Sunday, November 4, 2007

PJ's Frakin' Life Vblog #64 - HAPPY HALLOWEEN !

Duration: 01:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-01 08:59:01
User: kansaiPJ
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Halloween is not a really big thing here in Japan, except among the gaijin community, but some of the students at my school got dressed up and we took some pics. I hope you enjoy this short show.


gokuson86 ::: Favorites
Dude, is that the Spidey mask from the DJ OZMA video? If so, props dude, total :D
07-11-03 11:20:38
Arrow0Apollo ::: Favorites
07-11-03 09:53:58
kansaiPJ ::: Favorites
What was I? Hmm. I was ... "teacher with a mask". LOL. Actually, I had a horsey costume that I wore to a party on the weekend, but I could not teach and stuff with it on, so I wore that lame excuse for a costume, red mask, instead.
07-11-03 04:37:17
lttlerabbt ::: Favorites
Haha, that's awesome that some of your students dressed up. So what exactly were you?
07-11-03 03:56:15
kansaiPJ ::: Favorites
Thanks a lot sir.
07-11-02 18:39:46
kansaiPJ ::: Favorites
Too bad. That is a ashame. Wearing costumes is fun.
07-11-02 18:38:34
sexymdlman ::: Favorites
haha that's awesome dude! Once again, you are a kick ass teacher lol
07-11-02 08:28:37
maxdesu ::: Favorites
haha haruhi was pretty slick didn't break character
07-11-02 08:26:16
angelusofdeath ::: Favorites
lol @ the dead guy here is prohibited to wear costume in school lol. Not very safety :P
07-11-02 07:48:11
kansaiPJ ::: Favorites
Paranoia works for you!
07-11-01 23:43:32

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