Thursday, October 25, 2007

Iraqi Kurd perspective

Duration: 03:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-23 02:12:33
User: INFL4M35
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Fuad Hussein of the Kurdish Regional Authority in Iraq discusses Turkey's possible reaction to a PKK cease-fire.


kilokilo1987 ::: Favorites
inexperienced puppet
07-10-23 19:51:46
Mancini00 ::: Favorites
Fuck you Fuad muthafucker. Turkey must throw a Atomic Bom on North Irak and kill fucking bitches
07-10-23 13:44:01
SUNGATE7 ::: Favorites
To Mancini00, Turkey must throw an Atomic Bob on North Iraq ?????? Do you think with this stupid attitude Turkey will join EU soon ???. The Kurds have the right to be proud of themselves the same way Turks, Persians and Arab feel about themselves, No body is better than any body else.
07-10-23 19:08:49
lajustice ::: Favorites
"the only way to solve the issue is..." ...or the turks can invade and fuck your iraqi kurdistan, cause u are hiding them and you are supporting them!!! the kurds in iraq must decide, now! do u still support the PKK, war and the end of your culture or do u support turkey, prosperity and democracy?
07-10-23 12:41:48

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