Wednesday, September 26, 2007

19 Christopher Hitchens 9/2/07 CSPAN

Duration: 04:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-04 16:27:51
User: operationmongoose
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Christopher Hitchens on CSPAN2 9/2/07. Better sound in this one.


MightyMelmoth ::: Favorites
Thanks for posting. I have watched and enjoyed the whole of this show and thought Hitch was on good form throughout.
07-09-15 20:00:14
hornybodhisattva ::: Favorites
Hitches Rocks soooo cool! very enlighting series 3 hrs of hitch heaven yeah my field of vision opens more and more every time i listen to this Modern day Thomas Paine
07-09-14 19:47:40
BBMix ::: Favorites
Hitchens, Dawkins and Harris stalwarts of the new enlightenment. Lets hope reason will guide humanity onward to the stars.
07-09-14 12:22:50
cizzio1 ::: Favorites
Fantastic series thanks for posting!
07-09-12 13:33:43
cizzio1 ::: Favorites
Christopher Hitchens can hold whatever name has been given to him. Please remove your head from your ass.
07-09-12 13:32:58
NYFilmCollaborative ::: Favorites
To suggest that his support of the Kurdish people is a fraud is a bit beyond the pail and spoken from a comfortable position of one who doesn't know anyone who's been tortured, gassed, napalmed, or murdered by a tyrannical dictator.
07-09-12 12:28:17
NYFilmCollaborative ::: Favorites
Something Hitchens said in his opening remarks during the Galloway debate was that too long have supporters of the war been asked to "answer for themselves" whereas opponents are never challenged. I struggle with aspects of the Iraq war too, and Hitchens is the first to decry it's mismanagement, but instead of ignoring his views, perhaps we should give them some real thought...
07-09-12 12:27:52
NYFilmCollaborative ::: Favorites
Please tell me you did not just ascribe the Law of Identity to God... and also please tell me that your "proof" for this being a problem with Hitchens is that he IS Hitchens. Aside from being completely unrelated, you are obviously incredibly confused on logical principles. I suppose that should come as no surprise.
07-09-12 12:20:34
deu64 ::: Favorites
Chris H cannot hold to the name Christopher for it means Christ-bearer, which he is not, yet he unremittingly insists men call him by Christ-bearer. The wonderful truth is C.H. presupposes theism for CH is CH = The Logic Law of Identity which is universal, non-material & unchanging, only God as universal, non-material, & unchanging can account for this Law.
07-09-11 21:47:54
fatmeteor ::: Favorites
I see you've started using quotation marks... it seems you can be educated after all. Well done, dunce
07-09-11 10:33:02

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