Saturday, September 8, 2007

Phillipe Blond is 22, glam, gorgeous & Alpha Kitty

Duration: 02:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-07 10:34:10
User: AlphaKitty
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As one of the most glamorous fixtures on the New York fashion scene, Phillipe Blond always turns heads. He believes being blonde is a state of mind.

Tanya033 ::: Favorites
did anyone freaking notice that its a MAN??? wtf u can SEE by just glancing at him
07-09-08 08:28:51
kitsonbm ::: Favorites
lol how is he an adorable looking blonde with a male voice ? you can tell just by looking that its a man without a voice, only men can't tell when women are actually men
07-09-08 06:30:09
pixiehun ::: Favorites
LMAO. Crack on Feet.
07-09-08 06:23:53
nonu12 ::: Favorites
07-09-08 05:27:55
xoxgoodbye ::: Favorites
She reminds me of Donatella Versace.
07-09-08 01:49:35
dcstrike ::: Favorites
Gorgeous :D
07-09-08 01:49:22
Padawopwop ::: Favorites
I love her sultry voice
07-09-08 01:48:24
nognilk ::: Favorites
Her voice is sultry because she's a man
07-09-08 08:52:18
CuriousCuriosity ::: Favorites
lol Crack on feet. Priceless xD
07-09-08 01:01:34
shtefanee ::: Favorites
so your sister must be JStar right?
07-09-08 01:01:21

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