Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Extreme Free Running

Duration: 183 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-20 20:51:23
User: JakeSimonMonster
:::: Favorites

hardcore parkour free runners

PkBBomber ::: Favorites
how long did it take u 2 pluck up the courage to backflip outside lol im 2 scared 2 do it
07-08-05 20:53:43
jhaselman ::: Favorites
sorry but yall suck, if u wanna see real free running, type in "two brother free running" or "team ryouko"
07-08-06 12:02:56
Govicz ::: Favorites
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07-08-09 02:02:30
jaydawgg422 ::: Favorites
Not bad. There are a ton of naughty camgirls at _CAMZHOME.COM_ -jaydawgg422
07-08-09 16:39:48
LlamasaurusLex ::: Favorites
awsome video, how long does it take you to learn that sorta stuff
07-08-11 06:56:49
Akheil ::: Favorites
A lot of what they are doing is "tricking", which wikipedia defines as "a relatively new underground alternative sport movement, combining martial arts, gymnastics, breakdancing and other performing arts to create an "aesthetic blend of flips, kicks, and twists."
07-08-11 13:40:28
Akheil ::: Favorites
Well, you need to be in tip top shape and it requires lots of training and just doing it everyday. It all depends how much you're into it, but it might take a year or two to get that good doing it every day. Although they carried over a lot of their flips and acrobatics from martial arts. There is a difference between Free Running and Parkour: Parkour is centered around efficiency and just plain getting away or chasing whoever, whereas Free Running is more about the elegance and acrobatics.
07-08-11 13:40:51
durvinphoto ::: Favorites
just off a tv not real
07-08-12 22:24:14
y0utub3rulz ::: Favorites
ya so hardcore..
07-08-13 00:42:53
koreysarvas ::: Favorites
search for "Breakdancenow" you can find all these guys' videos This video was made only 3 months after they started free running so thats fucking good
07-08-13 14:49:50

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