Friday, October 12, 2007


Duration: 04:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-04 18:02:45
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AiresQX4 ::: Favorites
Ron Paul I love you and will be a volunteer as your bodyguard when you become president. I'm not gonna allow another Kennedy situation because we all know them international bankers will be out for blood when you abolish the privately owned illegal Federal Reserve.. Ron Paul 08' Because honesty counts
07-10-11 21:38:47
dude999998 ::: Favorites
Bravo to CNN and Cafferty! Fox News would never give him this much positive spin.
07-10-11 18:10:35
cattleprods911 ::: Favorites
President Paul
07-10-10 20:28:01
Fabyfakid ::: Favorites
We need to donate to his campaign as much as we can. The media couldn't believe we helped Ron so much, if we keep this up, there's gonna be even MORE coverage on the news on him. So please, help out as much as you can.
07-10-10 08:53:22
mengwise36 ::: Favorites
I am glad you are on my side then. No more arguing.
07-10-09 09:42:48
MuttandJeff823 ::: Favorites
#2 In the last post, I do not mean you remind me of Bush, just what you said. So I did not mean that as an insult. If given the chance back in 2003, I wouldn't have voted for this war, and I don't know why you want to assume I would have.And yes, I do realize how many innocent Iraqi's have suffered from our illegal invasion. sometimes when a civilian is killed in Iraq, it's reported as a terrorist. why this conversation? We both support Ron Paul, maybe we could learn from each other!
07-10-09 01:18:57
MuttandJeff823 ::: Favorites
You are Barking up the wrong tree! When you say things like "you are for the war or against it", it reminds me of Bush (I mean no offense in any way) and that one sentence he quoted, is responsible for a lot of the division of this country! you are with us or against the people against, is now labeled terrorist, or terrorist sympathizer. I'm not sure why you want to argue with me, I'm on your side! And how do you know how I feel about the Iraqi's? You've only known me for 3 paragraphs!
07-10-09 01:07:01
mengwise36 ::: Favorites
You still don't get, do you? If you are such a Ron Paul supporter, you should read more about his stance. It does not matter whether Saddam was a threat to us or whether he had WMD, the war was wrong. Period. You might not have voted for Bush. But it seems that you share the same "who give a damn about Iraq" attitude. Am I wrong?
07-10-08 23:15:15
DebbieDoesNews ::: Favorites
As a Self-Described Political Junkie, Ron Paul has my support. He's saying all the right things. He's Ringing Positive. He's honest, forthright, and engaging. ~RonPaul2008~
07-10-08 21:13:35
MuttandJeff823 ::: Favorites
So you'd like to make the war my responsibility? LOL nice try, but hey, I'm just a single parent! LOL let's give that responsibility to our Commander in Thief...I mean Chief LOL Didn't I just say I never voted for Bush. And no I was not for the war then, and not for it now. I was talking about when we were being lied to about Saddam being a threat, wmd's ect. If Bush would have found something that really made Iraq a threat to us, then I probably would have bought it, hook line and sinker!
07-10-08 20:44:30

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