Monday, April 7, 2008

Karate Kids vs. the Werewolf of Longmont

Duration: 02:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-02 00:29:03

Two kids walking home from karate class are accosted by a werewolf, and must defend themselves. My first youtube video.


Pakistan Assembly 1974 - Program 1 of 12 Part 1 of 9

Duration: 09:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-04 15:55:09

Truth revealed by one of the participants of unpublished proceedings of Pakistan Assembly declaring Ahmadis Non-Muslims. A production of MTA International.


EngrMHK  2008-04-01 08:11:18

Jazak'Allah for your input.
jaggadakoo  2008-03-31 17:35:53

That is the real Truth. Pakistani Mullahs will never let the Truth to come out to the light. But they dont know that Truth ever find its way....
utubecollection  2008-03-15 14:35:33

AOA! If you want to skip the detailed background and want to listen to that part in which Maulana Dost Muhammad Shahid Sahib has given the details of the questions and the responses by Hazrat Khalifa-tul-Masih-ul-Saalis ( RA ) in National Assembly ( 1974 ), plz type "Pakistan Assembly 1974 - Program 4 of 12 Part 11 of 17" in search and enjoy :)
936dup  2008-02-17 15:14:35

real truth, i love it

GREGORY ISAACS - 'Mr Cop' + 'Dub Version' - 7" 1977

Duration: 06:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-04-02 05:28:33

Cool cut from the G.I. man (Golden Age GAM05)


Guedingen  2008-04-03 12:36:14

Sublime - many thanks (keep em coming!)

atreyu lowell mass

Duration: 00:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-22 22:12:29

i love these guys i wish i got a closer video -sadness- oh well



Duration: 00:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-24 06:09:26

Short clip of my Nephew Justin playing.


the pixies , vamos

Duration: 04:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-02 08:45:06

great song


deepdirty  2008-04-04 22:10:23

He is a god of giterre
eversincealways  2008-04-02 07:11:38

This is so unto itself it frustrates me to only watch it.
kito7  2008-04-01 06:12:03

joe santiago, pure gitar-genius!!! love it
daniel0n96  2008-03-30 20:08:29

sableJester  2008-03-25 16:10:56

i love this song. not only is the lead guitar work pure genius, but the song has so much energy you just want to destroy something. in a good way.

SSBB Home-Run Contest record 10879.9 ft.

Duration: 02:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-04-01 18:36:56

Me and Sven killing the fuck out of the sandbag! After a lot of practicing and sychronizing, timing each others moves and stuff.. Oh and tips and stuff are welcome..


asf218sef  2008-04-07 00:47:13

yeahhh!! death note....whats up people!! ohh death note + SSBB = yeahh
sonikage  2008-04-06 23:49:16

lolz to kurosaki1kun :P
sonikage  2008-04-06 23:46:40

ho... ly... shit... Deathnote Season 2 Opening + Two Ganondorfs + beating the living beJEEEEZUS outta sandbag + almost TWO EFFING MILES OF HOME RUN PWNAGE = there isn't a word to express the pure awesomeness of this event. well done, RichDichman and friend. well done.
Sodylin  2008-04-06 15:31:00

That made my day. Rofl!
killjoy377  2008-04-06 13:37:55

sand bag got raped on!!!

bored no promblem

Duration: 00:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-29 23:55:30

great sites for when u are bored


Shaina Baby!! Episode One

Duration: 01:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-04-06 01:30:27

little shout out to everyone to kick off my new lil mini talk show or whatever!!! audio = awful! better next time i promise!! XOXOXO


AnnagoneBANNANAS  2008-04-06 22:33:00

hippo3497  2008-04-06 17:34:45

ur cute... but clearly conceited

5 Facts About Us

Duration: 04:42 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-19 16:58:10

We got tired of waiting to be tagged, so when Nalts said everyone was tagged...we ran with it! Now we tag: SchaubChick KyrstynM AutisticLiving AlwaysTheQuiet1 KoreyWGarvey We hope you respond! Thanks for watching!


capslock86  2008-03-21 21:24:08

wooo' a hot wuss.
AlwaysTheQuiet1  2008-01-20 14:12:59

Oh no, oh no, oh no!!! Do you realize you have just tagged a video VIRGIN??? LOL! How many years do I have to get around to this? :)