Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Dr. Dahlia Wasfi - Life in Iraq Under U.S. Occupation

Duration: 976 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-30 20:47:26
User: PHubb
:::: Favorites

shortages; lack of electricity; potable water; tanks rolling through the streets night and day; gunfire and explosions. Iraqi health care in shambles. 200 bodies turn up daily in the Baghdad morgue. For Iraqis, it's 9/11 every day. Socialism 2007 conference Chicago, June 16, 2007 Filmed by Paul Hubbard

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thain456 ::: Favorites
PHubb, how untrue.... even the Clinton administration pointed out that Saddam was supporting international terrorism. Pakistan has helped us apprehend key Al-Qaeda leadership, Khalid Shaykh Muhammad the matermind of 9/11. Saudi Arabia has apprehended 600 for the Riyadh bombings and have rewards for information up to $1.8 million dollars. Need more?
07-07-29 20:42:45
arkgunslinger ::: Favorites
I meant maybe she should have spent a little time with Dr. Wasfi, who doesn't speak Arabic, before mentioning this "fact" which I'm not sure is true. My brother was a doctor in the green zone, I'll have to ask him if there were only 6 people who spoke arabic there. He treated lots of Iraqis military and civilian and I don't recall him complaing about no interpreters but, I'll ask him to be sure.
07-07-29 20:52:43
thain456 ::: Favorites
Phubb, right..... so are you saying that the US hasn't hired any other linguists? Wrong.... check you numbers.
07-07-29 20:53:46
nubiancerebra ::: Favorites
Ooops! Correction! "Operation Iraqi Freedom" was originally -- *no kidding!* -- called "Operation Iraqi Liberation": "OIL"!! --Until someone told Bush that he better change the name (although the original name was probably a Bush Administration inside joke all along, but alas too obvious) -- and to stop calling the war "A great Crusade!"
07-07-30 01:14:52
nubiancerebra ::: Favorites
We all know that the prognathic superpatriot troglodyte *METHIAN*456 doesn't have a brain, but others can look up the Iraq Study Group report which said that of the well over 1,000 U.S. embassy personnel in Iraq, ONLY *6* spoke fluent Arabic. The ISG also reported that the U.S. embassy personnel also have dangerously little knowledge of Iraqi/Arabic culture. It's called white U.S. arrogance--which will finally be the U.S.'s imperialist downfall! YAYYY!!
07-07-30 11:40:12
nubiancerebra ::: Favorites
More gas from METHAIN356: "even the Clinton administration pointed out that Saddam was supporting international terrorism." Whatever... Again, let's go to the U.S. govt commisions: The 9-11 COMMISSION FOUND *_NO_ CREDIBLE EVIDENCE* OF **ANY** OPERATIONAL CONNECTION BETWEEN AL-QAEDA AND SADDAM.
07-07-30 11:56:55
nubiancerebra ::: Favorites
PHubb: " American foriegn policy is...based on...maximizing profits for American corporations." And, of course, this is exactly what U.S. Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler said and pointed out in "War Is A Racket". In addition, the U.S. didn't go into Iraq for WMD's (or "to establish a democracy" -- a later 'justification'): the U.S. govt and its pro-Israel neocons went into Iraq to colonize it and install someone else who would do what the U.S. govt says.
07-07-30 12:16:05
arkgunslinger ::: Favorites
nubiancerebra, Yeah, sure and the CIA took out the twin towers, there really was a spaceship crash in Roswell, and Elvis is still alive. I'm very familiar your kind.
07-07-30 21:17:17
PHubb ::: Favorites
I'm just curious what any of what you say here (space ships, Elvis, etc.) has to do with the war in Iraq? The topic of this thread is the war in Iraq, US motivations, and the devestating affects the war and occupation have had on the people of Iraq. There are plenty of other discussions on You Tube about 9/11 conspiracies, Elvis, and Roswell space men. Try to keep it real and on topic.
07-07-31 09:02:46
thain456 ::: Favorites
Funny how now you believe the government 9-11 commission when it fits into your twisted logic. LOL....
07-07-31 09:05:48

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