Saturday, September 1, 2007

Tammy Faye Interview

Duration: 07:32 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-07 11:39:54
User: deiphilus
:::: Favorites

One of my favorite interviews with Tammy Faye from over a year ago.

joyceministries ::: Favorites
that's mean, if you can't say anything nice about her then keep your mouth shut, she had been through more than you have
07-08-30 07:55:27
BlazingSky2006 ::: Favorites
She isn't referring to money when she talks about promissory notes. She's talking about turning in the promises of God, taking the promises that are free. I think you misunderstood what she said.
07-08-28 08:17:53
yeeeow ::: Favorites
This is incredibly sad. It's bad enough Tammy abandoned her husband Jim while he was ruined and in jail for the guy who had the money, but then to have delusions of a "bank" in heaven? What did Jesus do with the moneychangers,(bankers) who robbed people by charging interest? But poor little Tammy's god was the bank and all that lovely green. Jesus paid for all our sins, including greed, on the cross, but if Tammy got to heaven, did she look for the "bank" first, or for the Savior?
07-08-27 07:28:30
327caprice ::: Favorites
Who's the HOG interviewing Tammy Fake? Say Jim there's an extra $158Million in our checking account...tell you go to jail and I'll go shopping , WEEEEEEEEEE in the name of Jesus!!!!!!If she's walking with the Lord, the walk is to the trap door to Hell. of course that is if there is a Lord and a Hell!
07-08-24 00:50:32
PaTudie ::: Favorites
Thank you Jesus. Why are Atheists even looking at this? Go hate somewhere else.
07-08-22 14:03:58
horsehandler ::: Favorites
No just one fucked up bitch
07-08-12 08:07:28
horsehandler ::: Favorites
07-08-12 08:06:08
horsehandler ::: Favorites
what a crock of shit....................
07-08-12 08:04:21
sandstar4 ::: Favorites
Thanking God for material things? Oh dear, that is kind of sick!
07-08-10 21:52:52
faro25302 ::: Favorites
Jesus Christ, drop it SWS. I'm an atheist and I couldn't care less about your lame reply or what you think of me, Tammy or anywone else. You win. Please don't respond again.
07-08-06 23:00:04

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