Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Going to SouthTube?

Duration: 01:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-14 22:50:02
User: johnofjordan
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Going to SouthTube? Your mission, should you choose to accept it... Little Panda Express http://www.youtube.com/user/littlepandaexpress


trillian57 ::: Favorites
LOL I often wonder with all these people talking to cameras now, what people are thinking about them. It'll probably become second nature to everyone.
07-08-23 00:34:29
johnofjordan ::: Favorites
Yes tripods tend to do that, I suppose. LOL
07-08-19 04:07:43
johnofjordan ::: Favorites
Well as long as you had fun at Chicago.
07-08-19 04:07:25
johnofjordan ::: Favorites
To be honest all my information on that seemed to go from second hand sources... but apparently something took place in Brisbane.
07-08-19 04:07:11
RoboFillet ::: Favorites
There was an Australian one? Where abouts was it?
07-08-19 02:43:38
curt344 ::: Favorites
I can't be there either. Doublechecked the cheapest options and it's still out of my range. Even after attending the Chicago gathering, I'm going to be living vicariously as well. Weirdos RULE!!
07-08-18 01:51:15
MarWade ::: Favorites
Pft, I think they're the weird ones. Haven't they ever seen a man having a quiet moment in nature with his video camera? And you had a tripod for goodness sakes! A tripod adds so much class to a film shoot. Hm. Maybe it was the tripod that saved you. If it had been just your camera stuck to a tree trunk with a wad of play-do, who knows, they might have rolled their windows up and called the police. If I were going to Southtube, I'd sign whatever you had, chummy, you know I would.
07-08-16 10:09:24
johnofjordan ::: Favorites
Oh, absolutely! It was funny because they drove around and left again. I wonder if they intended to stop, but saw some weirdo with a camera and tripod and thought better of it. lol
07-08-16 03:26:23
lolaknows ::: Favorites
Don't ya hate those "looks?" hahaha
07-08-15 21:49:27
playsNiceWithOthers ::: Favorites
If anyone was going to give you grief, you KNEW it was going to be me :) hehe
07-08-15 16:50:14

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