Saturday, August 11, 2007 Hands-on With Wii

Duration: 20 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-31 17:10:48
User: Thomper
:::: Favorites

A short video shot at the headquarters of Nintendo Netherlands, of a Wii-session. No sound, very limited and all, sure, but still interesting for those crazy about Wii.

Superjan1992 ::: Favorites
07-06-07 11:24:31


Duration: 595 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-28 19:30:25
User: Plasmatico1
:::: Favorites


unexpopoz ::: Favorites
como es esa vaina? q el gobierno a ayudado en las obras hospitalarias? sera en caracas o en valencia o noc donde.. pero aqui en puerto ordaz y san felix.. estan super decadentes
07-07-10 12:23:34
rafaelmuozc ::: Favorites
07-07-10 18:18:54
crackrero ::: Favorites
Bien Hecho... asi se hace
07-07-13 13:09:17
MarshalFrank ::: Favorites
Uno de los mejores periodistas que tenemos en nuestro pais, excelente!!!
07-07-17 12:43:44
sonquilombo ::: Favorites
Que falso, rechaza el premio pero no rechaza el dinero del premio.. Definitivamente no hay ética
07-07-22 09:11:27
manuelleonardo ::: Favorites
Presta atención al discurso, al final, decide entregar el cheque a una obra social.
07-07-24 15:39:05
Alyluya ::: Favorites
Yo lo conozco, y es TREMENDA PERSONA, a ver, si en vez de hablar, piensas
07-07-25 18:01:13
AA757 ::: Favorites
dile eso tambien a los canales del estado, que ignoran la mayoria de los problemas que tiene el pueblo y solo se dedican a ser los loros del gobierno repitiendo un sinfin de estupideces
07-08-08 18:23:38
AA757 ::: Favorites
- obras planeadas pero nunca ejecutadas - hospitales sin recursos medicos - carreteras con huecos y sanjas - escuelas sin materiales y a punto de caerse encima todo por reparto de plata al extranjero y compra de armas innecesarias
07-08-08 18:23:38
AA757 ::: Favorites
quien dijo que no lo anuncian? claro que las anuncia, por orden dl articulo 10 d la ley mordaza
07-08-08 19:30:23

Fırtına 42. Bölüm Part 8

Duration: 234 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-07 11:14:02
User: netjackson
:::: Favorites



Duration: 90 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-26 06:23:35
User: TheAmazingAtheist
:::: Favorites

Well, maybe not last ever, but last for at least a year (assuming I'm still doing this shit in a year).

ReallyTallShortGuy ::: Favorites
What is the worst drug you have ever done?
07-06-27 06:09:34
ReallyTallShortGuy ::: Favorites
If there was a god, which god would you rather it be? Please dont give a smartass answer such as "the flying spaghetti monster".
07-06-27 06:11:46
ReallyTallShortGuy ::: Favorites
What is your real name? The name that is on your social security card or the name your parents call you.
07-06-27 06:14:28
ReallyTallShortGuy ::: Favorites
Why is this the last time you will be doing this (at least for a while)? I like these sorts of videos.
07-06-27 06:15:06
Muhaffy ::: Favorites
what websites do you frequent apart from youtube?
07-06-27 06:16:26
Telecaster16 ::: Favorites
What are your thoughts on lucid dreaming (knowing that you're dreaming as you dream)? Would you put forth the effort of training yourself to practice it? Keep in mind that if it does work, then you can spend everynight controlling your dreams and doing whatever your mind can imagine (e.g. nonstop sex with anyone, flying, killing the cast of Full House...)
07-06-27 06:16:56
xnightxamex ::: Favorites
what is your favorite food? what is your favorite movie? what is your favorite book? what is your favorite color? what is your favorite band? what is your favorite song? what is your favorite thing to do besides youtube? what is your least favorite of all the things i have mentioned?
07-06-27 06:19:41
xnightxamex ::: Favorites
do you play any instruments? have you ever questioned your sexuality? how old were you when you got your first girlfriend? how long was your shortest relationship? how often do girls reject you? what sort of girl are you attracted to? have you ever cut yourself? have you ever attempted suicide? have you ever done a major drug?
07-06-27 06:25:33
TheAmazingAtheist ::: Favorites
Thanks for all your questions, everyone. The lines are now CLOSED!
07-06-27 06:25:40
xnightxamex ::: Favorites
07-06-27 06:25:56

Ricky & Ashlee Exit Interview

Duration: 127 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-27 01:45:13
User: nighttiming
:::: Favorites


The Ultimate YouTube Gathering 777 Video

Duration: 510 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-08 11:48:49
User: Zzx4k
:::: Favorites

A compilation of the entire day's excitement at the 7.7.7 YouTube Gathering in Washington Square, New York City, with many familiar faces, and many fun events. I hope you can find yourselves in the video if you went! Enjoy it! Notable YouTubers In the Video: HappySlip MysteryGuitarMan Brookers TheHill88 xgobobeanx And many more..!

dobby626 ::: Favorites
omg I So badly wanna go there
07-07-18 17:39:24
serpento99 ::: Favorites
07-07-21 23:27:12
jaxnsand ::: Favorites
yeah this "gathering" was retarded you could have been doing something better like being at nashville for the call one of the best experiancess of my life
07-07-22 05:35:53
Zzx4k ::: Favorites
or not
07-07-22 06:19:43
dajoker2007 ::: Favorites
i saw the guy from smosh in the background
07-07-24 18:34:41
Zzx4k ::: Favorites
nah he wasnt there..
07-07-24 20:26:25
dajoker2007 ::: Favorites
at 5:36 the guy with the backpack in the background looks like him then..
07-07-24 20:27:54
mmmaranda ::: Favorites
aw i love mile end
07-07-27 00:28:46
CAYYATE ::: Favorites
what song is it wen brookers is hugging the guy?
07-07-30 21:53:38
Zzx4k ::: Favorites
imogen heap - hide and seek, it was a joke homage to the SNL skit
07-08-02 21:19:39

Kavak Yelleri 3 part9

Duration: 587 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-28 17:19:10
User: gaffurxcom3
:::: Favorites

Kavak Yelleri 3 part9

Extended Interview with Hok & Anya

Duration: 427 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-29 00:43:14
User: nighttiming
:::: Favorites

07/26/07 The host really doesn't like Dominic.

ChrisLaiRocks ::: Favorites
is that true sugarohunnihunni?????? how do you know ??
07-07-30 01:10:45
sugarohunnihunni ::: Favorites
i found this on idol forums it says it is from kennedy's reality remix page... Lacey is in fact NOT dating Kameron, she never was, but she DOES have a boyfriend from the show. Should I tell you who it is or should I make you guess???? is so good and you will be excited and surprised unless you are a heartless gremlin.
07-07-30 19:54:39
sugarohunnihunni ::: Favorites
Ok fine. Lacey is dating Hok and they are a serious boyfriend/girlfriend couple and sooooo into each other. It now makes sense that Hok had a surprised reaction when I asked him about Lacey and Kam hooking up on last week's SYTYCD elimination interview. Check out the podcast and watch for Hok's stunned and diplomatic silence when the topic comes up.
07-07-30 19:56:47
apiratemoment ::: Favorites
OMG WOW! So where can u find this vid?Or more likely, where can i find this podcast?i jhavent been on youTube for that long, so ya lol.
07-07-30 22:16:35
Parody101 ::: Favorites
Geeze, she's a little weird. I don't think I like her lol
07-07-30 23:19:33
ChrisLaiRocks ::: Favorites
how can i see it ??
07-08-01 15:20:56
australia90 ::: Favorites
i realllyyy dont like that host. talk about annoyinggg!
07-08-03 00:53:05
1959218 ::: Favorites
anya is a great dancer i love you
07-08-03 04:13:31
1959218 ::: Favorites
this is your problem ok
07-08-03 04:54:18
1959218 ::: Favorites
do not see ok
07-08-03 04:54:24

The Moderate Muslim Myth (Snow3585)

Duration: 368 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-25 02:48:52
User: TheAmazingAtheist
:::: Favorites

CORRECTION: I meant Chairman Mao. Not Pol Pot.

beavisisgood87 ::: Favorites
i am an atheist i support arab self-determination i assert that anyone who supports the american client state system has less morality than many suicide bombers one mans terrorist AA...
07-07-14 21:51:13
VonHelton ::: Favorites
Moderate Muslim: A muslim that lacks the men or equipment to wage jihad against the infidel. :)
07-07-17 05:53:06
Bemidji ::: Favorites
9/11 is the product of your dady!
07-07-17 23:32:51
DownwithIslam18 ::: Favorites
Amazin atheist, I really like your videos. You really know how to address those Islamic pieces of shit. I feel like taking a large shit on mohamads and allahs head. Every time I see a ugly muslim whore with a chaddor, I wanna twist the fucking thing.
07-07-21 00:11:52
JoliePrincessKatana ::: Favorites
moderate Muslims = moderate Nazis
07-07-21 16:23:24
Undertakerforlife ::: Favorites
really? wow....
07-07-27 20:27:00
RedPartisan ::: Favorites
i fucken hate micronesians
07-08-04 13:00:51
RedPartisan ::: Favorites
and long live communism!!!
07-08-04 13:02:41
feastguy101 ::: Favorites
hell yeah
07-08-08 13:30:48
dadarocks ::: Favorites
you nailed it.. these soacalled moderate guys work as fornt which bluunts the blow of rest for their radical cousins
07-08-10 07:26:08

İki Yabancı 8. Bölüm Part 1 -

Duration: 540 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-23 18:01:47
User: netjackson
:::: Favorites

iki yabancı Dizisi 8. Bölüm

netjackson ::: Favorites
İki Yabancı Dizisinin Resimleri, Dizi Müzikleri Ve Bölüm Özetlerini DiziClub.N £ t Forumlarında Bulabilirsiniz.
07-05-23 23:39:20
sibelyil ::: Favorites
atv dizileri satio biz youtube'dan hmn izlioruz. cok komik yaa...
07-05-24 03:28:23
sweetcandy17 ::: Favorites
cok tsk dün bakamandim ve bukar cabuk yükeldin icin sagol
07-05-24 10:48:19

Clubhouse Games Trailer

Duration: 70 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-13 10:55:09
User: Thomper
:::: Favorites

The latest title in Nintendo's innovative Touch! Generations range, 42 All-Time Classics does away with cumbersome boards and packs of cards. Instead it combines the Nintendo DS's innovative touch-screen control mechanism with 42 of the most popular games ever invented ranging from card classics like Poker and Texas Hold 'Em, board games such as Chess and Backgammon to bar games like Darts and Snooker. On top of the huge variety of single player content, this game features a multiplayer mode allowing you to play fun games with your family as well as competing with friends. Play with up to seven friends via the Nintendo DS local wireless network, or connect with the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service to challenge people from different towns or even different countries for the majority of the games within this title. All the games in 42 All-Time Classics feature a stats tracking function, allowing you to view your wins and losses as well as other statistics for each game.

Tim0o ::: Favorites
06-08-14 09:36:51
bmh1 ::: Favorites
Nooo.. I'm not buying this :)
06-08-14 10:49:06
xsonicbloo ::: Favorites
lol cool i'd get it.
07-01-25 00:05:43
vinnieolle ::: Favorites
its a fun game... This just showed the boring ones. Bowling is the best game on it. The wifi is the best thing about it
07-04-14 01:31:15
randir1488 ::: Favorites
Well if my grandparents ever buy a DS I know what game to get them.
07-06-13 16:47:44
justj0sh1ng ::: Favorites
With this game, can you use the wifi feature on the pictochat thing to talk to random people around the world cause if you can I will totally buy it?
07-07-10 01:38:25
pokerguy94 ::: Favorites
Yeah bowling is the best game on it.
07-07-25 16:19:22
pokerguy94 ::: Favorites
No when you're on WiFi you're limited to certain phrases like "I did it!" and "Nice!" and "One More Game". That's the only real thing that sucks about it.
07-07-25 16:22:54
kilala62 ::: Favorites
I agree with vinnielle. It is a fun game, they showed the bad parts, and some people like this style of a game, and some don't. So, obviously you are not going to like the game if you only like action and racing or something like that.
07-07-28 19:40:22
djashes2ashes ::: Favorites
i want pictochat online no the texts
07-08-01 15:07:29

BB8: Kail Dustin kitchen talk 7/27 (part 2)

Duration: 415 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-27 16:55:51
User: DreamersVids
:::: Favorites

Kail Dustin kitchen talk 7/27 (part 2)

Bleeping LeStudd in the Bleep

Duration: 208 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-25 21:56:07
User: TheAmazingAtheist
:::: Favorites

A short, scripted retort.

bloodyduke ::: Favorites
hell yeah!...great olberman style. What a speech! I would argue not to give this clown any more traffic, but i know it is all in due fairness and expectancy of this very same virtue in other youtubers.
07-01-26 14:12:29
TheAmazingAtheist ::: Favorites
He has 7 subscribers. After this he had 8. No one gives a fuck enough about him to subscribe--even if they did, it would only be to mock him.
07-01-26 14:18:21
vidensodoacer ::: Favorites
What despicable person would think that thinking a thing is the same as doing a thing? ...It's like how Brett Keane's story how he never even thought beastiality really happened before he got the internet.
07-01-26 14:58:59
Seraph8376 ::: Favorites
Another excellent video. I've always been amused at how Christians claim that the "radicals" aren't "true" believers anyway. What's the unit of measurement for belief? How does one compare this deluded fool to the others? It's such a common excuse that I'm getting sick of hearing it, to tell the truth. It just goes to show how shaky their belief system is, anyway. Keep up the good work.
07-01-26 15:15:38
RustyAHole ::: Favorites
were rebels hahaha
07-01-26 15:37:05
ThoughtfulCat ::: Favorites
Bravo! Very well said!
07-01-26 16:22:52
sonikalkemy ::: Favorites
WELL SAID! peace man, love your vids :)
07-01-26 17:17:28
confederacyofdunces ::: Favorites
Love the artwork and the eloquent rebuttal.
07-01-27 00:25:48
DarkOceanAdam ::: Favorites
oh snap! dig the pic btw.
07-01-28 21:29:08
ludwigau ::: Favorites
Your inference of the implication in LeStudd's video is due to your imagination. The CORRECT implication is that you don't construct anything in place of that which you (attempt) to tear down. Simple.
07-02-16 10:24:27

Money For Nothing: Behind the Business of Pop Music

Duration: 351 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-04 10:34:07
User: ChallengingMedia
:::: Favorites

Of all mass cultural forms, popular music has historically been characterized by the greatest independence for artists and allowing access to a broader diversity of voices. However, in the contemporary period, this independence is being threatened by a shrinking number of record companies, the centralization of radio ownership and playlists, and the increasing integration of popular music into the broader advertising and commercial aspects of the market. Narrated by Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth, Money for Nothing features interviews with hip-hop legend and pioneer Chuck D, respected independent artist Ani DiFranco, Michael Franti of Spearhead, and Riot Grrrl co-founder Kathleen Hanna (of Bikini Kill and Le Tigre). It also includes interviews with popular music historian Professor Reebee Garafolo, ex-Rolling Stone editor Dave Marsh, political economist Robert W. McChesney, and Shirley Halperin, editor of BOP magazine. Money for Nothing succinctly explains how popular music is produced and marketed, and offers an accessible critique of the current state of popular music.

dudumzim ::: Favorites
I'm talking about music, not currency. "Crap" music is "Crap", as it is demanded and provided by the people who work with "Crap" to people who want to listen to "Crap". Simple as that.
07-06-22 12:18:58
Doopex ::: Favorites
I did. "Older people are always hesitant in relation to culture that follows theirs; its only natural. That point's irrelevant." Far easier and more common to look to the past than to the future.
07-06-22 12:50:20
Doopex ::: Favorites
Forget it, at least your essential logic is fine.
07-06-22 12:51:09
bapyou ::: Favorites
Doop: My comment was not about older people. My comment was about younger people. So, you haven't addressed my comment. You're talking about older poeple, I'm not. And anyway, good art is timeless. What is missing from much of today's "popular" artists is the timeless quality. I think that this is why young people are finding something of value in older music.
07-06-22 18:32:28
Doopex ::: Favorites
The old people you mention were probably once young people whose tastes were frowned upon by older people; the young people will be old people frowning upon what younger people listen to some day. Its how age and change relate; its only natural: people more easily look back than forward. So that statement applies to different times and things in a way that doesn't really say anything about the things whose appreciation is being examined. It's a void point.
07-06-28 03:32:42
bapyou ::: Favorites
Void. Like much of today's popular music. Ciao.
07-06-28 06:20:47
Doopex ::: Favorites
That was pretty immature. But okay. If you want to drop the subject there are, however, better, more polite ways of doing it. Bye.
07-06-28 07:54:05
bapyou ::: Favorites
Immature? How so? I happen to think it's true. You still did not address what I wrote. You addressed what you THINK I wrote. It doesn't matter. Stick to your guns.
07-06-28 14:47:11
jolie0183 ::: Favorites
this is supposed to specifically address the issue of how corporations have a strong hold on art and culture and how it mass produces it and warps our sense of culture. it has absolutely nothing to do with what older people and younger people are listening to. fact of the matter is, your're listening to the music you are because they allowed you to. they control everything. it's a business, and that is exactly the problem. And it's a big problem.
07-07-18 11:31:02
wilburjr ::: Favorites
Please view searchword wilburjr-thanks.
07-08-10 11:33:49

Through Blood

Duration: 246 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-04 05:03:01
User: dadada089
:::: Favorites

Just wanted your ffed back on additional effect I could do, Im sorta at a blakc, writers block if you will

dadada089 ::: Favorites
Its not finished, but im drawing a blank, ive seen it so many times that im more used to what will come next rather then what would be cool if it came next. Idea's and thoughts would be cool.thanks
07-07-04 06:10:01
dutchess2010 ::: Favorites
the tags??? lmao the subtitles are a great touch the effects are awesome around 2:55 but between 1:05 and 1:55 maybe there could be more done to it this is really a great video! i might be seeing this vid a different way than you are so i'd hate to give you ideas that might fuck up something.
07-07-04 14:44:15
dadada089 ::: Favorites
I just no it needs more work, but im drawing a blank....maybe im just lazy
07-07-04 18:00:53
deadchakra ::: Favorites
07-07-29 15:08:07
kingalex120 ::: Favorites
this pretty good nice work dadada
07-07-29 15:15:51
dadada089 ::: Favorites
Yea, I loved the lyric's of thise song and thats why I made this vid
07-07-29 16:15:02
Megateen14 ::: Favorites
pretty nice
07-07-30 18:21:08
gara ::: Favorites
what is this video based on or about
07-08-11 01:12:40

Dutch Wii Commercial

Duration: 14 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-24 17:22:00
User: Thomper
:::: Favorites

The first Dutch Wii-commercial, aired on Friday November the 24th, on RTL5. Shows someone's hand with a Wiimote, with a voice saying "Wonder what this is? Not just any remote, but the remote for the Wii!"

Falconnatic ::: Favorites
ik vind het een kut reclame XD
06-11-26 06:52:55
eenden ::: Favorites
wordt niet eens duidelijk gemaakt of et een console is ofzo... kut
06-11-26 10:21:04
sidar87 ::: Favorites
het moet ook niet als een game console over komen bij de casual gamers
06-11-27 06:31:05
tbonexzeo ::: Favorites
Misty will sue.
06-11-27 10:28:26
eenden ::: Favorites
agree... kan me alleen niet voorstellen dat de casual gamers iets bij deze "afstandsbediening van de wii" iets kunnen voorstellen. Laat dan in iig nog een beeld zien met een tv en de wii zelf erop aangesloten.
06-11-28 15:13:13
gamecubicledotnet ::: Favorites
Ik blijf het een bout recalme vinde. Maarja, deze hadde ze eerst ook in japan, en later kwame er betere.
06-12-03 08:07:16
Jwizzman ::: Favorites
jeeeeesus wat slecht, echt gewoon bijna hilarisch slecht
06-12-06 05:46:17
K00J1 ::: Favorites
dat vond ik ook al, het moet meer uitgesproken worden als "oui" op zn frans ipv dat platte wie
06-12-09 13:06:00
MalukuMix ::: Favorites
Precies, dat mens zegt het met een TE harde W. Gewoon Wii op z'n engels = zelfde als oui.
06-12-09 17:14:48
CrossingGermel ::: Favorites
in spain hebben we de zelfde reclame
07-06-12 00:50:42

answers - part 5

Duration: 607 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-08 01:52:02
User: fakesagan
:::: Favorites

stagism dhoffryn katiesopinion fungi81 robshred66 genius2687 Fauble2000

Sabotaged858 ::: Favorites
WOO! Im from new england and I sound like that!
07-08-08 14:23:10
OMA1PSA ::: Favorites
heroin a no no bad mistake, crack fuck that to, waste of money, weed puff a sweet trip and its all good coke i love my nosie so fuck that to. and loads of sex hell yer.i'll die for my family and friends to fuck the goverment and stupied wars.
07-08-08 16:36:07
arbelm1 ::: Favorites
u forgot to punch moses!
07-08-08 16:41:14
GerudoUK ::: Favorites
Why are you growing that retarded beard?
07-08-08 17:01:09
Leatherup ::: Favorites
Second only to " That's not my job."
07-08-08 17:15:16
canadian1102 ::: Favorites
Are you still making retarded videos? Nothing more amusing than a deluded bigot that believes himself to be anything more. Keep up the good work fuckhead.
07-08-08 18:14:38
slsmtg ::: Favorites
07-08-08 18:31:13
likeomgfat ::: Favorites
sounds like you had a massive erection while you typed that.
07-08-09 00:35:41
righto2k ::: Favorites
Oh man, that's quotable value right there 'You can fall in love an ideal but the ideal won't love you back' neat.
07-08-09 01:04:13
clerihew85 ::: Favorites
There are not "billions and billions" of people in New England. There are not even one billion people in the United States.
07-08-09 23:21:50

If stupid is a race, then I'm a racist.

Duration: 123 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-21 04:42:53
User: TheAmazingAtheist
:::: Favorites

Quick reply to another of my mentally handicapped detractors.

steveganREDUX ::: Favorites
:cackles: That was excellent. I'm subscribing.
07-04-10 05:20:56
sweetpinkly ::: Favorites
fucking spastic!stupid honkey
07-04-24 05:07:36
chaosknups ::: Favorites
This guy is fucking retarded..... must be the redneck in him.
07-04-28 04:09:53
connerjd ::: Favorites
Anyone who does not like rednecks can shove it up their asses!
07-05-05 01:51:50
JCThumbs ::: Favorites
man, this stuff is fucking depressing. . . . . .it's like the next generation of bad mouthing each other. usually all i do is look up bands and musicians on this site. but, to see this shit just makes me sick. grow the fuck up get a girlfriend and get laid. . . do whatever it is you gonna do to be the oposite of what you are. thanks and good day. Jc
07-05-31 22:32:50
sonata1992 ::: Favorites
I'm actually supremely happy with your cussing out this time. Fucking friendly-fucktard....
07-06-11 15:44:28
TheAmazingAtheist ::: Favorites
Suck maggot shit from your mother's asshole you cretinous worm.
07-06-11 15:46:08
MrRay47 ::: Favorites
You're bouncing back and forth like you really want to use the bathroom. I was expecting you to say "Well piss on you all" and then do it. Aloha :)
07-06-24 19:22:43
WhiteTide88 ::: Favorites
why feel the need to be racist?
07-07-01 20:14:50
infiltrand ::: Favorites
Nice say man XD good respond,heum by the way I HATE muslims my reasons -->allot of them and NO the media dint brainwasht me I have pure facts that I have see,hear and experienced here in Belgium it sounds a little bit crazy but they have plans to create a moslim state in the world so first will Europe fall and if that happens then the muslims will turn there attention to take over America so beware my brothers and sisters.
07-07-28 20:33:42