Monday, September 3, 2007

Big Brother 8 - ERIC DOES IT AGAIN (Enhanced Night Vision)

Duration: 07:07 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-28 06:34:18
User: CodinomeBeijaFlor
:::: Favorites

BB8 USA 08/28/2007 02:36 AM BBT Eric is working HARD for you, America. Again! This is NOT a repeat of earlier similar videos seen on YouTube. This is an entirely NEW instance. You may think Eric is a JERK, or just a bit OFF. Maybe he RUBS you the wrong way. Or maybe you are impressed by Eric's skills as a MASTER DEBATER. Nonetheless, Eric had one heck of a weekend. He finally played in (and won) a Power of Veto Competition. He kissed Jessica, and even slept in her bed too. He held court in the HoH Room, and also gave one whopper of a Veto Ceremony speech. All this stress! What's a young man to do? Those who view the Big Brother live internet feeds are already too familiar with Eric's night time habit, and his modus operandi for relieving his stress: (1) Get into bed, and pull the comforter up to your neck. (2) Curl into the fetal position. (3) Release the stress [into t-shirt]. (4) Remove the soiled t-shirt from body, hide it under the bed, take a drink of water, and go to sleep. He is consistent. And here's yet ANOTHER example. Late Monday night (into Tuesday morning) just after 2:30 AM Eric finished a backyard chat with Dick and Daniele, and then had a Diary Room session. Jessica was already asleep in the HoH Room. And Eric had so much stress. He went into the toilet stall in the downstairs bathroom, but was interupted by Daniele. Next, he went to the hammock to think things over. And, as you see in this video clip, Eric finally decided to crawl into his own bed in the small bedroom and TAKE MATTERS INTO HIS OWN HANDS. Again! Notice how he glances toward the camera from time to time, in an attempt to discern if he's being watched by Big Brother. .

CodinomeBeijaFlor ::: Favorites
hahaha... I love your reply! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. :)
07-09-02 05:53:27
EJ6ciVic ::: Favorites
i love waffles!
07-09-02 00:24:53
WOAHimGANGSTA ::: Favorites
America's Jerk off found time to jerk off yet again. ..
07-08-31 22:28:01
mswake ::: Favorites
I wonder if Eric was dreaming about pizza and pasta. LOL!
07-08-30 11:31:52
boobookittie05 ::: Favorites
07-08-30 06:52:35
UIUC1978 ::: Favorites
I guess Eric really is America's Player. I have to admit he lasted longer than I could or would have. He's just trying to make up for lost time.
07-08-29 21:26:58
wwefan8 ::: Favorites
07-08-29 17:30:15
soulshined ::: Favorites
i don't understand why he has to do it when jessica is in the house
07-08-29 12:32:17
DixieJr08 ::: Favorites
I SO love Eric and Jess 2-gether!!!! Love is blind, and you should rest on ones heart NOT looks!! Go Eric!!
07-08-28 22:33:07
marcloveserin ::: Favorites
bwaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha he should flip the covers off at the end and skeet all over the camera
07-08-28 19:44:11

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