Wednesday, August 29, 2007

CNN Embed Correspondent in Awe of Ramadi Progress

Duration: 03:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-19 16:29:23
User: bottomlineupfront
:::: Favorites

CNN correspondent Barbara Starr usually reports cynically from Washington, DC, but this week she's embedded in Iraq traveling with GEN Peter Pace and expressed astonishment at the positive conditions in that city. We are winning in Iraq.

bookhound63 ::: Favorites
Imagine that, it's working! She acts like it happened over night. It happened because our soldiers can and ARE doing their job, and the Iraqi military is working with them. Thanks for posting this.
07-07-24 19:58:48
SG1963 ::: Favorites
Hurray!!!! And that clip means more to me, coming from the generally leftist CNN, than it would from Fox! Thanks for posting that.
07-07-19 18:21:44
KCtheKat ::: Favorites
I was thinking the same thing. The funny thing is that they were held there longer because of a sand storm. If their helicopter hadn't been grounded, the story wouldn't have played out like it did. Unplanned story that proves beneficial.
07-07-20 00:49:34
bottomlineupfront ::: Favorites
When the media gets out of DC and into Iraq with the troops and the generals, they are blown away by the difference in what they believed to be true and what is actually true. The surge is working well. Period.
07-07-19 18:00:23
KCtheKat ::: Favorites
They know it, they just don't want to admit it. If they admit to it then that would mean they were wrong and Bush was right. The last thing they want to admit to is Bush being right. That would go against everything they have stood for. Period.
07-07-20 00:42:52
vonblunder ::: Favorites
Iraq war was won in 2003 Iraq occupation was lost 24 hours later Time to move one
07-07-20 10:09:04
battlekarter ::: Favorites
Have you ever heard the phrase "Power Vacuum" blunder, or do you ignore that fact like the dems ignore the successes of the War on Terror. Yeah,we tore down saddam's govt in 2003, and we have been building it into something respectable ever since.
07-07-24 20:10:49
vonblunder ::: Favorites
Ask any Iraqi or any US military who has served in Iraq what they think of what you believe to be rebuilding the country. Bottom line is, it won't work, the Iraqis don't want US occupation, and there's been more civilians killed in Iraq since 2003 than during the whole reign of Saddam. (not military because the Iran/Iraq was was a slaughter)
07-07-25 01:56:49
Starcatcher777 ::: Favorites
Hell Reid, Murtha, Boxer, Nancy .. I hope we hold treason trials soon!
07-07-19 17:14:08
KCtheKat ::: Favorites
I bet Reid, Murtha, Boxer, Nancy and rest of the doom club hate hearing these kind of reports. I know they refuse to acknowledge them. Reid said so himself.
07-07-20 00:35:05
Starcatcher777 ::: Favorites
Yes they do! And you can bet they would do anything they could get away with to see our Nation and troops FAIL! Including national security leaks that would even cost American lives!
07-07-20 01:05:16

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