Sunday, August 19, 2007

Karma Police - radiohead

Duration: 04:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-11 07:50:34
User: johnnyonline
:::: Favorites

johnnyonline (that's me) takes a 2nd go at playing Karma Police( from radioheads OK Computer), this time with some better microphones and a guitar that holds tune... but the same shirt

AregwynTelcontar ::: Favorites
Perfect cover- I loved it. You certainly did Karma Police justice. ^_^
07-08-02 11:02:34
jovar89 ::: Favorites
oh the best version but... can u write the chords i dont get one site have it
07-08-03 01:21:14
zen846 ::: Favorites
Ummmm this is the first cover iv'e seen thats better than the actual preformers real talent thanks for the post
07-08-06 20:29:07
glasderg ::: Favorites
nice cover, good job ... but I really hate the fade in/outs and the ending slow-mo crap ...
07-08-07 07:24:32
arthasmeximo ::: Favorites
Great cover. Interesting video editing though I think I would have liked it better without it.
07-08-07 14:02:31
zm102905 ::: Favorites
This is by far the best cover of Karma police I've seen on you tube. You're vocals are... just perfect.
07-08-10 10:50:01
thenamesyogi ::: Favorites
Nicely done John! Watched couple of your other videos, and they are equally awesome. Keep up the good work mate
07-08-12 14:08:18
Slashx24 ::: Favorites
love it. nice reverb on the vocals ;)
07-08-13 23:30:10
cowbeef88 ::: Favorites
I like it. Good vocals.
07-08-16 01:10:10
spikemypunch23 ::: Favorites
u r fr33kn hottttttttt
07-08-19 00:56:58

Stick Spinning 101

Duration: 03:53 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-07 07:45:13
User: johnnyonline
:::: Favorites

johnnyOnline is proud to present... "STICK SPINNING" no really, just some lame tricks, most of which i couldn't work out so i simply played them for you in slow motion. ENJOY The music is one of the tracks i recorded for the "straight-to-bargian-bin" smash hit playstation game, SprintCars: The Road to Knoxville

multypersonality ::: Favorites
you worked on a ps2 game?? omg i love you XD
07-06-20 15:39:37
johnnyonline ::: Favorites
i don't own this track.. it's tim mcmillans.. you'd have to ask him : )
07-06-20 18:35:13
metalgod1993 ::: Favorites
thats so cool
07-06-24 07:40:25
fjeldhoff ::: Favorites
what size are the stick ?
07-06-28 09:49:54
johnnyonline ::: Favorites
i play a vic firth - peter erskine signature model : ) it's kinda like an 8D with a tiny ball tip.
07-06-28 12:55:28
fjeldhoff ::: Favorites
Sweet... I play with Vic Firth 5A Dave Weckl Signature :) Check out my band madssvin dot dk (under construction) myspace dot com/madssvintheboomboomblasters and I gotta say I LOVE your "On Youtube!" super !!
07-06-28 14:06:10
LWCCeNKO ::: Favorites
07-07-02 00:19:29
ShadowDatsas ::: Favorites
Very Nice video Good job man!
07-08-07 19:52:44
guiTboneslimjim ::: Favorites
Holy cow!
07-08-09 00:00:43
TorquatoTheCat ::: Favorites
... And you've got sexy hands too! . . .
07-08-18 14:43:32

Guarded Mind

Duration: 02:39 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-21 07:45:54
User: marquisdejolie
:::: Favorites

Video rendition of my spoken word piece on guarded minds. See explanations and background details of my zefrank at my blogsite at

Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix Parody

Duration: 02:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-16 07:42:18
User: petercoffin
:::: Favorites

DOWNLOAD:;sharer=11871;download/ Harry Potter like you've never seen him before... Taking fast food orders from a giant bird!

goodcrows75 ::: Favorites
haha great job took me a while to get the order lol
07-08-02 20:14:40
starshine1000 ::: Favorites
LOL so do you have chicken? this is so funny.
07-08-03 02:28:14
lilhiro ::: Favorites
Dude, I first saw this on Myspace, I can't believe all the poeple who said it sucked... This is some great shit ya' got here! And that phoenix pisses me off, lol. Bird rights!
07-08-04 05:30:28
koreangal1229 ::: Favorites
oh i saw this on myspace...very funny!^^ "im a bird, a chicken's a bird, connect the dots you insensitive brick" LOL
07-08-04 14:42:29
mofosho0 ::: Favorites
I saw this on myspace it rules! haha just pickles? best video ever
07-08-04 15:35:02
Juhsayngul ::: Favorites
I think the funniest part is when Harry says, "Look, I don't kill the birds." That's just my kind of funny there.. I'm glad people on YouTube like this more than the people on MySpace. Like I said, you do very well with the cartoon ones. They have quality, you know?
07-08-05 03:08:09
arachnidkid13 ::: Favorites
how did you make this? who made it? you? if you did can you tell me how you did it? i wanna do stuff like this!!!!!!!!
07-08-06 19:08:03
bennyfreakinrlz ::: Favorites
07-08-08 23:01:48
mistakenange177 ::: Favorites
listen mann im a bird chickens r birdz connect da dotz u insensitive prick wow if u have chicken ur a monster lol
07-08-12 01:43:15
drummaprodigy ::: Favorites
07-08-18 20:03:26

Re: TheRealTokenBlackGuy Does Khayav

Duration: 02:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-07 18:30:20
User: Xelanderthomas
:::: Favorites

Khayav is not the Real Token Black Guy

Xerterestrial ::: Favorites
This was freakin hilarious...not bad at all.. the laugh killed me lol!
07-04-27 13:48:41
dazman220 ::: Favorites
u got me, i was in a bad mood yesterday and posted wihout even thinking it thru. appologies....
07-04-28 06:20:05
Xelanderthomas ::: Favorites
Accepted. Thanks for getting back. peace ;-)
07-04-28 06:56:14
so... respeck? new word?
07-04-30 07:00:48
BruceMcF ::: Favorites
No new word mon. Hang around Nigerians, you will hear it. And massive respeck to the Nigerians, because they are too many of them to insult or anything.
07-04-30 12:24:16
hoomelemele ::: Favorites
speaking of do you keep popping up? are you stalking me?
07-05-28 01:43:28
sweetestmocha ::: Favorites
lol! good one. (did u forgot the "much respek everybody" at the end?)
07-06-01 15:16:29
huricaneherb ::: Favorites
omg loool
07-07-03 22:00:25
Bonitaymorena ::: Favorites
stop imitating Khayav u fool !!!
07-07-11 09:32:33
autumngcewt ::: Favorites
Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-08-18 08:36:12


Duration: 04:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-15 22:28:21
User: TheBennyZone
:::: Favorites

Voting will not start until saturday 8/18 or sunday 8/19 night when the official video comes out then you can vote till the following sunday night THE OFFICIAL FIRST VIDEO WILL COVER ALL THE ABOVE What the momstars must do? How to vote for the momstars of your choice? The way I pick the matchups? yes you will be matchup against another for those of you that are running go and post a video response about why you would make a great momstars wait for our momstars to put up their video before voting BE FAIR! HAVE FUN! IF ANYONE WANTS TO HELP WITH MOMSTARS EMAIL ME @ i would appreciate it greatly see ya soon thanks to all for their ideas and help so far

TheBennyZone ::: Favorites
thanks matt ur rock loved the show yesterday with you and ryan
07-08-16 17:03:30
Brianj1234 ::: Favorites
Are you entering? :)
07-08-16 18:25:06
sukatra ::: Favorites
Registration for this contest ends Friday night? what time? If I can submit a video tomorrow evening before midnight, can I be a part of this? Or will that be too late?
07-08-17 02:01:41
TheBennyZone ::: Favorites
sure why not ill mark you down right now post the video to the first video the one the this is in response to okay? Thanks
07-08-17 08:26:37
Jonesingforjill ::: Favorites
OMG OMG Im so excited and i cant hide it ,i think im about to loose control and i think i like it!
07-08-17 09:15:19
TheBennyZone ::: Favorites
oh just you wait hehe im working on matchups tonight and the video will be out on sunday hehe
07-08-17 09:19:00
KelsoFabulous ::: Favorites
is it too late to enter a vid?
07-08-17 15:37:46
TheBennyZone ::: Favorites
nope please join post it on the first video
07-08-17 17:31:27
KelsoFabulous ::: Favorites
is it okay I responded to this one? Or should I do another one?
07-08-17 17:33:28
TheBennyZone ::: Favorites
the another one please
07-08-17 17:35:38

The Pocket Rockout - Episode One

Duration: 07:29 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-10 04:37:48
User: johnnyonline
:::: Favorites

Head to to get the sheet music for this mini lesson. TWO BAR PHRASES: The 1st installment of the drummmers podcast is finally done! Phew.. There's a lot of trial and error when learning how to make these things. This 1st episode looks at the simple idea of playing patterns that expand over two bars instead of just one.. not overly tricky, but a concept that a few of my students hadn't thought of before. SO something simple to start with. Enjoy :)

johnnyonline ::: Favorites
just gaffa tape man.
07-06-14 07:29:46
godofthesunn ::: Favorites
hes got so many instruments its crazy
07-06-19 13:10:31
MidniteTofu ::: Favorites
where can i get your tab
07-07-21 13:06:35
johnnyonline ::: Favorites
tab? what tab?
07-07-22 03:50:39
MidniteTofu ::: Favorites
like the stuff you r playing
07-07-23 01:02:10
johnnyonline ::: Favorites
you talking the drumming, guitar or bass?
07-07-23 01:11:47
MidniteTofu ::: Favorites
talking about drumming~ reli like to learn your beats ~~
07-07-23 05:17:01
johnnyonline ::: Favorites
no such thing as drum tab.. well i don't believe in it anyway. i wrote out the main stuff i'm playing though, just click the link to the right of the video.
07-07-23 08:30:26
MidniteTofu ::: Favorites
ok cheers man
07-07-23 22:01:26
thatsharkeyguy ::: Favorites
That double time beat is beautiful, gotta learn that x
07-08-18 14:10:39


Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-03 08:10:49
User: marquisdejolie
:::: Favorites

This video, as it is, got 72,816 views on Revver and earned $428.04 for me. It is just a home video of my two granddaughters watching tv. Imagine what your income on YouTube is going to be like when YouTube starts sharing revenue like Revver does.

Read The Fine Print

Duration: 00:20 minutes
Upload Time: 06-03-24 05:27:02
User: marquisdejolie
:::: Favorites

An admonishment to always read the fine print in any contractual relationship. See explanations and background details of my zefrank at my blogsite at

Another New Subscribers "Shout Out" (4/29 to 5/24)

Duration: 06:01 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-24 08:46:44
User: Xelanderthomas
:::: Favorites

I've had an influx of new subscribers recently. If you subbed to me before May, you're more than likely on one of my ealier "Shout Outs" if you're new and not on this one, then you may have just missed the cut and you will be on the next one...promise. I hope I've made fun enough to watch even if you're not a mentioned subscriber.

NiggerBuster ::: Favorites
My Sincere apologies. Yes I am in it at the 2:04 mark. See you got the FruityGayMan, that cock subscribes to everyone. I take him off mine. Thank You, Your the Man. I've been away , got some catching up to do on your Vid's. Keep going with the great vid's. Remember what I told you before. Maybe just a little quicker tempo on some things.
07-05-30 22:00:02
Xelanderthomas ::: Favorites
Yeah, I know you want to get me to Chris Rock status :-) Yeah, I know I see FuityGM around a lot but I have a policy of not deleting or blocking. I mean come on, I have NiggerBuster! And about 5 other subscribers who use that cherised word ;-)
07-05-31 02:24:41
WiggerBuster ::: Favorites
Hi, its me the "NiggerBuster". I got a comment saying I was getting a fan club, haven't seen any of it yet myself. To be fair I thought I'd grab the name WiggerBuster before someone took it. Got these from GhostBusters. But myself I'm not out to bust some niggers up. I just throw out some bait, and if the Brother takes it hook, line, and sinker, "BOOM" he's been busted. Now I've got to see it works on Wiggers.
07-06-01 00:19:15
Xelanderthomas ::: Favorites
I've always got where you were coming from man. Let me know how it goes with the Wigger ;-)
07-06-01 02:28:11
TheSacredNword ::: Favorites
How come the niggers or niggas, (a high octane nigger), get to use that cherished N word ? If whites were allowed to use the sacred "N" word, the Blacks would stop calling each other niggers. Chinese don't call each other Chinks, or Mexicans don't call each other Spics, etc.... Most of the time Whites don't call each other niggers or crackers, but are usually proud to be either one. How come Blacks get this special right ???
07-06-02 00:47:01
Xelanderthomas ::: Favorites
Good question. I don't see what it has to do with this video but good question. How did this happen? Good point about Chinese & lost me on "...Whites don't call each other...but are proud to be either one" HUH?
07-06-02 02:26:34
TheSacredNword ::: Favorites
This was in reply about the 5 subscribers of yours who use the "cherished N word". In my observations I don''t see white boys call each other Cracker or Nigger, but when someone else calls them a Cracker or Nigger, they sure as hell seem proud to be part of the group.
07-06-02 12:58:59
Xelanderthomas ::: Favorites
But the subscribers who use that in their titles are White. Trust me, I've spoken with most of them. Ni**erBuster is White, ArabsNi**ersSameShit is White and so too are a couple of others. Sorry, I understand your arguement but in this case it doesn't wash. It's not true. These guys are White. I guess they want to make a statement. I don't censor people like I say in the video. It's not my choice. Thanks for the commet :-)
07-06-02 14:20:31
ArabsNiggersSameShit ::: Favorites
I like the ending.
07-06-03 01:25:31
ArabsNiggerSameShit ::: Favorites
I'm back for now , a little modified. Can't keep a good man down.
07-06-28 00:51:10

Dan Deacon & Liam Lynch - Drinking Out of Cups

Duration: 03:43 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-11 20:44:32
User: wkcreech
:::: Favorites

Dan Deacon and Liam Lynch - animated short

superkiel ::: Favorites
Sea horses...sea HELL.
07-08-10 11:31:21
amandjam ::: Favorites
this is the BEST thing EVER
07-08-10 18:12:22
Jamrockerx ::: Favorites
Who brought this chair in here? not my chair..not my chair, not my problem that's what I say" hahaha
07-08-11 04:11:44
Mveculous ::: Favorites
what is he a goddam asshole, what the fug is he doin?
07-08-11 04:32:49
kneeofwisdom ::: Favorites
johnny hannasticks, tommy noble
07-08-11 13:06:30
crackerman223555 ::: Favorites
that was............................random
07-08-12 17:26:18
skatebawd ::: Favorites
omg this is the best video ive ever seen
07-08-13 15:51:50
hoopafied ::: Favorites
funniest video ever
07-08-16 16:54:55
heyimrob862 ::: Favorites
fucking halarious. no way... no way.
07-08-17 11:57:48
Brock213 ::: Favorites
Hell yeah it was. My stomach and face hurt from laughing!
07-08-18 16:54:33

Psychological Healing; A Message to Kramer

Duration: 03:44 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-17 12:03:53
User: Xelanderthomas
:::: Favorites

Gloria Allred said Richards "needs to meet face to face with his victims and hear their pain." I'm just wondering what the hell would they say??!! Please give a rating/leave comment :)

dmizzle79 ::: Favorites
07-03-28 02:16:14
Howlinblind ::: Favorites
That was funny
07-04-05 21:06:05
harrymooseknuckle ::: Favorites
LOL that was hilarious!
07-04-12 12:13:48
pfenixfyre ::: Favorites
dude, he was being sarcastic, and making fun of other black people that got so offended. You should chill out a bit.
07-04-19 10:32:39
jo3r33d333 ::: Favorites
07-05-07 16:56:25
jo3r33d333 ::: Favorites
david cole, your mother should be ashamed
07-05-07 16:59:28
Lethesunshine ::: Favorites
I love your humor! Peace&Hugs! ~Mimi~
07-05-26 11:37:18
akwalek ::: Favorites
god bless u man.
07-06-02 23:21:20
hondonolikecomedy ::: Favorites
Pretty damn funny.
07-06-22 21:49:35
GBPackerLuke6 ::: Favorites
LOL, KUDOS!!! ***** 5 stars
07-08-06 02:59:25

Best Discs of 2006 - Win a Free CD!

Duration: 08:05 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-04 17:25:29
User: musosf
:::: Favorites

My picks for Best Discs of 2006. You can win one - see video for contest info and enter before noon Pacific Standard Time on Friday, 9 February 2007! Music by neonine except where credited.


Duration: 00:13 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-07 06:54:26
User: marquisdejolie
:::: Favorites

An experimental art video using Garageband and Photoshop to explore a bug's eye view of humanity.

snidewolf ::: Favorites
freaky mon
07-04-30 03:25:28
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
07-04-30 04:56:25
snidewolf ::: Favorites
check out my freaky bug blwing up party....
07-05-03 02:54:55

Contact PTSD Song

Duration: 01:11 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-14 03:02:43
User: marquisdejolie
:::: Favorites

Song about catching PTSD from shelter veterans. See explanations and background details of my zefrank at my blogsite at

bmain1 ::: Favorites
I have to only hope that you are, claiming some abuse. but not mocking all.
06-10-09 02:11:42
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
I'm not mocking all. Just the fakers. I know of one army guy who got a PTSD pension because of his assignment to an army base near Chicago. No war. No overseas assignment. Just Chicago PTSD.
06-10-09 03:01:05
ronaldmac ::: Favorites
No comment.
06-11-02 15:55:10
wrongway2 ::: Favorites
this is shit
06-11-20 00:48:04
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
Well, I made it while I was living in the U.S. Vets homeless veterans shelter in Inglewood, California before I owned a videocamera, so I had to use Photoshop and ImageReady to make it on an old computer they had and...oh wait, are you talking about the art or the content?
06-11-20 05:19:51

Big Tree

Duration: 00:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-29 08:56:24
User: marquisdejolie
:::: Favorites

A video about how I have been landscaping my mother's back yard but there is one tree back there that I think is going to be a problem.

dalisdolly ::: Favorites
Your mother lives in Northern California?
07-01-29 11:41:48
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
East Texas. The tree followed me home.
07-01-29 12:34:01
coloursepia ::: Favorites
that's not a tree, that's someone's home!
07-01-29 12:39:32
onceyougoatee ::: Favorites
No problem. Just blow that pesky bastard to hell. Dy-no-mite!
07-01-29 17:23:32
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
They won't let me have dynomite any more.
07-01-30 00:19:08

Stealing It

Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-04 17:20:47
User: marquisdejolie
:::: Favorites

A nonfiction video about meeting a homeless man who was stealing a shopping cart full of crap.

alexxsad ::: Favorites
lmao, nice
07-02-04 22:40:42
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
07-02-05 06:16:28
coloursepia ::: Favorites
does that mean people who do drugs steal your shit?
07-02-05 04:35:51
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
Haha! If you don't keep your shit together they might.
07-02-05 06:16:16
KebinTthatsMe ::: Favorites
lmao dont do drugs
07-02-05 17:30:38
onceyougoatee ::: Favorites
I think the lesson to be learned is don't do rugs anywhere but your own home, that way you wont get in trouble for the stupid shit you do when you're ont them.
07-02-05 19:27:32

Quick And Easy

Duration: 00:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-29 12:41:18
User: marquisdejolie
:::: Favorites

A video spoof of copyright infringed video content of all the stuff uploaded directly off of the tv.

foxalito ::: Favorites
More interesting than a lot of stuff you get on TV!
07-01-29 13:01:05
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
I burn etherwaves not discs. You mean like to annoy my friends with or try to sell? I'm not very commercial.
07-01-29 13:03:35
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
Hahaha! Thanks.
07-01-29 13:04:13
dalisdolly ::: Favorites
I hope you don't get in trouble for not following the TOS. Hahaha.
07-01-29 13:36:58
tripplehelix ::: Favorites
07-01-29 13:47:50
coloursepia ::: Favorites
to share the joy with those who aren't net savvy and maybe a couple bucks ;)
07-01-30 05:00:22
burrheadjr ::: Favorites
07-01-31 10:55:18
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
07-01-31 15:27:18
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
ThanksI think. What does Imdao mean?
07-01-31 15:27:45
tripplehelix ::: Favorites
llamas might do ageivating origami
07-01-31 15:47:51