Saturday, October 13, 2007

Kangaroo near miss : Bathurst 2007

Duration: 00:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-06 03:13:06
User: mddawson1
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One of the joys of driving in Australia is avoiding hitting the wildlife. I live in a large city and have been driving past 7 dead roos over the past few weeks. I even managed to avoid a live one on my way to work a few months ago but it was hit by a car travelling in the opposite direction. The stupid things have no road sense. This video is from the Bathurst 1000 Fujitsu V8 Supercar support race. Fortunately for the drivers and the roo, it wasn't hit. It was reported later that track officials caught the roo and released it a safe distance from the track. Links:


nycchelseafan ::: Favorites
latinos?!?! what da fuk you talkin about? lol did i even mention latinos?? i bet you aussies enjoy sukin kangaroo dik dont you
07-10-12 22:53:16
Iori1nonly ::: Favorites
Your the pussy muthaFucker.. All about ''America'' And all Latinos!!! Stupid Ass!! XD
07-10-12 17:01:51
karis36 ::: Favorites
wel nar u idoit it would have survied!!!
07-10-12 11:59:11
jimonion ::: Favorites
that kangaroo wood of bin dead if that went in an american racetrack
07-10-12 05:17:00
nycchelseafan ::: Favorites
lol no you are all pussies get over it america would fuk aussieland up
07-10-10 23:03:46
BigMac12121983 ::: Favorites
I'm glad this can't happen in American racetracks, especially Daytona Int. Speedway or Talladega Superspeedway. I'm glad to hear that both the marsupial and the drivers didn't get hurt.
07-10-10 21:42:48
mddawson1 ::: Favorites
I wonder what its lap time was???
07-10-10 19:29:31
nycchelseafan ::: Favorites
........cause theres a kangaroo on the race track ....where else in the world would there be a kangaroo on a race track?
07-10-10 14:23:51
nycchelseafan ::: Favorites
HAHAHA WTFFFFFFFF is doof doof music?!?! LmaoOOO oh my gawd dumbb ass
07-10-10 14:23:10
Sabresfan4851 ::: Favorites
lol the roo minding his own business
07-10-10 13:40:00

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