Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ghostland Observatory- Best Wont Do

Duration: 04:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-07 00:33:58

i love this song and also " SAD SAD CITY"


Interview Tips: Why should we hire you? - the GOOD answer

Duration: 02:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-07 17:34:39

A man, interviewing for a Management position, answers the common interview question: Why should we hire you? This is an example of a GOOD way to answer this question. Created by Fresno, California's most respected Recruiting, Staffing and Human Resources consulting firm -- Denham Resources.


craignkzoo  2008-03-04 17:08:42

Only two minutes? it just seems longer. I think what he is saying is good (although it does seem like BS) but I would love to see more passion on display.
janets213  2008-03-04 12:31:21

he kind of resembles Scott Baio... doesn't he??
CicadaTehL337  2008-03-02 18:46:08

wow, BS much?
hagadaba  2008-02-29 23:57:24

yeah, wayyyyyy too much lol
cooltommyx  2008-01-31 07:06:03

isn't he talking a bit too long?

[RS]Summoning! Ep.8 The Pinapple Show

Duration: 04:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-15 21:31:34

Okay... Summoning. And some other updates. o.O Check it out. Narrated by my voice. The mic is a bit scratchy.


Xs4rad0min  2008-01-20 23:07:55

xD I forgot to turn my private chat off.
wanaplaydollz  2008-01-20 22:33:02

Lol, Sheeplord 77

The Hoosiers - Goodbye Mr A

Duration: 03:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-12 12:15:41



PlaceboObession36  2008-03-22 22:58:28

is this like about some guy who killed himself?
joshaggis  2008-03-06 14:19:56

nice song!
funkyweestar  2008-02-11 14:19:06

thats all right coz there r tons of other vids on here with the wrong lyrics but the makers just say that they r right.
hizzy888  2008-02-06 11:39:00

mnt song init hi day happy bday
Nightngaleswishes  2008-02-01 14:09:04

its such a cute song i love it

Break The Drinking Fruit Addiction

Duration: 04:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-23 02:54:23

two youngsters attempt to break thier drinking fruit addiction but instead encounter a physo with a spork


cpd85  2008-03-14 15:56:48

who is in this? and why would you take a song from me?

Komik video

Duration: 00:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-10 05:14:07

Komik animasyon


uciiim  2008-03-08 08:26:48

süper ama ilk bakışta biraz yanlış anlama oldu
merrve12  2008-02-27 12:52:27

ha ha ha ha ha aha ha aha aha ha aha aha aha ah
cixix  2008-01-15 03:44:07

cocuk66  2007-12-27 10:52:05

bist du teppat bu ne ya veee,,,???
BurdurluGizzzz  2007-12-26 17:09:11

bide ne bicim sesler cikariyo ama :D:D hehe

Trailer for World Made by Hand novel by Kunstler

Duration: 03:19 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-04 16:06:46

In his first book since "The Long Emergency," James Howard Kunstler follows the people of a small New York town through an eventful summer, as they struggle with life after a series of global catastrophes.


remoran  2008-03-21 22:05:01

I like Kunstler's work but, as a tech, I find issue with his new book as it depicts a world totally devoid of any tech coming from the 20/21st century. This is not believable. Past peak, the collapse of the car crazy civilization, yes but no tech carryover in the age without oil. Not possible. I also agree on the KB effect. Well done here.
razmataz31  2008-03-21 10:46:38

Here's the thing - there's still plenty of energy left! It's in the form of coal, and tar sand and all manner of very dirty, very nasty stuff. Not to mention the diversion of crop land to grow bio-fuel plants. The future is much more likely to bring us ecological disaster than rural idyl.
StormChaseTroopers  2008-03-19 19:11:53

Losing your family to influenza or other diseases, manual agricultural labor, no central authority or national economy. This is anything but an "rural idyll." Wars are usually fought over resources, so no stretch there. He covers that as well, if you read the book. Don't let the trailer's music fool you.
totalcollapse1414  2008-03-18 13:35:10

Right now, I think that we need rural idylls more than frantic jesus-is-coming rantings. The future is scary, and we need to understand the that, but we also need positive visions of the way the world can be.
lemmiwinksau  2008-03-17 18:48:55

Like most of Kunstlers views of the future it has more to do with projecting his dissatisfaction with American society than any basis in reality. Don't get me wrong, there appears to be plenty about American society to be dissatisfied with, however a post apocalyptic rural idyll is a laughable fantasy. By all means, indulge yourself, but don't be surprised or disappointed when it doesn't pan out. A new dark ages would be closer to the mark, and if it does happen, it will be a result of war.

Mario Paint Composer - Stone Tower (Majora's Mask)

Duration: 02:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-18 20:11:08

This is my first Mario Paint Composer song. I picked one that was a simple, yet interesting song, and I think it turned out pretty well. I'll probably make more songs in the future, but I'm not much of a musician, so I might not make very complex ones.


dragonslayer1974  2008-03-23 07:30:33

that was awsome
Vifrit  2008-03-20 22:53:22

great job : ) my favorite song out of the series your an artist
BikdipOnABus  2008-03-18 18:15:41

Whoever downvoted this must have misunderstood what what being said. I upvoted it to cancel it out.
alexnobody1  2008-03-18 17:10:21

I heard this somewhere and was trying to think back to where it was from first. Thank you for refreshing my memory.
Supertaco117  2008-03-17 19:29:27

not much of a musician... i'd say otherwise with this here

brake dance en central park

Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-21 18:03:20

los locos de central park para el mundo el pasado verano


Spitfire IX vs Reggiane re2005

Duration: 04:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-28 00:42:08

Gutnho pilotando o Spitfire, Rafius pilotando o Reggiane Simulador: Targetware, mod TargetTobruk Música: Vanessa Mae - Art of War


WingedAvngr  2008-03-16 16:12:53

It's Target: Tobruk, for the Targetware engine. Search for Targetware at google and you will probably find it ;)
JasonZarifis  2008-03-16 13:39:15

What sim is this?
vienikebevi80  2008-03-02 06:27:07

Probabilmente nella realtà il 2005 avrebbe costretto l'inglese a darsi all' ippica.Peccato il 2005 fu prodotto in soli 29 esemplari.Però si narra che i tedeschi ne abbiano catturato 13 esemplari e gli abbiano usati per difendere berlino dai bombardamenti alleati!Pare che i risultati siano stati così ottimi che indussero gli alleati a bombardare le fabbriche Reggiane radendole al suolo la notte tra il 7 e l'8 gennaio 1944. Paura eh ?????!!!!!
MobiusDragon89  2008-02-14 15:49:56

I know(it was an excuse to defend Italian pilots from stupid critics) XD Well, 5 kills don't really make you an experienced pilot. Depends on the aptitude - a rookie that is going to become an Ace would be able to shoot a true Ace down.
WingedAvngr  2008-02-14 15:31:23

No no no, you got me wrong :) I just said that there could be a situation where a "regular" pilot would be facing an Ace, wich could make a less powerful aircraft win over a "better" aircraft, like in the video I posted :P