Thursday, August 23, 2007


Duration: 00:34 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-15 21:01:42
User: bijesprvi
:::: Favorites

During the first outbreak of the avian flu in Croatia in 2005 Croatian police snipers were used to kill chicken escaped to the wild - have a good laugh! Please digg it!

steve9737 ::: Favorites
hahahha at 00:29 I saw why they need guns to kill those chicken they are really fast Croatians chickens. xD
07-08-07 16:08:53
Fabo1985 ::: Favorites
to brate to! xD
07-08-07 17:19:45
Fabo1985 ::: Favorites
jooj ja bi ih lopatom ubio prije sto jedan od tih "specialcama" pogodi barem jednu kokos^^ njima valda treba koji zracni napad,napalm ili tako nesta...CroatiaFriedChicken xD
07-08-07 17:27:18
naprijedplavi ::: Favorites
Kakav ministar takvi policajci. Pijani lovci bez problema gađaju fazane u letu a ovaj ne može pijetla na zemlji. Jel to bilo onda kada je vladala panika oko ptičje gripe? I kako nabavljaš te snimke, nema to baš svatko?
07-08-12 07:39:44
bubba4head ::: Favorites
see why croatian's have been at war for so long?? they cant hit shit! even with an MP-5 on single fire from what...20yrds max! these guys SUCK!!!! stick to goat hearding eh
07-08-19 08:24:54
Adin07 ::: Favorites
hahaha vivala croatiaaaa
07-08-19 18:28:58
autolinekarlovac ::: Favorites
treb'o je s tenkom pokušat ovaj zadnji "snajperist"...
07-08-20 10:56:08
minkis18 ::: Favorites
hah awesome reason for target practice! iv done the same, but with prairie dogs and it was only for fun.
07-08-20 21:24:26
MAPteam93 ::: Favorites
ur grewsome!
07-08-21 03:47:13
bassplayer412 ::: Favorites
lmao thats the dumist thing ive ever seen!
07-08-22 11:34:09

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