Sunday, April 6, 2008

Shingetsutan Tsukihime Ep 10 3/3

Duration: 07:06 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-29 20:24:37

English Dub



Duration: 06:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-04-01 10:05:46

2008台北世界新車大展-神奇的ASIMO 本田汽車公司推出的雙足機器人 "Asimo"阿西莫,這是我第二次在台北車展看他,"Asimo"能以每小時6公里的速度奔跑,真的很神奇吧!


snuffaluffagus27  2008-04-01 12:46:11

I love Asimo!!!

how-to make a video

Duration: 04:38 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-07 22:54:20




Duration: 01:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-08 03:31:30

master SPEX dancing to the tune of "Locomotion"


zhaki17  2008-01-23 22:37:10

wtf?!?! you call that "master"? ever seen a pro do that?
gribnikFrematory  2007-08-05 22:39:48

<b> World's largest sex and swinger personals with over 20,000,000 members looking to hook up with someone just like you! Enter [_SexDating4Free.com_] to Join for FREE </b>
graceliz  2006-08-21 22:33:37

MASTER SPEX pla ha...hahahaha galing nmn gumiling

me flowing

Duration: 02:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-26 21:43:08

me flowing


insanedemon6oo  2008-04-04 18:54:27

damn hes good

Gloria Trevi - Birthday Surprise -Universal Gibson Amphither

Duration: 08:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-17 03:31:03

Gloria Trevi receiving a birthday surprise with a Mariachi Band singing "Las Mañanitas" and bringing out a cake to her at the Universal Gibson Amphitheater on 2-15-08. Durring the surprise another big surprise is presented to her by the Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Viaragosa presenting Gloria with an Award honoring her for her 20 years in music.


fallenangel4gt  2008-04-02 05:45:15

Gloria... esto es lo k te mereces y mas..por lo k has sufrido y los anios k te robaron de tu vida....estube presente en Houston (el 24 de Feb.) Eres la MAESTRA!!! BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY From Mc Allen Tx!!!! !!!!
moscotosco123  2008-03-01 01:43:38

No puedo dejar de ver este momento de la historia del rock pork el dia k nacio Gloris...nacio el rock universal en Mexico!!!!
moscotosco123  2008-03-01 01:38:03

...con todo el respeto a los chavos y chavas 'gay'(lo que sean o seamos)...Gloria es de TODOS de alma y corazon bueno..Y se merece, y tiene, el amor y carinio de TODOS los k saben las verdades de la vida. Adelante con gloria ..."la mamacita de TODOS los pollitos" reina de el rock latino!!! I LOVE YOU BABY!!!!!
moscotosco123  2008-02-27 15:31:48

ahora si!!! a ver quien es la reina!! muerdanse la lengua todos los borregos y los que hablan mal de nuestra palomita mensajera!!! happy birthday baby!!
moscotosco123  2008-02-27 11:12:30

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!! Quien mas que nuestra Gloria tan feliz en su birthday..."el dia en que tu naciste...nacieron todas las flores!!!" lindo dia para Gloria! te ammamos eternamente Gloria

Hello Brooklyn!

Duration: 04:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-29 17:49:10

Brooklyn in the house


sakura just the girl for naruto

Duration: 04:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-31 14:30:38

i made this like in a hour


DaisyWonder219  2008-03-25 12:01:16

ya right u are the gay one here naruto and sakura is a great couple !! sakura is NOT a whore.
TRERULZ22  2008-03-14 20:48:22

zukoheartkatara  2008-03-09 18:35:55

Calm down, man its my bro. Its just a joke. And no, i didn't once put I'm a whore MR. razrs20. kk, good.
razrs20  2008-03-09 15:03:48

you know u shouldent call urself a whore it gives ppl bad images
TWTSAM95  2008-02-18 20:41:59

Great Job!! I noticed you put doors down (3 doors down) as the artist on the tags, Sorry don't flame me for this, Its click 5. Great vid! SakuNaru!!!

Far Side Of The Sun

Duration: 04:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-11 11:40:23

Me playing Far Side Of The Sun, By Nature Living On Bass.OK I mess up just a litle, but I rcorded this not long after working out the bassline by myself lol


crossthedevil  2008-03-07 02:54:19

this is bullshit..fuck you ruin dis fuckin song..!!!
savealice  2007-10-11 13:45:16

you and me must talk about Nature living :D Is my fave band.
NatureLiving  2007-03-20 17:04:18

Yeah he's an awesome guy, so are they all, I've known them for years, and they always send me signed merch n stuff, I got all their Music possible haha, even an early cassette tape hehe.
BehindYourSealedEyes  2007-03-19 20:41:35

Wow, that's awesome Takaski sent you bass tabs. Good job duder.
NatureLiving  2007-03-19 18:39:50

Hey, Takashi sent me Bass Tabs, but I couldn't make them out, so I learned most of it and learned the rest by ear :) thanks alot, your comment means alot as they are my favourite band :) xx

halo disaster

Duration: 00:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-12 22:30:45

my halos have been off lately..which culminated in a "back of the head almost break neck spin " lol the thing that comes in the camera's view is my wristband. my friend likes to humorously interfere with my videos.


aznboyeeee  2008-04-03 23:06:38

oh, i wuz using my friends account by accident lol....
NeoLeY  2008-04-01 19:04:41

oh lolz, dats great mann xD.... u are so0o0o close dude, all u have to do iz icey ice, than simply lift ur forearm upward (dnt push at all), and than ur palm will be stuck to the ground, than u'll slide over. so try making sure ur locked on ur icey ice, than lift....
12345643  2008-03-31 23:48:37

haha no. ive been working more on my foundation
aznboyeeee  2008-03-31 23:29:25

do u have ur halos now dude?
12345643  2008-03-22 03:15:18

well, what you certainly saw the head twist and i dont think i could have faked that. the sock got in the way because my friend likes to screw around with my footage, and it just so happened that that was one of the videos showing it.