Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Re: The name and universe contest !

Duration: 04:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-08 14:30:14
User: g0at
:::: Favorites

The name and universe contest reply http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6mAhMy-XLE

newbnoobm ::: Favorites
so 19 year olds can kill 2 year olds that cant?
07-06-16 14:17:47
monica085 ::: Favorites
with all due respect... will kill is the worst idea ever.
07-05-16 14:07:27
g0at ::: Favorites
I will respect your opinon when you explain it :) Simply stating "this is a bad idea" is about as productive as saying " the trash needs to be thrown away".
07-05-16 17:29:13
monica085 ::: Favorites
Sry, didnt want to simply repeat what other people had said. its an interesting concept, but wouldn't work. You said something like that it could be regulated by taking a test or turning 18. but isn't will kill anonymous? How could you regulate it? And who would? you explained that there would be no need for gov't institutions.. doesn 't make sense. Props for the creativity tho
07-05-17 10:57:23
g0at ::: Favorites
ok well I am implementing ANYTHING I want to into the universe. If I had that power, you could fine tune it all day. You could keep people with bad historys, mental illnesses, and what not from getting it. The will kill isn't anonymous then. Well in the case of no goverment, a DRO could offer tests. Anyone who doesn't take it , would get will killed. I don't think people would be opposed to that, they want rational people with the will kill.
07-05-17 12:22:56
g0at ::: Favorites
Or I could just cheat. And say " The will kill only works for people that are not insane or mentally ill, and above 18" .. I mean who knows.
07-05-17 12:23:25
rkzenrage ::: Favorites
You just described a well armed society.
07-05-10 16:57:50
healthyaddict ::: Favorites
It's a neat idea... but... I'm not quite sure it would work... I like it though... hmm
07-05-09 12:46:54
vidensodoacer ::: Favorites
I'm not too sure. Gonna make a response later. Big problems with this. Kinda technical.
07-05-09 07:15:07
darkreign16 ::: Favorites
I have a feeling everyone would die pretty quickly. Also, would part of the rules be that you cannot will kill people under certain ages, etc?
07-05-09 00:25:02
sheepwshotguns ::: Favorites
if you can kill groups at a time, the first crazy person born would kill everybody but himself. no way that could work. but if you limited to maybe one person per month, that would be interesting.
07-05-09 00:16:57
g0at ::: Favorites
sheep, I made it clear that you had to KNOW who you were targeting, you can't target " california"
07-05-09 12:56:00
sheepwshotguns ::: Favorites
oops i musta been distracted. not a bad idea. that initial choas would really wipe out a lot of people, but that would also really speed up the natural selection process for mankind. have you checked out this vid? watch?v=TC1X9yPLWwg
07-05-09 13:07:33
Judelicious1971 ::: Favorites
I don´t see anyone surviving!!!
07-05-08 20:14:04
HyperNathan ::: Favorites
Death Note?
07-05-08 19:56:00
BarnieGoogle ::: Favorites
Man I totally forgot I was going to do a response to this. If I could change my name, I'd change it to Estella Havisham. Then I'd reek havok on the male species.
07-05-08 18:54:49
g0at ::: Favorites
shame on youe :)
07-05-08 19:04:08
Truth1337 ::: Favorites
I think giving people a "will kill" as the universe is today would pretty much just make the world explode. However, if, as you suggested, we had it from the start, the world would be a very different place.
07-05-08 18:37:11
joekarim87 ::: Favorites
I really don't like the "will kill" ability, I'm there would be so many situations where you get so angry at people you love and "will kill" them, deeply regereting it afterwards. And who cares about minority rights we can just "will kil" them! Superfluous if you ask me it's just like arming everyone with guns, same effect really. And yes you can just nuke them and it would be done :P government.
07-05-08 17:41:29
savrasbane ::: Favorites
Kind of pushes the Darwin Theory of Natural Selection in a completely different direction (provided it was something introduced and not there from the beginning)... Interesting...
07-05-08 17:22:16

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