Thursday, August 30, 2007

VELIB - the Paris Free Pushbike Scheme

Duration: 03:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-15 08:11:20
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

Merde! I'm embarassed that this is Featured on French YouTube because I got the figures wrong in the video (trying to think on my feet and do it in one take). So kill me. "Velib" - the new rental pushbike scheme introduced by the Paris Town Hall - from "Velo" - bike and "Liberté" - liberty or freedom. The idea is that you pay a Subscription - either Daily, Weekly or Yearly - ranging from 1 Euro daily to 5 Euros Weekly to 29 Euros Yearly. On top of that you pay a Security Deposit of €150. Then you put your credit card or your pass into the machine and take your bike. The first half hour is free, then it starts to cost - €1 for the next half-hour, €2 for the half-hour after that and then a whopping €4 for the following half hours. In other words if you have the bike for 2 hours it's going to cost you €7. So the whole idea of this scheme is very short-term rental - long enough to get you from one end of the city to the other. Using a bike instead of the Metro, bus or tram. If you can do it in less than half an hour - its FREE (but you must pay a subscription and a Security Deposit) Here's their crappy site - - in French. And more information from the Press Release here - In the last three days I've noticed plenty of people using these bikes - from people in business clothes to obvious tourists. I hope it's a success but like I say in the video you need to be careful. Last week at Republique there was a 25 year old girl run over and killed by a 15 tonne truck whilst coming out of a bike track and on to the road. You may also be interested in this video - "Cutting Up Paris in HDV" - - help us get some HDV cameras for YouTubers! And if you're interested in My Life As A Frog (my life in Paris) go here to my site - à bientôt, Malcolm.

guglu ::: Favorites
which is normal coz the bus lanes are also for bikes. Taxis are "aloowed" there but bikes have priority over them. Just look at the road signs
07-08-29 09:46:08
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Yes we have corrected that - SEVERAL TIMES - if you'd bothered to read the comments and the DESCRIPTION.
07-08-29 08:43:44
guglu ::: Favorites
The subscription fee for one year is 29€ and not 150€
07-08-29 06:51:55
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Just what I need - another smartarse.
07-08-09 23:29:56
peterhulshof ::: Favorites
I'm quoting you, it is you who used that phrase as an argument in a previous discussion. I don't understand your method of discussion. This is my last response since we are not getting anywhere with this. Thank you. Kind regards, Peter
07-08-09 17:00:45
wallyworld ::: Favorites
"tout de suite"? and you say you live in Paris? Try "donc". Kind regards, Malkie.
07-08-09 01:31:16
peterhulshof ::: Favorites
No, I didn't. But after reading it, I don't see why your comment or your description is applying to my comment. Tout de suite is not a free ticket to I-can-proclaim-anything-I-want-without-getting-critical-reaction-town. Kind regards, Peter
07-08-08 18:16:33
bootzywootzy ::: Favorites
I thihnk a lot of people dont read them,like me I just usually watch the videos,but when someone has somrehting to say like you made a mistake they should check on the descrition first before they say anyting.
07-08-05 18:47:15
brusselmkg ::: Favorites
About helmets : Check out Wikipedia ( Bicycle_helmet ), the site of the Bicycle helmet Research Foundation , and check out this video on YouTube: YdoE2YCvwdM ( The science seems to point to helmets being vastly oversold)
07-08-04 21:45:07
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Did you even bother to read the description?
07-08-03 17:12:18

Mac Vs PC - "Surgery" Spoof

Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-02 17:47:34
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

Yeah yeah - it's rough and ready

wallyworld ::: Favorites
Says "United States" on your Channel asshole. I notice you've been winning friends all over YouTube.
07-04-16 08:17:23
Darrylpowis ::: Favorites
haha awesome mate, nice one... what the fuck is wrong with americans not being able to tell the difference between english and aussie.. i always get asked if im australian, and im pretty sure you guys all get asked if you're english zzzzz
07-04-16 07:19:42
silentwulfsfan ::: Favorites
i think that was austrailian
07-04-13 17:58:20
KoralleMoon ::: Favorites
I liked it. I'm not really a big fan of British humour, but there's something about the way he said, "Mate, I know I'm a fat bastard" that made me laugh.
07-04-10 10:47:29
valenn10 ::: Favorites
im not american
07-03-26 17:30:04
numenorean17 ::: Favorites
i personally think this is great really funny and as for those who call this video crap and so on obviously have no way to improve it given the fact they dont give anything constructive which must mean this is a great video and cant be improved and i challenge any1 to say anything different without contradicting my abov point
07-03-23 17:04:13
clairemolecular ::: Favorites
lol :)
07-03-23 01:13:15
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Highly intelligent and original comment from a xenophobic American (i presum) moron.
07-03-22 03:04:49
valenn10 ::: Favorites
suck ya moms dick u forein peice of shit. The whole time I was watching the vid i was thinking this is 30 sec i will never get back. Never make a vid again.
07-03-21 20:15:50
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Aussie-hating Poms, I presume.
07-03-17 03:10:35

Josh's D1 Procharger

Duration: 00:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-08 17:39:52
User: kevins89notch
:::: Favorites

Here's the first startup of Josh's new D1 Procharger setup.

Campaña de abonados 07/08 sporting de gijon

Duration: 03:28 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-04 07:58:57
User: setp
:::: Favorites

Campaña de abonados 07/08 sporting de gijon

Born Survivor - Everglades pt.5 of 5

Duration: 08:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-12 14:22:43
User: cuarecrap
:::: Favorites

Bear tests his survival skills in the steamy swamps of the Florida Everglades. Every year 60 visitors die here. Some inevitably fall prey to the two million resident alligator population. Searing heat and deadly snakes claim what the gators leave behind!

leoniegolferwomanbg ::: Favorites
check out CAMAZONCAMS dot COM for the hottest FREE webcams views
07-08-20 03:03:52
RagdollPhysics ::: Favorites
He may have a point though, discovery always dumb down their programmes for american audiences. Everytime they do a 'top ten' programme they record a seperate version for the US with an american product/animal/whatever at number one, because they don't think americans will watch anything if they can't shout "america fuck yeah" at the end of it.
07-08-14 13:19:33
Starfy22 ::: Favorites
mmmm.. CHICKEN!! >_>
07-07-24 19:53:26
jonnothegreat ::: Favorites
I have the series I put on a few dvds , if anyone needs a copy get in touch!
07-07-12 20:01:45
bleedingbananas3 ::: Favorites
feel bad for turtle
07-07-09 04:37:28
slipknotdustin ::: Favorites
that is a badass saying my mate bear u r the man
07-07-04 18:47:11
Bradclaxton ::: Favorites
HA how many americans do u know that have left the US?
07-07-03 16:29:16
warheadz ::: Favorites
lol I was thinking the same thing haha!
07-06-30 14:13:37
ijakeash ::: Favorites
"Born survivor is the british title for the show... which is much classier by the way than man vs wild. haha we aint cavemen anymore. typical american title." Why does that matter? You're just another typical arrogant European who has clearly never been out of Europe because you are so close minded when it comes to America. Go fuck yourself you superiority complexed prick.
07-06-28 17:14:05
jonesy3249 ::: Favorites ain't educated.
07-06-27 19:22:17

Kevin called for caps

Duration: 01:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-07 04:59:00
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

Reply to Nalts wanting a cap collection

granddaughterofthegu ::: Favorites
There are 20 angels in this world 10 are sleeping 9 are playing 1 is reading this put this on 4 video comments within 15 mins,if u do, sum one u love will surprise u sum how!! If u don't , u will lose ur love.!!.
07-04-11 05:52:08
capcartoonist ::: Favorites
They did a parody of that song in "The Cheap Detective." Eileen Brenner sang (or butchered) it. :p
07-02-13 05:39:16
wallyworld ::: Favorites
And I'm still waiting for one of the bruthas to send me a message saying "You want a cap? I'll put a cap in your skinny white ass. Blam! blam! blam!"
07-02-08 03:35:38
wallyworld ::: Favorites
"a hunk of lead" or a hunk of bread? You choose. You saw the mouse picture huh?
07-02-08 01:59:22
nalts ::: Favorites
Green! With the mouse picture? :) Can you send a few cans of soup and a hunk of lead too?
07-02-07 22:23:43
tripplehelix ::: Favorites
I bet you'll warp it... Nice video wally :)
07-02-07 16:17:55
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
Comop somneda (thanks)
07-02-07 09:35:16
wallyworld ::: Favorites
iTunes - 99cents.
07-02-07 09:20:53
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
I'm gonna find myself a copy of that. Where should I start looking?
07-02-07 08:40:39
wallyworld ::: Favorites
The late, great Edith Piaf singing probably her best-known hit "La Vie en Rose".
07-02-07 07:24:19

Meet the Magic Community

Duration: 06:37 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-10 04:33:22
User: wizardsmtg
:::: Favorites

The players of Magic: The Gathering talk about their passion for the game.

saeun666 ::: Favorites
reupload it plsssssssssssss
06-11-18 18:27:35
thewerecactus ::: Favorites
magic is great. You can meet cute asian guys with it. ^ _ ^
06-11-21 16:31:28
NeoReap3r ::: Favorites
awesome, i love magic :)
07-01-11 13:33:39
sutatscom ::: Favorites
Are you kidding me? Are you gay or something?
07-01-12 15:06:50
aeosynth ::: Favorites
... or a girl
07-01-12 22:51:20
sutatscom ::: Favorites
No way.
07-01-13 03:35:46
dragula298 ::: Favorites
07-01-15 02:43:24
Darklurkr ::: Favorites
Yo that guy ripped a Heirarch from a Ravnica Tourney Pack. Niccceeeeeee....
07-01-16 02:08:39
Meluvsgold ::: Favorites
The only enjoyable thing about this video was the foreign languages. Gabriel Nassif sounds like a member of the Munster family, and each clip of cards they displayed was from a netdeck. How do each of millions of players enjoy being carbon copies of eachother?
07-02-13 20:15:24

24º Rallye Ciudad de Alcoy

Duration: 00:12 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-01 02:25:15
User: alpera
:::: Favorites

En este video sale uno diciendo "Un coche de rally" pues voy a explicar el porque dijo eso: Faltaban coches de seguridad por pasar,exactamente 1 Porche guapisimo y por eso lo dijo xD

best goal

Duration: 00:18 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-22 07:39:37
User: barcelonho1
:::: Favorites

Del Piero vs Arezzo 4-1

Duration: 00:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-20 09:32:22
User: barcelonho1
:::: Favorites

Pixar - Ice Egg ( Full Movie )

Duration: 01:13 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-20 14:48:04
User: Yanooosh
:::: Favorites

Pixar`s Ice Egg film. Short animated funny film.

17 Rallye Vila Joiosa - Video 12

Duration: 00:6 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-27 10:24:44
User: alpera
:::: Favorites

17 Rallye Vila Joiosa - Video 12

King Midget kit car

Duration: 01:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-02 11:29:08
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

Check this out - the HOLDEN EFIJY Concept Car on my site - And here's the link to the car club - From Wikipedia: "King Midget was a type of car produced between 1946 and 1970 by the Midget Motors Corporation. Claud Dry and Dale Orcutt first sold the King Midget as part of their Midget Motors Supply operations in Athens, Ohio. By 1948, they began to use the name Midget Motors Manufacturing Co., too. In about 1956, Dry and Orcutt changed the name of their company to Midget Motors Corporation. The King Midget was a very small car and it used an automatic transmission of their own design. Dry and Orcutt designed the midget while working as civil air patrol pilots during World War II. The car used many aircraft techniques to make it lighter. Originally the King Midget was a single passenger kit car in which any single cylinder engine could be installed. The car was sold in kit form containing an assembly book, the frame, axles, springs, steering mechanism, and dimensioned patterns for the sheet metal. In the late 1940s through 1951 the Model 1 was also available in assembled form powered by a 6 hp (4.5 kW) Wisconsin engine. In 1951 the Model 2 was developed. It was a two passenger convertible offered either fully assembled or as a kit, powered by a 7.5 hp (5.6 kW) Wisconsin AENL engine. The Model 2 was still a very basic car, for instance it had no speedometer and no reverse, but it was light, strong, and available for just $500. In 1955 a custom model of the Model 2 was introduced. Sometime during the 1950s, Midget Motors developed the Junior and Trainer. Both was without a body or even a design for one. It was up to the owner to design and build. The Junior was powered by a 2.5 hp (1.9 kW) Briggs & Stratton engine, while the Trainer used a 3 hp (2.2 kW) Briggs and Stratton. Both had an automatic clutch with a geared, reverse transmission in the drive train. They were discontinued sometime in the early 1960s. In 1957 the Model 3 was introduced. It had four wheel hydraulic brakes and was powered by a 9.2 hp (6.9 kW) engine. Midget production lasted through the 1960s, but emissions and safety regulations ended production in 1970."

ragemanchoo ::: Favorites
They don't like being called 'midgets', they prefer 'little people'.
07-08-14 08:33:46
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Thanks. I'll put a hyperlink link up for the car club.
07-08-12 01:58:57
IamPorterhouse ::: Favorites
I know you could. I have owned one for 20 years. My neighbor is 6'2'' and he has more leg room than his Cadi, with me in it. The are a real fun collector car. Allen Conley has more than anyone. See Kingmidgetcarclub for more info.
07-08-11 21:39:00
ZX2ManDave ::: Favorites
I saw one of those at a car show yesterday for the first time ever - very amazing! I would love to drive one. Looks like a blast.
07-07-02 13:43:41
MrUnidyne ::: Favorites
I love those boxy little cars, and I could probably repair one with my eyes shut. But being 6' 2.5", I doubt if I could sit behind the wheel of one.
07-05-08 20:50:11
katalina2007 ::: Favorites
Indeed it does have my name all over it--esp. if they get GREAT gas mileage--sign me up :D
07-05-03 16:53:32
wallyworld ::: Favorites
He has twenty of the little suckers. BTW there's a restored one for sale on the net for $5000. It's got your name all over it K.
07-05-03 02:15:21
coloursepia ::: Favorites
07-05-02 19:51:01
katalina2007 ::: Favorites
Interesting vid--did you check out all his Midget cars in the background of his garage?! He is DEFINITELY a 'collector' :D
07-05-02 19:13:03
HaterGuyAgain ::: Favorites
Tight!Bet they're good on gas too.
07-05-02 15:10:28

Impress Me. Name The Artist & Songs These Words Come From.

Duration: 04:44 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-22 03:17:12
User: khayav
:::: Favorites

PLEASE READ! I just mashed up words from a certain artist. 19 songs to be precise. I want to know how many people will work it out. It's an act, no one has left me ;-)

Ranblv ::: Favorites
I see mr pregnant little act influenced you. the answer is obvious and many have answered it before me. just wanted to say you are acting very well.
07-08-27 14:36:19
tyronix ::: Favorites
it took him 19 songs to say that to somebody ,, wow would of been cheaper just to say it... but i guess us men are wierd like that ...wonder if they got the message :S
07-08-27 06:32:55
khayav ::: Favorites
Liar :-)
07-08-27 02:41:56
TheDiamondFactory ::: Favorites
I just can't seem to figure it out.
07-08-27 02:40:06
jolizevette ::: Favorites
Michael Jackson!
07-08-25 12:51:11
cookieAN ::: Favorites
I know it's Micheal just trying to be the dumd one!
07-08-24 11:45:41
MsDanRadcliffe ::: Favorites
Is it Michael Jackson?
07-08-24 05:24:53
scirrone ::: Favorites
the lines at 1:05 and 1:40 give it away. Both lines are from Billie Jean by Michael Jackson.
07-08-23 20:26:23
harpuaandme ::: Favorites
I think the first one is called shes outta my life
07-08-23 19:08:22
harpuaandme ::: Favorites
I think its Michael
07-08-23 19:07:34


Duration: 03:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-28 02:37:02
User: alex6700
:::: Favorites


anahirbd06a ::: Favorites
me gusta esa cancion en portugues;)
07-07-16 05:47:20
alex6700 ::: Favorites
si esta chida la version portugues
07-07-16 19:19:40
Jeat11 ::: Favorites
muy buena
07-08-09 20:36:49


Duration: 01:23 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-01 10:59:37
User: opamalaka
:::: Favorites

20 against one.. xanoumia kai vazeles

NikolasXania ::: Favorites
e ta malakismena....ta xoun kanei panw tous eidika ta 3 teleytea xronia..psofos gamw thn agyra
07-08-16 21:50:03
dakion ::: Favorites
noobakia leei o pliktrahooligan xaxaxaxa ante re na sou milisei o xatzikounelos malaka
07-07-24 16:04:10
homeras21 ::: Favorites
mn milate eistai etimothanatoi tora..sto xoma noobakia gamo tis manoules sas!!!ta arxidia sas oma tha ta fane ta skilla opos leei ka o omiros
07-07-20 09:51:33
TRelopanathinaikos ::: Favorites
re akoma trexete varame enan giati apo to poli treksimo den sas prolavame eiste kai kaloi sauto tosa xronia proponisi.
07-07-19 20:33:50
homeras21 ::: Favorites
se kathe vazelo i euxi mou einai o xaros na xtipisei tin porta tou spitiou sas kai na diavei mesa.i dixonia na diadothei se olo to soi kai o vathmos leuxemias na einai iyilos oste na pethanete
07-07-19 16:19:54
RoDaTsAnTaKaIKoPaNa ::: Favorites
siga hooligans tou internet xanoumakia.tromaksame.mia zwh mas klanete ta arxidia flwroi.mia zwh trexete tourkoi.
07-07-09 08:57:24
postoljim ::: Favorites
vazeloi lagoi mono me enan re roufianoi eisate i ntropi ton opadon.ante kai tou xronou stin katexomeni leoforo origuinal 21 to afentiko tis polis
07-06-23 07:20:27
orestiada21 ::: Favorites
vazelakia iste ta megalitera malakismena arxidobastarda,dropi sas eiste oloi floroi..tha erthi h sira sas se ligo kero re mounapana tou kerata.tha trexete pali.(opos panta diladi)
07-06-14 19:07:30
NikolasXania ::: Favorites
etsi sas gamame hanoumakia...ksilo pantou me ropala petres k oti allo vroume... opote shkonete kefali tha trwte fapa k ksana katw.. etsi gamaei h leoforos..ntou re mouniaaaa
07-06-11 08:09:06
ectr21 ::: Favorites
ginaikoules vazeles...ntropi
07-06-07 19:37:40


Duration: 04:01 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-12 16:50:10
User: khayav
:::: Favorites

My first rant. I think.

popsuckits ::: Favorites
I like the different voices..Thanks for showing us that we all more than our stereotypes...Contradictions...You are not retarded you are resmarted....
07-08-29 12:16:47
lehclox ::: Favorites
That's what I call a strong brand of weed
07-08-23 13:09:13
davenjoel ::: Favorites
Good going Khayav! I do that often myself! Keep 'em coming!
07-08-12 07:20:20
1JazzCat ::: Favorites
LOL "can u see that shot?" make your videos how you want to make them is correct.
07-08-11 18:27:34
ahermitt ::: Favorites
You remind my of my puppy. All bark and no bite.
07-08-10 14:39:39
gabzela ::: Favorites
Dude, get a fucken job.. You're the reason why gay people are discriminated against
07-08-08 09:28:33
Chaosheep ::: Favorites
Lol, you make me laugh khayav
07-08-07 19:19:05
angelmunchkinzz ::: Favorites
i dont care what you say or if you're running out of ideas because you're soooooo gorgeous and sexy and hot!!!
07-08-02 02:57:51
holikah ::: Favorites
07-08-01 17:10:21
sol5k ::: Favorites
has he had his teeth whitend cos them ivorys are whiter than eugene terrablanche
07-08-01 12:28:03

Better Life

Duration: 05:45 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-22 03:43:17
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

Animation made with by Rob Wright and with a great music track from where the video quality is much better.

marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
07-04-22 03:57:36
haaretz2 ::: Favorites
wally is a creative sob. goodonya.
07-04-22 05:08:40
murbones ::: Favorites
poor guy
07-04-22 08:51:30
bjshowz ::: Favorites
Brilliant! Where do you finds these things Wally old boy? Thanks for the invite, it'll be an interesting ride. Cheers.
07-04-22 10:49:24
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Found it about a year ago when researching SecondLife. Thought it worth sharing. Looks much better on their site though.
07-04-22 11:14:04
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Creative "slob"?
07-04-22 11:14:23
haaretz2 ::: Favorites
son of a bitch.
07-04-22 11:18:54
wallyworld ::: Favorites
yeah i know - just winding you up.
07-04-22 14:24:58
haaretz2 ::: Favorites
brain on vacation.
07-04-22 19:31:11
MannyBei ::: Favorites
Nice trip...
07-04-22 22:45:33

How to Make Money From Your YouTube Videos

Duration: 09:21 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-10 08:56:43
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites
Description: one easy lesson. Get with the program. Here - Oh yeah...and here's the link to Creative Commons music - and one of my early YouTube videos "Mac is Gay" I was wrong about the views - it's had 438,000 dissatisfied (mostly) customers. As you'll see...I got better.

wallyworld ::: Favorites
OK - but you need to click "reply" and it will come in under whoever you're addressing. Sorry about the "Serbian" crack. Peace, love - all that shit. /:-)
07-08-14 04:42:42
idolfan06 ::: Favorites
what are you talking about man, i was talking on your side, against that guy who was saying shit about australians and shit... i was telling u not to listen to him, so wats the problem here
07-08-14 02:01:54
wallyworld ::: Favorites
"heartless evil fuck" someone described you as on your channel. I've no doubt they are right. Serbian as well. You can't help bad luck eh?
07-08-14 01:45:28
idolfan06 ::: Favorites
hey fuck you you piece of shit american, australians and the british will FUCK u fatasses up.. dont listen to this US piece of shit wallyworld..
07-08-13 20:17:25
idolfan06 ::: Favorites
hahahaha shite lol
07-08-13 20:16:33
1ttycomm1t33 ::: Favorites
um, I'm a young woman, 24, I found your video really interesting and humorous. Nothing surprising about that!! I'll be checking out mac is gay lol
07-07-21 03:19:13
wangingproductions ::: Favorites
lol good video, useful tips and u make it funny!
07-05-23 08:18:42
ActionTeacher ::: Favorites
Good vid.
07-05-13 19:14:57
20dollarbet ::: Favorites
07-05-12 18:53:02
wallyworld ::: Favorites
I do actually - Admiral Rowley - famous for declaring war on the pirates of the Caribbean.
07-05-12 02:00:52