Monday, November 5, 2007

Area 51 Beyond Top Secret PART 1 OF 5

Duration: 09:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-05 05:34:10
User: TheHistoryChannelTv
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For years, its remote location and iron-clad security measures kept it a secret. But the existence of Area 51 is now well known, even though it still does no show up on any government documents or maps. And while the government still does not officially acknowledge its presence, the mysterious base is a lightning rod for controversy and speculation. HISTORY'S MYSTERIES explores the many compelling stories and theories that swirl around Area 51, from the fears of conspiracy theorists that it is ground zero for a shadow government they call the "New World Order" to the long-rumored presence of UFO spaceships and alien remains. We'll hear from New York Times author Phil Patton, whose book on the subject is widely considered to be the definitive work about the base and its "black projects." And we'll visit the tiny desert town of Rachel, on the edges of the base, and investigate the mysterious deaths of a number of Area 51 workers. From its origins in the heart of the Cold War to the enticing clues that incredible events are still unfolding inside this desert outpost, this is a comprehensive chronicle of one of the most compelling and mysterious military installations in the world.

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