Monday, September 17, 2007


Duration: 00:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-16 21:40:28
User: Ostothek
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The Special Operation (Rescue Nuke Scientist). Iranian video game. An Iranian hard-line student group unveiled a new video game Monday that simulates an attempt to rescue two Iranian nuclear experts kidnapped by the U.S. military and held in Iraq and Israel.

Agent0range67 ::: Favorites
Lol 1999 retro!
07-09-10 20:34:36
CoralSnake24 ::: Favorites
Woah! Crysis is in trouble :-D
07-09-10 10:06:27
IBlackWaterI ::: Favorites
Fuckin look at the AI, its fuckin hortrible. Makes the Irnaian soldier look invincible. Then they guy is using a US m4. Graphics stink. tis worse than N64.
07-09-09 17:27:58
SgtAponeSWE ::: Favorites
So, they totally copied CS, and I bet the game will run on western operating systems and hardware. For a country such as Iran, which is totally anti-western, that can't be either thought-through nor a compliment.. Why can't they do their own stuff?
07-09-06 07:21:15
SgtAponeSWE ::: Favorites
Yeah...and..? So they took the graphical engine from CS and made the shooter a leftie/south-paw. And then? It took them over 2 years to do THAT?
07-09-06 07:16:08
Ostothek ::: Favorites
no, music dont real :)
07-09-03 11:07:30
Hk10000 ::: Favorites
lol what a shitty Counter strike rip of ! Fucking sandniggers cant even make a game loL !
07-09-02 07:15:07
carpalway ::: Favorites
haha...funny game. is that the real game music....i thougt i would hear some sitars and stuff like that
07-09-01 09:07:05
carpalway ::: Favorites
hahaha...really? tey´ll execute you if you lose the game?? extreme huh
07-09-01 09:05:01
idan87813 ::: Favorites
omg so lame!! 3 years for a lame copy of counter strike graphic sucks
07-08-26 07:25:14

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