Monday, July 30, 2007

TPMtv: Alberto Gonzales: Lying Liar Edition

Duration: 424 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-25 13:09:56
User: Veracifier
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Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was back in a familiar place Tuesday, on Capitol Hill testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee about the US Attorney firings. Past Gonzales hearings have been ugly, but none have compared with the ugliness of the latest round.

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riverbelowit ::: Favorites
Sept. 15th is TOO LATE. The 'other foot' will probably come down way before that. Pity. Act now.
07-07-27 15:48:29
ebleess666 ::: Favorites
The man does not deserve to be called American nor a man of honor. What else can you expect from gofers who work for the worst president this country has ever elected? I take that back... the worst president who cheated, and paid his way and pushed by some criminals into the white house. He serves just his real bosses and they throw a few crumbs at him if he is a good boy and sit, shake hand and roll over when they order so! Shame on every voter who let this tragedy happen! Traitors.
07-07-27 19:57:39
misterarepa ::: Favorites
he is guilty and a lier
07-07-27 20:05:30
VICSWEB1 ::: Favorites
This man is a good and honorable doing a very dificult job. George Bush should get a 3rd term...
07-07-27 22:01:24
stubert311 ::: Favorites
and you should get a brain examination
07-07-28 03:48:13
Telcontar1962 ::: Favorites
He has a great memory. He remembered obscure statements during the hearing, pls he also rememebers where to tip toe round the trith alot of the time. With all the lies and cover-ups he has to hold back I'm not sure I could have kept it going so long.
07-07-28 07:31:23
Telcontar1962 ::: Favorites
In one way it does. For the likes of Gonzales and Rice to associate themselves with such a corrupt administration must do the minority community alot of harm. Just look at the damage it did the the standing of Colin Powell.
07-07-28 07:33:45
Telcontar1962 ::: Favorites
Well helloooo Mrs Gonzales!
07-07-28 07:35:19
NVMojo ::: Favorites
I totally agree with you. I feel the Bush jerks have b*stardized these people and what they could really stand for in this country. Those jerks are toxic.
07-07-29 13:26:56
plastree ::: Favorites
^ Tool.
07-07-29 20:57:16

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