Thursday, August 16, 2007

Daniel bitching just like her daddy

Duration: 04:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-05 19:41:09
User: BB8house
:::: Favorites

Dani show's she's daddy's lil girl by whining and bitching (as she does so often) this is the meeting to discuss Eric that Eric and Amber were not invited to

riavil ::: Favorites
daniele is a whore
07-08-05 20:32:53
BB8house ::: Favorites
07-08-05 20:40:05
justlookinatcha ::: Favorites
Why is she a whore? Just because she Kissed Nick? You need too think before you try too label someone.
07-08-07 14:00:21
riavil ::: Favorites
daniele and nick under the covers: "i've been waiting all day to do this" aka "i've been waiting all day to be a whore and cheat on my boyfriend"
07-08-07 15:34:04
windfallnbc ::: Favorites
I don't really like her.
07-08-05 21:24:52
Lozie82 ::: Favorites
they need to get rid of Dani ... then Dick will go crazy and rant every day, all day... and what the hell is Jen doing in there right now???
07-08-06 20:11:33
Hearth15 ::: Favorites
that's true actually...even though they want dick out they would make him go mad if they booted out danielle lol.
07-08-11 14:17:53
fdhood ::: Favorites
Hopefully Jen is playing them. I hope she gives it to em hard....
07-08-06 20:29:05

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