuerde su pasado problemas de salud y Danny rememorará su difícil infancia a raíz de otra desaparición.

julioo92 ::: Favorites
sin rastro esta bien pero nop me convence aunke si lo veo!!pero nop ablemos de plagiar xq mira "aqui no hay quien viva" como lo an plagiado los de tele 5 con "la que se avecina" ke asta son los mismos actores y las mismas escenas!!eso si ke es un plagio!!
07-07-09 05:12:36
julioo92 ::: Favorites
xfavor pero si eso ya salio en antena 3!!eso si ke es un plagio!!las teles de hoy en dia seran LCDs y tendran mas pulgadas pero la programacion es una mierda!!kitando los hombres de paco,los serrano,el internado,circulo rojo, los simpson y shin chan es toda una mierda!!esto se lo dedico a "dunkerproductions" jaja!
07-07-09 05:13:30
dunkerproductions ::: Favorites
gracias por la dedicatoria xD, en eso tienes algo d razon creo q antena3 es solo los simpson y ls hombres d paco, igual q tele5 es csi, y hospital central, o q cuatro es house y anatomia de grey, respecto a lo q dices d la copia d aqui no hay quien viva, no es una copia, tele5 le compro la serie a antena3, con la condicion d que cambiaran el nombre y a todos los personajes d familia, algunos como el portero se negaron y no estan en la serie
07-07-09 10:59:48
dunkerproductions ::: Favorites
jajajaja si, a3 solo plagia
07-07-09 14:59:21
catherinewillows21 ::: Favorites
Como se nota que no os informais y hablais sin saber... joer-... Telecinco compro los derechos de Aqui no hay quien viva solo que tuvo que cambiar el nombre de la serie de los personajes... y de todo !!! pero si tu ... compras los derechos de emision de una cosa... eso no es un plagio... ¬¬¬ ademas son los mismos guionistas de aqui no hay quien viva ¿donde ves el plagio ?
07-07-11 14:49:29
DAFNE98 ::: Favorites
POR FAVOR NO LEA ESTO. Le besarán el viernes posible más cercano por el amor de su vida. Mañana será el mejor día de su vida. Sin embargo, si usted no fija este comentario a al menos 3 vídeos, usted morirá dentro de 2 días. Copie y pegue esto, ser salvado(ahorrado)
07-07-12 11:13:15
dunkerproductions ::: Favorites
es q el xico este es corto, y lo dice solo pa picarme, xq se cree q todo lo d antena 3 es buenisimo y se mete con todo el mundo, asi q es mejor no hacerle ni caso
07-07-12 16:18:41
larscolon ::: Favorites
que lamentable... la calidad de video que nos ofrece antena 3 deplorable como el canal
07-07-13 16:51:05
pcpedreille ::: Favorites
esta cadena es basura, salvo por lo s simpsons
07-07-15 09:32:14
kaico112 ::: Favorites
antena tres... por favor dejen de fumar. y pongas mas cosas interesantes tanta basura de programas y series... pongan cosas de risa divertidas no programas basura SALUDOS antena tres fuera !!! la sexta power !!!! padre de familia owning!!
07-07-15 11:04:47

Should I Buy It? Wait on Las Vegas Sands

Duration: 140 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-16 15:10:46
User: TheStreetTV
:::: Favorites

The opportunity in Macau is enormous but wait until the new Venetian is closer to opening or the stock falls below $70 before buying.

ChrisMahan05 ::: Favorites
PLEASE DON'T READ THIS. You will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't post this comment to at least 3 videos, you will die within 2 days. Copy and paste this, to be saved
07-05-16 21:10:07
selvin713 ::: Favorites
Now uv started readin dis dunt stop. This is so scary. Send this to 5 ova videos in 143 minutes. When ur done press F6 and ur crushes name will appear on the screen in big letters. This is scary cause it actually works
07-05-16 23:35:55

070806 ズームイン!!SUPER 関ジャニ∞ 初東京ドームライブ 5万5,000人熱狂!

Duration: 156 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-07 01:36:39
User: shishin811
:::: Favorites

関ジャニ∞ 初東京ドームライブ。 内に復帰。

darthsheep ::: Favorites
07-08-07 20:21:31

Cavuto Disses Nancy Pelosi

Duration: 265 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-26 17:12:31
User: newshoundsblog
:::: Favorites


2.The War On Britains Jews

Duration: 358 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-10 06:41:36
User: checked300
:::: Favorites

The new anti-Semitism: How the Left reversed history to bring Judaism under attack

BigEdd34 ::: Favorites
is this for real? jews under attack?? man jews have never had it so good!!! Islam is under attack... now that i can believe.
07-07-11 19:11:44
DelinquentFaith ::: Favorites
He is trying to give the impression that the majority of BRITISH are doing this, out to get the Jews.....this is sensationalist.
07-07-12 01:10:29
soheil87 ::: Favorites
fuck muslims fuck jews fuck you all just fucking get algon and leav each other alone
07-07-12 04:23:47
stewart0312 ::: Favorites
Haven't we learnt anything from history. Governments should put more resources to infiltrate organisations that preach hate, arrest the ring leaders and give them electro-shock therapy.
07-07-12 05:41:44
VonHelton ::: Favorites
Britain's refusal to deport all Muslims, and now more recently the "Mega Mosque" in London, shows clearly that Britain is lost. Brits who don't wish to be slaves of the Muslims should seek assylum in the USA while they can! :/
07-07-12 05:55:10
atanas2007 ::: Favorites
We will save Europe from islamisation. We will unite and fight together, all Europeans together agains barabarism. This will happen. We will never see a muslim Europe. Stand up!
07-07-16 15:02:26
vvvv9090 ::: Favorites
How is islam under attack? Britain had accomodated muslims and any racism is taken really seriously, islam is not under attack. (well i didnt think it was until i read some of these comments but on the whole every1 is very accepting of muslims.) But anti-semitism is on the rise and i really feel for the jews as if they havent been through enough.
07-07-20 09:32:52
iplaytime ::: Favorites
Jewish religion is 2000years older than a sorry little pethatic excuse for a religion even was named islam... so shut the fuck up
07-07-23 12:24:47
ALLL135 ::: Favorites
No thanks.
07-07-23 19:01:50
Seiku ::: Favorites
07-07-28 00:19:27

Dubai Bullish on Bullion Trading

Duration: 200 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-29 10:06:08
User: TheStreetTV
:::: Favorites

Ian MacDonald, the new head of precious metals for Dubai's DMCC commodities market, says it is changing bullion trading.

WeShowTeamPaul ::: Favorites
Congratulations! This video has been selected among millions on the internet to be part of the world's best on WeShow -- the Best Videos Everywhere. Check it out on channel NEWS>BUSINESS & ECONOMY on WeShow(dot)com this week to watch this and other great videos about BUSINESS & ECONOMY. WeShow(dot)com Team
07-07-05 13:33:43
erichamm1 ::: Favorites
If you want to learn how to trade commodities go to this site commoditiesview dot com. Everthing is FREE
07-07-26 10:28:03