Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Sukiyaki 上を向いて歩こう Kyu Sakamoto 坂本九

Duration: 03:25 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-19 20:54:42
User: steve4nlanguage
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English and Japanese lyrics. My first attempt using Windows Movie Maker. 英語と日本語の歌詞。僕は初めてWindows Movie Makerを使ったのです。


musicismylifebaby ::: Favorites
Thanks for sharing this is great.
07-09-30 02:42:14
joannaSO ::: Favorites
I will never forget his voice....his "Sukiyaki" 祈願 坂本九 後生善處 宿命轉換 Nammyo-ho-ren-ge-kyo
07-08-17 10:51:19
Tejano44 ::: Favorites
Thanks for posting dear soul ! From my youth till now it is one of all time favorite songs .Gracias ! Great Video Art .
07-08-13 13:58:53
hermoreu ::: Favorites
¡ Que tal aporte Steve ! Muchas gracias.
07-08-11 14:51:38
eric33yt ::: Favorites
Very well done, Steve! Thanks for the great job.
07-08-06 17:56:11
eric33yt ::: Favorites
Very well done, Steve! Thanks for the great job.
07-08-06 17:56:11
sadaoohata ::: Favorites
kyu-chan is great idol for good.
07-07-29 01:45:09
rumyjaleel ::: Favorites
Remembering those happy autumn days But tonight I'm all alone Sadness hides in the shadow of the stars Sadness lurks in the shadow of the moon I look up when I walk so the tears won't fall Though my heart is filled with sorrow For tonight I'm all alone
07-07-28 12:27:45
rumyjaleel ::: Favorites
Happiness lies beyond the clouds Happiness lies above the sky I look up when I walk so the tears won't fall Though my heart is filled with sorrow For tonight I'm all alone whistling
07-07-28 12:26:37
rumyjaleel ::: Favorites
I look up when I walk so the tears won't fall Remembering those happy spring days But tonight I'm all alone I look up when I walk, counting the stars with tearful eyes Remembering those happy summer days But tonight I'm all alone
07-07-28 12:24:58

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