Monday, October 22, 2007

Reply to Vegan Idea

Duration: 02:42 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-13 20:44:15
User: KaidaRose
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Just replying to someone mostly my thoughts again on what he's doing. I think it's cool. I love the idea of people being a vegan or vegitarian. I suppose it's because I did it for ten years.


starrave ::: Favorites
Over 75% of the world is allergic to dairy. Just thought I'd throw that out there. >.>
07-10-13 22:26:11
KaidaRose ::: Favorites
I am not. Where did you get this information?
07-10-13 22:58:32
Jamex07 ::: Favorites
Thats true. Cows milk is slightly toxic to humans. Goat milk is much better for humans. People who are lactose intolerant can drink goats milk for example. Human milk doesnt even have lactose, it has a lot more monosaccharides, making it a lot sweeter, which is why people are allergic to cows milk cuz we arent well designed to digest lactose. So bacteria in our stomachs digest it giving us gas and stuff.
07-10-15 18:15:37
Jamex07 ::: Favorites
Personally im not a fan of goat cheese, lol, so given what i just said, ill probably still stick to cows milk. :P
07-10-15 18:15:57
KaidaRose ::: Favorites
Goat cheese is good... And even though given what I said I will do same. I love cows milk! Or just. Mostly the clean for humans cows milk. I love on a Simpsons episode where they drink rats milk! And they don't know the difference! Lol.
07-10-15 22:53:08
KaidaRose ::: Favorites
Farting is funny and good for other people because it causes them to laugh! Lol
07-10-15 22:51:39
Jamex07 ::: Favorites
07-10-15 23:28:01
KaidaRose ::: Favorites
Heh, he and he.
07-10-16 01:59:21
AOEGuy ::: Favorites
thanks! i hope this will help me find clarity in my actions!
07-10-13 21:07:23
KaidaRose ::: Favorites
Your welcome! Thanks for the comment! I hope you find clarity in your actions also!
07-10-13 21:15:57

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