Friday, November 2, 2007

Help with Brinks Padlock

Duration: 02:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-01 18:56:23
User: ChipShuhart
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I can't get this thing open!


fordfromthebay ::: Favorites
try starting to spp it from the back to the front. getting a false set that big means mushroom or spools.
07-11-02 00:37:27
bakuhn7 ::: Favorites
I agree with run4yourlife24x ! BUT..if you want to try the reckless way. - Try a diamond (better if u use a double-diamond) - Apply VERY VERY TIGHT TENSION, AND RAKE (U WILL NEED TO FIGHT THE RESISTING PINS) - this actually works for alot of brass padlock i find, if it doesn't budge, just try a lighter tension and rake on!!
07-11-01 21:28:08
ChipShuhart ::: Favorites
thanks for the tip, ill give it a shot
07-11-01 21:41:33
run4yourlife24x ::: Favorites
release a tad bit of tension while your pushing up on the pin it should, set.
07-11-01 20:56:02
ChipShuhart ::: Favorites
thats what i've been trying, it works for the first pin but the others wont budge until i let off so much tension that the whole tumbler resets. I'll fiddle with it some more and post a vid if i get it open. Thanks!
07-11-01 21:37:44

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