Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Seattle Hempfest (Hemp Festival)

Duration: 194 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-01 02:42:27
User: AuntBee09
:::: Favorites

The Seattle Hempfest in the summer of 2006. Hempfest is an annual festival held in Seattle. Its purpose is to promote the legalization of (medical) marijuana and drug reform. Please feel free to comment and discuss this controversial issue. Note: I do not necessarily agree or disagree with the topic at hand. I just went to Hempfest to document and experience what it is like. I've never done any illegal drug in my life before and I am not particularly passionate or educated in this area of politics. But I would still love to hear some feed back from what you think. Note: this version of this video came out looking weird, with blobby streaks in the picture at times. I'm not totally sure why this happened. If you want to see a better version, go to Thanks for watching.

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xxxxliloxxxx ::: Favorites
Legalize it 4eva!!!
07-02-28 23:30:17
Mattenlamb ::: Favorites
They are winning individuals, many professional and successful people. Good job stereotyping though, open your mind please.
07-03-13 17:21:29
tmone74601 ::: Favorites
hell yeah bitch dont hate stink puss i was there!!
07-03-26 22:34:29
360DRONE ::: Favorites
so if ur there u can smoke ur own shit right?
07-04-05 00:11:56
fudgems111 ::: Favorites
yeah you can smoke freely, just not like right infront of a cop, as in 5 feet infront of him, its august the 20th i believe, at 4:20 the place is just a huge smoke cloud
07-04-22 05:45:25
NikoKun ::: Favorites
we had a small Marijuana rally in Chicago yesturday... only 35 people showed up sadly... But even with something that small, we had some anti-pot nut bother us... XD course we asked him if he drank.. and of course he did... and that quickly ended the argument.
07-05-06 10:16:38
DropMadBombs ::: Favorites
it's honest, fun, real, kind, non-violent, and fun again. be there!
07-06-11 00:45:47
Divergeable ::: Favorites
email me I want to know wheres its goina be..
07-07-14 23:43:02
rizasp343 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for nakedness. I like the site PIXIECAMZ DOT COM
07-07-23 19:44:48
tintala ::: Favorites
legalize and regulate cannabis. Hemp and marijuana are different, help suppor the legalization of both , votehemp dot com and mpp dot org, support them as they help litigate state by state and reform laws.
07-07-30 19:11:59

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