Wednesday, October 31, 2007

YouTube Quality?

Duration: 00:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-24 13:54:07
User: morfeene2
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How do you tell if people put out good stuff that lots of people want to watch?'s not the TOTAL number of subscribers, you should examine the conversion rate from channel views to subscribers. It is averaging about 2.25% for the ones I looked at. So I would say that if your conversion rate is above 2%, then you can safely say you're putting out good stuff that people want to watch.


divalolo ::: Favorites
Trust phaedress to play devil's advocate. It's always good to have measures when you're playing a game, because otherwise how do you know whether you're winning? Now we just gotta figure out what game it is we're playing ...
07-10-28 21:47:31
twister7boy ::: Favorites
cool i talk to kenrg all the time and im subscribed to him too. i want to keep in touch with the friends i got. so once a week ill check out other people unless im contacted by them. but its true i dont subscribe to everyone. but i will talk to them and maybe later ill subscribe. like im doing now. i will subscribe to you thou. thanks for the messages.
07-10-27 04:20:03
phaedress ::: Favorites
I did, actually check it out and you're right abour the percentage, but I dispute what it means about video quality. "conversion rate" as you say would only work if people came to your channel to decide to sub to you..but they don't, they watch your vids. Anyway...I'm just put out 'cause I'm balrely above 2% myself. Oh: and thanks for letting me win at your last contest, 'cause the new one is SO outta my league!
07-10-25 12:22:13
morfeene2 ::: Favorites
Of course! (yeah, right)
07-10-25 11:22:00
morfeene2 ::: Favorites
It's a "broad brush" statistic as we experts say! - ha! ha! :-) Pretty accurate though - go check it out. The middle of the bell curve is around 2-3%
07-10-25 11:21:31
phaedress ::: Favorites
Also, Mr. Cheaty-pants, you went and got yourself a whole new channel with the same name after having lots of subsribers etc....I didn't have to check you out to subscribe! So your unusually high number (4.46%) is totally misleading. You know what they say: "there's lies, damned lies, and STATISTICS!"
07-10-25 03:52:20
phaedress ::: Favorites
Now wait a minute! Are you simply calculating the ratio between channel views and subscribers? Once you'rve been around a while though, every time a friend drops by, every time you check your channel, those numbers go up. have you adjusted for these variables?
07-10-25 03:34:46
Pippilly ::: Favorites
Your so funny lol! I thought about that too but I imagined it to be a slightly higher percentage, I thought it was around 8%
07-10-25 01:01:46
dexarouskies ::: Favorites
I think that you need to work on calculating pi to 500 million decimal places.. and then try to memorize it.
07-10-25 00:04:39
debbiez112 ::: Favorites
I like your laugh at the end when you said you need somthing to do. Very smart thinking to figure the rate out. :)
07-10-24 23:34:51


Duration: 00:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-23 20:35:14
User: morfeene2
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Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding


tlg847 ::: Favorites
Hey. Don't make jokes about Crocs, OK? Those people worked hard to make those shoes that ugly. Those are SERIOUSLY fugly shoes...they don't need some smartass foolin' around and laughin' about them, so, knock it off!
07-10-27 07:24:53
MamboDogFaceOne ::: Favorites
Chuck Norris can touch MC Hammer.
07-10-25 21:36:03
manyonerise ::: Favorites
Poopooing Walker? One of the great actors of our time? Oh shame shame.
07-10-24 16:44:25
phaedress ::: Favorites
yeah...but I am *overly* subtle. That's why most people here don't even know I'm trying to be funny all the time. Simple jokes tend to go over my head..
07-10-24 15:58:36
isabelgridley ::: Favorites
LOL That was hilarious! You Should win your own contest! lol Thanks for the laugh! :) *he he*
07-10-24 14:11:35
morfeene2 ::: Favorites
Chuck Norris is the reason we have "Outer Space" - it is afraid to be on the same planet as Chuck
07-10-24 13:58:19
morfeene2 ::: Favorites
....and I thought the joke wasn't very subtle! :-)
07-10-24 13:57:30
morfeene2 ::: Favorites
No-one shoots at Chuck Norris
07-10-24 13:57:01
morfeene2 ::: Favorites
YOU are the reason I have 2 pairs of these now! I blame all the people laughing at me in the street on YOU! :-)
07-10-24 13:56:18
morfeene2 ::: Favorites
yeah - it's good to be back though :-)
07-10-24 13:55:41

Mario Legna

Duration: 05:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-25 14:53:55
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La seconda avventura del killer più famoso del Medio Campidano


MASCOLINO11 ::: Favorites
La prossima volta useremo un po' più di ingegno... grazie simlione
07-10-28 08:28:10
femenina11 ::: Favorites
Mascolino, non permettere a certi pseudo-intellettuali di criticare la tua arte!! Io invece proporrei "C'ho la legna" come film rivelazione dell'anno!!
07-10-28 09:52:25
simlione ::: Favorites
Un video deprimente!Non fate ridere!!!Dispiace ma è così!Usate un pò più d'ingegno!
07-10-28 07:43:36
themullaherika ::: Favorites
Ciao Ragazzi... Bella storia... Poi su cragallu usato come arma del delitto è fantastico. ma si va a giocare a calcetto alle medie? cazzo se l'avessi saputo sarei venuto qualche megamma, visto che non c'è più il campo di calcetto al palazzetto... vabbè, THE MADE IN INDONESIA gireranno il video a tutti i contatti msn: siamo felici che il panorama artistico Sangavinese trovi nuovi sbocchi!!! sbocchini... etc...
07-10-27 11:09:10
all3n ::: Favorites
siete malati al punto giusto, bravi ;)
07-10-27 11:07:22
arrastu ::: Favorites
troppo massiccio !!!! sulla musica di street fighter non sono riuscito a trattenere le lacrime ....
07-10-26 18:42:58
genioallosbando ::: Favorites
Forse mi è piaciuto + dell'altro! E bravi i frat.lli zanzara!
07-10-26 10:00:38
MASCOLINO11 ::: Favorites
genio allo sbando rivela la tua identità... così giusto per sapere
07-10-26 10:37:29
femenina11 ::: Favorites
Paciencia resta insuperabile ma anche questo è molto divertente..e bravo marietto!!
07-10-25 16:17:37
MASCOLINO11 ::: Favorites
mah... purtroppo qualcuno ha detto che non è politically correct per la scena della valletta che non articola bene le parole... ma non c'è nessuna malvagia intenzione... anzi è una presa in giro alle vallette che non sanno parlare... ma nessun riferimento a persone disabili
07-10-26 09:51:05

stupidest thing ever seen

Duration: 00:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-25 20:04:39
User: devilgirlpk
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laughing friends (lol)


Duration: 00:38 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-22 20:30:30
User: avispador
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mis amigos celebrando su cumpleaños aunque yo quisiera haber ido el imbesil tirado en el suelo se callo de cuello de una altura considerable al tratar de cruzar la presa


LordAbraxesDark ::: Favorites
Jaajajajajajajaja pobre tipo =P
07-10-26 23:05:08

Tose Proeski - In Memoriam (2007)

Duration: 06:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-22 19:55:42
User: burinec
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Vo znak na sekavanje na nasiot angel Tose Proeski koj nikogas nema da go zaboravime. ( In beloved memory of our angel Tose Proeski, whom we will never forget.)


kajzersoze04 ::: Favorites
07-10-23 07:16:06

rocklee vs gaara

Duration: 04:50 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-24 23:27:28
User: darkendless3
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rock lee vs gaara vs neji


G40ST ::: Favorites
i dont like fort minor but its a pretty cool video
07-10-26 21:28:20

Smoke Bomb with 24 ping pong balls

Duration: 05:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-25 06:41:08
User: 7heLameGuy
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This is how to make a smoke bomb with 24 ping pong balls! It's vealy very simple. Watch and learn :)


filu89 ::: Favorites
when you have cut all the balls xD ouch xD
07-10-30 17:54:38
danneq9292 ::: Favorites
07-10-28 17:03:15
adiboooo ::: Favorites
n1 work
07-10-27 12:01:33
fuallagain ::: Favorites
10x :)
07-10-28 07:22:04

Oblivion ~ Sheogorath/Haskill Rap

Duration: 02:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-25 00:01:51
User: ViralManiac
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This is my best work to date, in my opinion. Music is Every End by Dimrain47. Rate and respond!


Duration: 00:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-25 17:54:30
User: tabascohoy
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El vigilante de un cine en Cárdenas, Tabasco, hostigó verbalmente a un grupo de jóvenes y fuera del inmueble, golpeó a uno de ellos. Sus amigos grabaron el hecho con su celular, mientras estallaban en llanto.


giorgi19 ::: Favorites
que malisimoooo el videooo , que estAFAA
07-10-27 17:25:58
zparco ::: Favorites
07-10-26 11:46:29

Cindy . . . talks . ..

Duration: 10:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-21 21:07:58
User: JCVdude
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I'm a basket case . . . leaving in 3 sleeps for The Never Ending Holiday.

SIMS 2 MUSIC-the veronicas

Duration: 00:60 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-26 03:53:45
User: conradaz2
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This is one opf the pop music of sims 2

Matt Corby on Australian Idol - Judge's Choice

Duration: 07:13 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-22 01:35:58
User: Sharkywoo
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Matt Corby singing Music Of The Night on Australian Idol's Judge's Choice theme show


loltothelol ::: Favorites
he so deserves to do well in the music business plus hes so hot
07-10-28 05:57:58
Lia135 ::: Favorites
Whoa. That was awesome.
07-10-28 02:42:44
FoBaLiCiOuSS ::: Favorites
i love how he sang this song... it was ... magical for me
07-10-27 22:26:55
any1home ::: Favorites
never really liked matt. loved ben more. but this was a pretty good performance
07-10-27 07:14:08
saije13 ::: Favorites
07-10-26 21:51:14
tingleping ::: Favorites
dude i love that song. and now i just fell in love with that guy :/ that was so awesome. :]
07-10-23 09:06:28
jalojalka ::: Favorites
Ben got me into watching this year's Idol via Youtube, but now I can officially say that Matt Corby has become my favourite contestant this year! I'm still sad about Ben, but I will feel better once Matt wins the whole thing!
07-10-23 04:10:28
camilafm ::: Favorites
wow!I love Matt an he did a veeery great job! Dicko is such an idiot!Matt deserves win this competition!goooooooo!!!
07-10-22 09:32:19
TheRidge83 ::: Favorites
He did this so well, my family only overheard this performance last night, "that wasn't Matt Corby?!" touch down well deserved! Shut up Dicko, artists who only sing one genre are trite and boring. Idol is about taking those challenges and proving you have versatility, just outright wowing people and he did that to me for the time with this!
07-10-22 02:08:39