Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Me singing Flower in the Rain

Duration: 04:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-05 18:48:59
User: sweetangelvoice7
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Pretty much what the title says... this is the first Jaci song I loved. :) Mona


SingingNow ::: Favorites
BEAUTIFUL MONA!!! I always love to hear you sing!!! You have so much emotion :) Luv it!!
07-04-09 23:50:58
isabelgridley ::: Favorites
lol you know whats funny.. When i was doing my video last night, I kept saying "what AM i to do" too! Lol AHHH its so easy to sing it that way .. it just comes out that way.. lol so i kept having to redo it.. lol Anyways Happy easter Mona! Love you guys!
07-04-08 16:46:22
sweetangelvoice7 ::: Favorites
what have and what am..is the same think marie... just so you know..its the same meaning so it doesn't really matter... dork..
07-04-22 21:52:33
isabelgridley ::: Favorites
lol yeah i guess... but im weird about getting the words exactly right, even if no one notices i notice.. and im like grr i could do better! I guess we are all our own worst critics! :( oh well.. yeah ima dork. lol Im adorkable.. *he he*
07-04-23 01:37:16
aprilcl87 ::: Favorites
Heeey, I love this song, I sang it myself.. and I have put it on You Tube as well... but I think you have sang this song very good..!!
07-03-13 08:28:52
moreno2323 ::: Favorites
lol she did say it wrong but it sounds nice
07-02-27 09:11:14
isabelgridley ::: Favorites
I believe the words are "what HAVE I to do to die and then be raised" I could be wrong... but anyways... other than that this one is great i remeber when we did this one.. aww i really do miss singing together!!
07-02-08 18:04:53
sweetangelvoice7 ::: Favorites
hmm... I was reading the words on something so it must have been the wrong lyrics..lol
07-02-09 01:05:21

Salah Edin - Vrouwtje Is Een Bitch

Duration: 04:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-21 17:04:09
User: TopNotchNL
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Salah Edin's debuutalbum Nederlands Grootste Nachtmerrie inclusief Bonus DVD ligt NU in de winkel. http://www.top-notch.nl http://www.salahedin.nl


chekypimp1 ::: Favorites
check ff Cheky pimp haters aan me ass, ook Doe Nou Niet So Hip Motherfucker en Zo Ben Ik op youtube laat ff weten wat je ervan vindt.
07-10-08 14:01:17
TheEnverShow ::: Favorites
Salah Edin - Paradijs is nu <<< NEW video ;) Salah Edin - Paradijs is nu <<< NEW video ;) Salah Edin - Paradijs is nu <<< NEW video ;)
07-10-08 10:39:56
faezluveveer ::: Favorites
fuck elke kk hoerenking die salah edin haat fuck jullie kk joden
07-10-08 06:48:55
TheEnverShow ::: Favorites
Salah Edin - Paradijs is nu <<< NEW video ;) Salah Edin - Paradijs is nu <<< NEW video ;) Salah Edin - Paradijs is nu <<< NEW video ;)
07-10-06 16:06:41
velox91 ::: Favorites
hou je bek je bent een schande voor de joegoslaven vieze vuile lomleier
07-10-06 13:49:45
TheEnverShow ::: Favorites
Salah Edin - Paradijs is nu <<< NEW video ;) Salah Edin - Paradijs is nu <<< NEW video ;) Salah Edin - Paradijs is nu <<< NEW video ;)
07-10-06 11:46:01
weerto ::: Favorites
geert wilders dnkt dat die pim fortuin is wat een mongool
07-10-05 23:39:49
mcerak ::: Favorites
Srbijaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :-)#1 maar respect voor salah je muziek klaart man support from west-kruiskade rdam
07-10-05 10:51:03
TheEnverShow ::: Favorites
Salah Edin - Paradijs is nu <<< NEW video ;) Salah Edin - Paradijs is nu <<< NEW video ;) Salah Edin - Paradijs is nu <<< NEW video ;) Salah Edin - Paradijs is nu <<< NEW video ;) Salah Edin - Paradijs is nu <<< NEW video ;)
07-10-04 13:56:36
freakyprny ::: Favorites
nepperd -100
07-10-04 11:14:14

dj yahel - inta omri

Duration: 06:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-13 17:19:46
User: dvdpower4ever
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the new song of yahel


ulaskorpe ::: Favorites
bi sik olmaz bunda
07-10-06 10:21:06
tamereconnard ::: Favorites
is it Yahel of california sunshine ? I like this mix wooaaaaa
07-09-22 15:51:46
sircrs ::: Favorites
old song by em kaltom
07-09-15 07:25:07
legolas149 ::: Favorites
its really special song.
07-09-14 16:42:24
crazyduran ::: Favorites
bu ne aq senmı soluyon gavat:D
07-09-14 12:01:32
volkankaragoz ::: Favorites
ya kardes bu parcayı uploadlada bıyere bı lınk wer bıze yaa indiremıoz parcayı yok hıcbıyerde bı zahmet :D
07-09-07 18:45:36
volkankaragoz ::: Favorites
fecenaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :d super parca yaaa
07-09-07 18:22:10
djpi0 ::: Favorites
make a loop between the output of your soundcard to the blue line-in and record to .wav file for best quality. reduce quality to .mp3 by using a converter
07-09-07 06:13:07
rsvswow ::: Favorites
lime wire... e-mule... kazza..
07-09-02 14:30:55
Intantl ::: Favorites
eMule eMule eMule eMule ^^
07-09-01 16:05:36

My Chemical Romance: The Black Tirade

Duration: 02:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-08 12:52:34
User: MadtvOnFox
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A parody of the hit song and music video, The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance. Featuring MADtv's Michael McDonald as Michael Richards.


rh117 ::: Favorites
07-10-09 01:18:05
chocolatev569 ::: Favorites
The video is hot.. you can get the full version at _TIME4CAMZ.COM_ -chocolatev569
07-10-08 21:49:44
lilgothling ::: Favorites
i have to agree with xxbadgirlxx this is SO wrong especially for ME!
07-10-08 18:06:20
hamimatthew ::: Favorites
Waaaaaaaaaaaay back when Craimer was Stanilly in '89, he was in a movie with "Weird Al" Yankovic called UHF
07-10-08 17:14:01
xxbadgirlzxx ::: Favorites
dont make funny of my chem.... this isn't right...stop making a big deal out of it your opinoin will not make MadTV stop making fun of ppl if u dont like it!lol it is called comedy look it up will ya waytotheend
07-10-08 02:23:06
Taich0 ::: Favorites
Lol, funny stuff XD
07-10-07 16:15:11
lynnierotten ::: Favorites
i always thought kramer was scary
07-10-07 13:22:53
CrazyGaelFan ::: Favorites
07-10-07 09:10:50
numanuma321654987 ::: Favorites
the guy who plays gerard is so fat.
07-10-06 21:33:03
monamonaj870 ::: Favorites
Not bad. Theres a ton of cute girls at TIME4CAMZ DOT COM -monamonaj870
07-10-06 12:55:01

Going to SouthTube?

Duration: 01:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-14 22:50:02
User: johnofjordan
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Going to SouthTube? Your mission, should you choose to accept it... Little Panda Express http://www.youtube.com/user/littlepandaexpress


trillian57 ::: Favorites
LOL I often wonder with all these people talking to cameras now, what people are thinking about them. It'll probably become second nature to everyone.
07-08-23 00:34:29
johnofjordan ::: Favorites
Yes tripods tend to do that, I suppose. LOL
07-08-19 04:07:43
johnofjordan ::: Favorites
Well as long as you had fun at Chicago.
07-08-19 04:07:25
johnofjordan ::: Favorites
To be honest all my information on that seemed to go from second hand sources... but apparently something took place in Brisbane.
07-08-19 04:07:11
RoboFillet ::: Favorites
There was an Australian one? Where abouts was it?
07-08-19 02:43:38
curt344 ::: Favorites
I can't be there either. Doublechecked the cheapest options and it's still out of my range. Even after attending the Chicago gathering, I'm going to be living vicariously as well. Weirdos RULE!!
07-08-18 01:51:15
MarWade ::: Favorites
Pft, I think they're the weird ones. Haven't they ever seen a man having a quiet moment in nature with his video camera? And you had a tripod for goodness sakes! A tripod adds so much class to a film shoot. Hm. Maybe it was the tripod that saved you. If it had been just your camera stuck to a tree trunk with a wad of play-do, who knows, they might have rolled their windows up and called the police. If I were going to Southtube, I'd sign whatever you had, chummy, you know I would.
07-08-16 10:09:24
johnofjordan ::: Favorites
Oh, absolutely! It was funny because they drove around and left again. I wonder if they intended to stop, but saw some weirdo with a camera and tripod and thought better of it. lol
07-08-16 03:26:23
lolaknows ::: Favorites
Don't ya hate those "looks?" hahaha
07-08-15 21:49:27
playsNiceWithOthers ::: Favorites
If anyone was going to give you grief, you KNEW it was going to be me :) hehe
07-08-15 16:50:14

The Lake

Duration: 04:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-27 03:00:27
User: thedarkener
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Bianca, Jon and I hiked up to a lake to relax and do some fishing. It was awesome. We've vowed to do this again soon. Enjoy! Music by Thrice - "Red Sky", from their CD "Vheissu". I highly recommend listening to this CD - it is very dynamic, one of my favorites at the moment. They also put on a great concert. Note to Island Records: I included this song knowing that I legally am not allowed to. If you want, I will take it out (if you actually watch this vid), although you've got to agree it goes well with the scenery, doesn't it? :)


binauralbabe10hz ::: Favorites
the song does go well with the scenery. I especially respect your attention to detail
07-08-18 10:28:50
torpedofish ::: Favorites
I like the little lizard that does push-ups. :D
07-08-05 11:30:21
terakihi ::: Favorites
Shall have a look.
07-06-04 21:01:26
nirvanaguitar ::: Favorites
I posted a video of it.
07-06-04 16:16:25
nirvanaguitar ::: Favorites
I live around lake michigan. I would post a lice action video but i dont have a cam. I'll try to take pics and make a slideshow. If i do i'll tell you.
07-06-03 19:38:04
terakihi ::: Favorites
Can you show us Northern Michigan? Are you talking about the area around Lake Superior? I'm from New Zealand so don't know much about that part of the world. Would love to see a vid or photos. Can you manage something?
07-06-03 14:55:17
terakihi ::: Favorites
Utterly magnificent, dark. Just wonderful. Very uplifting to know the world is full of such places of beauty and tranquility. Would love to fish and picnic there with you all some day.
07-06-03 14:52:16
Pookieftw ::: Favorites
Never been bitten by a lizard and I hope I never am!
07-05-30 21:22:29
thedarkener ::: Favorites
=) You think he was showing his power? I don't know much about lizards, other than when they bite you it reeeally hurts. ;)
07-05-30 21:04:02
Pookieftw ::: Favorites
Looks like it was as close to a perfect hike as you can get. Nice scenery, great weather, and company to enjoy it with. Looks like the lizard didn't want the company though :)
07-05-30 20:24:04

DBZ AMV Part Nine (Final) beta

Duration: 05:03 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-30 06:48:58
User: mdemaz
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Same song- metallica phantom lord. This is the final version. Enjoy.^^ I'm making a high quality link so you can fully enjoy it.


mdemaz ::: Favorites
Yeah i threw in a few improvements and changes. I just thought i could make the clips better by switching and swapping n stuff.
07-09-03 06:34:20
kakaroto311988 ::: Favorites
Muy bueno tio!!
07-09-01 06:20:38
ben6206 ::: Favorites
ye lol dunt mata evry 1 dus it :P
07-08-10 08:53:24
ben6206 ::: Favorites
u gt da video from limewire and put diff music 2 it lol
07-08-10 06:07:16
chikmagnet21 ::: Favorites
metallica and dbz go good togethere
07-07-11 17:13:30
mdemaz ::: Favorites
ooooo i need to feature this!!!!!
07-07-01 20:50:03
gotrunksss3 ::: Favorites
07-07-01 17:47:13
dbzgohanss5 ::: Favorites
nice 5/5
07-07-01 14:42:11
mdemaz ::: Favorites
yeah and when it went der der der der vegeta fell through the window in sync with the guitars. LOL I'm happy with the results.
07-06-30 21:16:09
gotrunksss3 ::: Favorites
Wow I am amazed! good synchronzation and effects! It really went well with it! I rate it **5**
07-06-30 13:17:16

The Ugly Duckling - Danny Kaye

Duration: 03:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-21 13:52:37
User: HuggableAngel
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my own video clip taken on mothers day 2007 my 4 children took me to the park in gosnells w.a


kareblue ::: Favorites
love it loveit lol danny kaye lol favs
07-09-27 12:04:42
KurtGnu ::: Favorites
Ah.. H.C Andersen.. The 'Ugly Duckling' is based on his own life... I love that film.. and your video did the tune justice.. :)
07-08-31 18:19:04
HuggableAngel ::: Favorites
thankyou :) ((((HUG))))
07-08-31 21:08:42
Jazzgirl8888 ::: Favorites
What a nice video!Thank you so much for posting!
07-08-26 19:46:05
HuggableAngel ::: Favorites
thankyou for watching ((((HUG))))
07-08-31 21:08:55
HuggableAngel ::: Favorites
07-08-21 21:06:58
JonPatric ::: Favorites
Yay!!!! 5+ starz,,,,fantabulous :D
07-08-21 20:42:38
HuggableAngel ::: Favorites
((((HUG)))) thanks jon , checkin out ur vids a bit later today
07-08-21 21:07:56
ajdpadbury ::: Favorites
Luv a duck, that was a quacking good video, Terri!:)
07-08-21 17:02:21
HuggableAngel ::: Favorites
thanx Anthony xx ((((HUG))))
07-08-21 21:07:28

木口亜矢 Aya Kiguchi -Showtime 5

Duration: 03:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-10 08:13:39
User: sicksamba
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木口亜矢 Aya Kiguchi -Showtime 5


gokumssj1 ::: Favorites
you counld see her pussy is hairy n i dont like that
07-10-08 22:02:32
Rextiz ::: Favorites
esta niñas estan hechas para dar placer, no para otra cosa, esta deliciosa la niña por dios.
07-10-08 15:36:17
thatsucksdude ::: Favorites
Wow, she is beautiful.
07-10-08 00:09:14
gazellerib ::: Favorites
that looks like a bumper crop
07-10-06 13:17:12
KaYSeR909 ::: Favorites
so hot i want to fuck her hard
07-10-05 11:29:01
xtrondoman ::: Favorites
good cover
07-10-02 01:50:45
bosmaan69 ::: Favorites
Holy fuck!! This needs masturbating to quicksharp!!! GODDAMM!!
07-10-01 16:47:57
nishifou ::: Favorites
good girl,i just wantto fuck her
07-09-30 07:44:12
AtlasTitanX ::: Favorites
Diablo,Danm I want some 2 :) Im going to Japan LOL
07-09-28 14:12:09
johncchc ::: Favorites
how much is she per night? how much wil it cost? to have her sleep with me? is 1 thousand US dollar per night enogh?
07-09-27 13:01:38

Within Temptation "The Heart Of Everything" Great Sound!

Duration: 05:27 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-03 12:22:58
User: wtmel
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Within Temptation Song "The Heart Of Everything" 2007 I Hope enjoy it .. Disfrutenlo!


KushielsMercy ::: Favorites
Here here DeadSilenceRemains! I second that. Within Temptation is the greastest, had the opportunity in Ohio to see them live but it was on a Wednesday night, 3 hours away, and I had school *drools* can't get over their greatness. And about comparing, Within Temptation overshadows Evanescenes 10 too 1 :D
07-10-04 19:06:27
lalalove11 ::: Favorites
Shes soooo beautiful wt 4ever
07-10-01 18:13:07
anonymouslosers ::: Favorites
Hmm, maybe that's because they wrote the song after watching Braveheart? ;)
07-09-29 14:20:05
Machmatt ::: Favorites
Well this band is a lot older than Evanscence, it's just that most of us haven't heard of this band as much. Within Temptation - 1996 (5 Albums) Sharon (30) Evanscence - 1998 (2 or 3 Albums) Amy (25)
07-09-27 20:16:06
StealiBelle1 ::: Favorites
her real name is sharon...
07-09-26 08:53:08
angelprincessfairy ::: Favorites
REALLY =____=. Evanescence is great but this is Within Temptation, folks! *____* OMG i wanna see wt live!
07-09-26 05:21:16
Xeditati ::: Favorites
i luv within temptation!!
07-09-25 21:54:44
DeadSilenceRemains ::: Favorites
As I started to say, I'm tired of reading those reviews, REALLY. If you're hearing Within Temptation's music, write something about THEIR music, not other music. And as I started to say, This song is adorable, it's perfect.
07-09-24 16:15:51
DeadSilenceRemains ::: Favorites
Damn it, can you shut the fuck up, and stop talking about Evanescence? Don't get me wrong, I love both bands, but I can't read all this reviews that comparing them. THEY ARE DIFFERENT, with differnet music style, GET IT! And if you want to compare the last albums by this bands, Within Temptation's album is SO MUCH BETTER! There's music in it, and nothing sounds the same, unlike what's hapenning in Evanescence's album.
07-09-24 16:14:43
lalalove11 ::: Favorites
I love them both wt reminds me of Evanesences old music. But wt came before evanesence so if anyones copying it has to be her but now evaneence is too soft
07-09-23 10:33:51

Mc Chris @ Emo's Goonies Rant

Duration: 02:04 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-27 16:12:08
User: ben5424
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Mc Chris @ Emo's Goonies Rant on 7/26/07 in Austin, TX. . .ya'll


LowkeyLoki ::: Favorites
07-09-28 03:52:37
boojig1 ::: Favorites
the one thing he neglects to mention about the restaurant being built is that Mikey says one of Willy's pirates must have gotten out and thats how the map is acquired. Therefore as far as someone building the restaurant on top of the cave the one pirate who escaped could have done it to cover the ole tracks and stop the treasure from getting into the wrong hands.
07-09-17 18:20:00
cptncrispy ::: Favorites
sucks i cant go to a show im only 15 =(
07-09-07 20:54:36
mavyt ::: Favorites
mc chris is our master now.
07-08-24 05:32:29
TroyHolder ::: Favorites
07-08-19 02:51:07
chunksloth ::: Favorites
The man knows his Goonies. MC Chris owns. I want to go to an MC Chris show (again). PS - i saved this video to my computer for future viewings.
07-08-05 02:49:10
Brougher ::: Favorites
By god...he's right! Man, Chris Ward owns.
07-08-03 16:08:16
dFLEXb ::: Favorites
he did the same rant but diffrently last weekend in Tulsa. It was hilarous!
07-07-31 12:47:16
Extacyrain ::: Favorites
OMFG!! This was the most awesome part of the night, lol. Thanks so much for posting this, I was hoping someone would post it.
07-07-29 14:57:54

King Crimson Deja Vrooom DVD - Frame By Frame

Duration: 05:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-28 06:38:55
User: Yulieta
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King Crimson Frame By Frame dvd deja vrooom


cliffgregoletto ::: Favorites
this sounds like Selkies by between the buried and me
07-09-29 16:28:52
elquimicofarmacobiol ::: Favorites
Matte Kudasai
07-09-12 19:11:03
beagleheadfred ::: Favorites
I see to remember a beautiful ballad from this album but forget what it was called.Anyone remember it?
07-09-11 05:40:09
Gunnariffic ::: Favorites
Actually the backup vocals do sound really strange. The audio is a bit "string phone"ish but the backup vocals really sound like a new layer :P Not saying I'm right tho! Great video, Great song!
07-09-03 10:30:11
KMatteKudasaiC ::: Favorites
The back up vocals aren't horrible..tony just has an unusual voice..lay off on the bass man!! p.s this is the only video with his vocals sounding weird so piss off on the tony hating
07-08-20 22:41:34
sheld0n ::: Favorites
The guy is almost 60, give him a break
07-08-17 14:14:19
fireflyzip ::: Favorites
My favorite Crimson song. Thanks for posting
07-08-10 20:39:46
Noobschoolbus14 ::: Favorites
there so old but still good
07-08-08 13:46:01
darrenedesignedu ::: Favorites
did someone overdub their own horrible voice over the backup vocals? the vocal quality is beyond horrible and completely ruins the song. i know what you are thinking, but i myself am a bassist guitarist and keyboard player so dont give me the musician's music excuse. ;) this video has to have been tampered with. not worth selling at fleamarkets.
07-07-30 22:57:44
elquimicofarmacobiol ::: Favorites
yeahhhhhhhhh, favorite band ever
07-07-30 21:47:27

Kid falls out of carnival ride

Duration: 00:60 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-12 01:25:50
User: xtatic
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Kid loses his seat on the ride and the mom can't stop laughing.


kevindude49 ::: Favorites
janice im falling!!!!!!! lol that was halarious!!this hurts!
07-10-06 18:15:27
LSweet2007 ::: Favorites
Call the D.A. on that BITCH!!!
07-10-04 10:26:10
KamelFilms ::: Favorites
What a bitch? Poor kid... :(
07-10-04 06:47:18
LiteralThinker ::: Favorites
07-10-02 13:40:16
fabulouslove ::: Favorites
Well then, I won't ever ride that.
07-10-02 06:44:30
vinny460 ::: Favorites
she looks like a sim character the way she laughs lol
07-09-23 11:35:01
Tsubahi ::: Favorites
Poor kid.:(
07-09-21 23:16:26
baphometsdrummer ::: Favorites
Man that mom has mental issues!! CRAZY @.@
07-09-16 01:18:03
Blixzit ::: Favorites
That wasn't cool on the adult's part, I don't think it was the kid's mom tho. As the kid kept calling her by her name, Janis. But I still think that the ride operators shouldn't of aloud the kid to ride anyway.
07-09-01 14:15:11
Highice007 ::: Favorites
kidss mum is a nutter;)
07-08-21 00:43:45