Friday, October 19, 2007

Rudy In 1996: "I'm Really Not" A Republican Mayor

Duration: 00:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-16 15:42:11
User: Veracifier
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Rudy Giuliani on the Charlie Rose Show August 13, 1996


knowledgeofall ::: Favorites
Some people live in a murky darkness, and some people are questing a life, that of living in the light, light of goodness, joy, truth, justice, and wonder. Those creatures, living in an existence of the murky darkness, of talking points, so as to keep their greed, bigotry, and narcissism sustained, irregardless the cost to others. Do not snipe pathetic remarks, so as to defend your murky dark domain. GO TOWARD THE LIGHT Support people such as Kucinich, Obama, or yes even Colbert
07-10-18 16:10:33
holdingcompany ::: Favorites
Nice haircut, douchebag
07-10-18 15:40:24
notarypublic ::: Favorites
911 made him///////// he is a joke
07-10-18 14:40:06
cloehoho ::: Favorites
Judgement day is here. We fight back click on my name
07-10-18 13:24:14
SharkDude1 ::: Favorites
Rudy...This guy is a joke! If you think Bill Clinton stained the White house with his sex antics, and you amagin Rudy there dressed in drag when he gets horny? When Rudy shops for womens clothes for HIMSELF, naw your not a person I want as the Leader of my country! Can you ALL amagin IF Rudy became president, We would be the laughng stock of all nations!!
07-10-18 09:52:44
2bn2 ::: Favorites
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" Ben Franklin CFR: Gore Romney Obama Giuliani Edwards Clinton Thompson Rockefeller "The CFR Controls American Media" 5min USA Fraud voting: Diebold ES&S Chuck Hagel Jeff Dean Terrorstorm 2hr
07-10-18 08:04:31
erichathy222 ::: Favorites
Ron Paul is the only presidential candidate fighting for our rights; (You can't argue the truth.) If you want to bring are troops home: Eliminate the (Federal Reserve) (IRS) (Entitlement Programs) and (amnesty for illegal immigrants) Vote for {Ron Paul, 2008} If you enjoy giving 45% of every dollar you earn to the Government. Vote for {Hillary, Obama, Rudy, Mitt, or any other candidate} God Bless You, Ron Paul.
07-10-18 04:42:16
sidrosteel ::: Favorites
blair227, Huh? how about 18th century ideas that gave us our rights and freedoms? Is that modern enough? Just because other nations beleived in State power and Government harrasment doesnt mean AMERICANS subscribed to those beliefs. America is blessed. When our leaders take our rights and tell us its for the best.. Remember FEMA? Well, any person can guess how well the government takes our money and spends it wisely. Dear Uncle Sam, GET OFF MY FKN BACK!
07-10-18 02:57:08
kingbrandor ::: Favorites
Your damn right your not a republican lol . Ron Paul is at least a true conservative. I like Hukabee (probably spelt wrong) alright too .
07-10-18 00:35:06
immanent ::: Favorites
Correction. He is a neo-con. Just look at the membership of the Council on Foreign Relations to see who is openly neo-con (Republicans) and who is a closet neo-con (Democrats). They really only differ in a handful of ways.
07-10-17 23:43:30

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