Thursday, September 27, 2007

Cordia turbo VS VL turbo

Duration: 00:52 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-24 06:18:08
User: ripmeup
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This is my red dash cordia beating a VL turbo, its night, but you can see when i overtook him. He had no chance. Song called "around the world" by Daft Punk


vlturbo88 ::: Favorites
oi fuck head go to calder park and fucking vs all the vls there in a real drag race get you ass kicked. that vl kicked your ass when u where trying lol fucktard!
07-08-10 03:37:04
MSNMAN11 ::: Favorites
So roger are you admitting to street racing? im sure there is numerious places where you plates are clearly displayed on pics. im pretty sure street racing is a criminal offence.
07-06-06 12:17:13
tomkkkkk ::: Favorites
i 'lol'd at your remarks Wyndup man, but i would prefer to call him an ass clown. this guys unbelievable what the fuck is he thinking, choppy footage, and clearly the vl wasnt even trying and it was still in front of him hahahaha, and FUCK OFF CORDIA WHAT A DISCREDIT TO THIS GOOD SONG... makes me sick
07-05-11 20:12:39
limac25 ::: Favorites
I dont care if you beat a fucking jet plane fuckface. I wouldnt be seen dead in a fucking rice burner cordia. Id rather be pused down hills in a VL with no doors and 1 working cylinder. Get a real car, then talk nob jockey.
07-04-28 06:27:40
julianrx ::: Favorites
um, he prob didnt even put his foot down when u did, u basicly passed him, and then slowed down, then he gunned it, that aint "whooping" a vl. drag one off the line in your grocery getter fucktard
07-04-24 19:32:33
Nikk0lass ::: Favorites
??? Can't see fuck all exept for a Vl going of into the distance in the last 10 sec of the vid...crap sound and a song masking the engine revs? The only winners are the people laughing there arses off!
07-04-21 21:02:34
Wyndup ::: Favorites
VL Turbos run mid 15 second 1/4s stock, that car you 'raced' was stock, congratulations, youve spent $30000 on your glorified Mitsubishi Colt and it runs 15s. Fukn Ass hat.
07-04-14 11:09:43
JeMoZ11 ::: Favorites
ur a fukin toool mate u got chopped
07-04-04 12:39:49
nateeg ::: Favorites
u are a tool, in most of the videos i have seen of yous ur always making excuses for what happened in each "race" but ur only kidding urself. u will actually find wen u finish rubbing urself and blow the initial squirt travels fasters (46km) that ur rust bucket. (cheers z00)
07-04-02 04:20:17
atreyufan86 ::: Favorites
07-03-16 10:22:28

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