Friday, August 17, 2007

Gonzales Tries to Spin His Lies

Duration: 03:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-27 10:20:31
User: heathr234
:::: Favorites

Watch Gonzales parse his words during this interview where he tries to explain his previous lies to Congress.

wntoply6 ::: Favorites
gonzales has had to back track a number of times. he is a lawyer and knows how to professionally stretch the truth, boardering on lying. he is not to be trusted, and for that reason alone, he needs to leave justice.
07-03-27 10:53:11
avmonkey ::: Favorites
What a lying sack of shit. I hope they all get thrown in the pokey.
07-03-27 19:25:30
Jordacar ::: Favorites
Why doesn't Bush just fire the guy already? It's only a matter of time before Gonzales isn't Attorny General anymore. How Bush can think he's doing anything other than delaying the inevitable is beyond me.
07-03-28 15:52:57
homeopt ::: Favorites
dirty fucking spic
07-04-08 03:31:27
a1dukester ::: Favorites
he's smirking cuz he is lying and can't help laughing
07-06-20 12:53:32
rambo14smith ::: Favorites
He should be impeached !
07-07-18 01:36:42
snowonweb ::: Favorites
mexican stumping an american constitution, Hilarious and americans are just standing by and doing nothing. In Europe such idiot as gonzales would be impeached long time ago.
07-08-10 14:14:57

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