Friday, February 22, 2008

Das Leben der Anderen - La vie de autres Trailer VOST French

Duration: 02:43 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-26 11:04:18
User: LostGirl78

Das | Leben | der | Anderen | vie 


"Before the Fall of the Berlin Wall, East Germany's Secret Police Listened to Your Secrets." In the early 1980s, the successful dramatist Georg Dreyman and his longtime companion Christa-Maria Sieland, a popular actress, are big intellectual stars in the socialist state, although they secretly don't always think loyal to the party line. One day, the Minister of Culture becomes interested in Christa, so the secret service agent Wiesler is instructed to observe and sound out the couple, but their life fascinates him more and more... Au début des années 1980, en Allemagne de l'Est, l'auteur à succès Georges Dreyman et sa compagne, l'actrice Christa-Maria Sieland, sont considérés comme faisant partie de l'élite des intellectuels de l'Etat communiste, même si, secrètement, ils n'adhèrent aux idées du parti. Le Ministère de la Culture commence à s'intéresser à Christa et dépêche un agent secret, nommé Wiesler, ayant pour mission de l'observer. Tandis qu'il progresse dans l'enquête, le couple d'intellectuels le fascine de plus en plus... Germany 23 mars 2006 France 31 janvier 2007 USA 9 février 2007 Realized by : Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck With : Ulrich Mühe, Sebastian Koch, Martina Gedeck, Ulrich Tukur, Thomas Thieme, Hans-Uwe Bauer, Volkmar Kleinert, Matthias Brenner, Charly Hübner and Herbert Knaup... I don't own this video. Credit to : Buena Vista International


apenaswilson  2008-02-01 16:57:45

A real masterpiece, Florian. Bravo!


Duration: 01:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-14 03:50:26
User: goyoelpollo

ejercicio | escuela | cine | cuaad | Guadalajara 


Una mujer camina por las calles de mexico cautviada por su belleza, poco a poco descubre que los mexicanos son albureros y pasados de lanza con las mujeres lindas que pasean por las calles, lo cual la lleva a una paranoia que tendrá consecuencias desastrosas. Fiesta de Pollos® es la nueva casa Productora mexicana que nace apartir de la unión de dos casas produtoras: Kirk Company® y Goyo Films®, ambas cuentan con el prestigio de tener en su equipo a gente que estudio en escuelas de cine como El Instituto Ruso Mexicano Sergei Einsestein, La Universidad de Guadalajara, el CUEC y el CCC. Nuestra especialidad es principalmente el cine (nuestro primer largometraje "Calles Amarillas"® se exhibió en el Festival Internacional de Cine Contemporáneo de la Ciudad de México" (FICCO 4°), hemos grabado videos para grupos como Dead Girl´s Requiem, Flip 360, The Cosmetics etc. También tenemos experiencia con eventos de baile, teatro o de más eventos culturales en la Ciudad de México y en Guadalajara, Jalisco. También nos dedicamos a asistir a rodajes de cortometrajes o largometrajes en las ramas de pre-producción, dirección, edición, producción, post producción, animación, efectos visuales y fotografía.


goyoelpollo  2008-01-30 22:36:28

goyoelpollo  2008-01-30 22:36:19

si, es una gran escuela. Lo recomiendo mucho. Gracias por lo de la foto.
azzcjs  2008-01-24 20:14:52

jaja wey te kedo chingon...felizidades..
obrigado1  2007-11-18 17:48:07

whoaa, esta super fregona la foto.. me ha gustado mucho! tengo ganas de estar en el cuaad!! esta chido??

Konzert in Stuttgart von Tokio Hotel

Duration: 01:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-19 16:24:58
User: jessiangel4ever

Konzert | Tokio | Hotel | Stuttgart | Gustav 


Konzert in Stuttgart am 23.04.07 von Tokio Hotel in der Hanns-Martin Schleyer-Halle...Gustavs Abschied und seine Loala Welle....sonst sag ich dazu nur noch "GUSTAV GUSTAV GUSTAV" und Wasserschlacht ^^




Duration: 03:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-02 00:33:23
User: juras14b
Description: WWWремя, интернет-новости (из программы «Большая разница»)


Nuke159  2008-02-19 05:32:01

йа креведко меня убило)
SevanaS  2008-02-05 14:52:15

Весело :))
VelKom19  2008-02-03 18:44:57

йа креведко форева
andreylarin  2008-02-02 13:30:54

ОЛЕДЕЧ! В мемориз.
qwerty090661  2008-02-01 14:54:28

убого смотрится, когда люди пожилого возраста через силу выдавливают из себя эти фразочки типа ПРЕВЕД МЕДВЕД и т. п.Но за книжки респект!!!!!

three shoutouts i never gave

Duration: 04:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-17 14:11:10
User: TheNewTommyV

Tommy | Tommyv |


i hade to include these plus this one video was just awsome and i had to fav. it


TheNewTommyV  2008-02-20 08:29:26

lol so true lol love you too
Aryana70  2008-02-20 07:18:30

LOL, now you can say your a mans man *wink wink*, but your just a bitch and i love you to pieces ;-p
TheNewTommyV  2008-02-17 18:27:47

ok now im confusefied????
cyberessa  2008-02-17 18:20:36

Hey manly man...YouTube doesn't always work right and doesn't post comments for some reason. YouTube has glitches and bytches!
wickedkerrylover  2008-02-17 14:19:01

w0ooooooooooooooooow meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The Island - Wii Game Concept

Duration: 01:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-22 18:00:35
User: NathanMandjes

island | nintendo | wii | new | game 


This is a Nintendo Wii game concept. I'd like to see a game like this on the Wii console. I hope you guys support this concept.. please post your comment on this game. Bye!


benitofinito  2007-10-10 16:49:28

not bad. think I'm going too put some concepts on youtube
NathanMandjes  2007-03-29 10:28:55

Well, you probably searched for my video, so who's the real n00b then? This video is produced for freeware only and I'm too lazy and busy to send the 'script' (like there is one') and the idea to several game producers. YouTube comes in handy..
tehcommenderer  2007-03-23 14:34:31

I highly doubt that one of the execs or any of the people who work with Nintendo, have or anytime in the future, are gonna watch your video. The best thing you can have is advice on getting your video watched by these people, by sending a portfolio of your game and the conceptual script of how the game would play out. If Nintendo won't listen, then you can always research third party game publishing companys. They are always looking for a good game to produce and market. I train n00bs

Zalan eszik

Duration: 02:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-23 05:15:09
User: Tomika73

Zalan | eszik 


Zalan eszik



Defending Triple H

Duration: 08:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-20 18:27:40



Just my thoughts on Triple H and the people who hate him. No video becuse i don't have a cam


MATTSTNA  2008-02-20 20:05:35

ok ok we get it i sound like a retard
timswrestling  2008-02-20 20:02:42

you are a retard
timswrestling  2008-02-20 20:02:17

timswrestling  2008-02-20 20:01:57

dude you sound like a retard

My Friends Blue Tongue Skink

Duration: 00:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-08 18:45:20
User: Sloopies

BTS | iran | jaya | blue | tongue 


wish it was isnt.


Sloopies  2008-02-19 22:17:45

just got one of my own
kr3wsk8r13  2008-02-13 17:33:45

hah yeah hens the name
Squamatakid  2008-02-12 22:32:52

NO WAY A BLUE TOUNGE SKINK WITH A BLUE TOUNGE?!?!.....just kidding...its nice looking.
reptilyenmaster  2008-01-10 01:13:49

Lol. I have a BTS too but it is a northern. That Irain Jaya looks like Mango Dude777 BTS.

Our Instrucor Showing Off.....)

Duration: 00:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-23 12:46:42
User: Manugarekar

Adventure |


Flying Bird Descent
