Monday, December 31, 2007

Forever ana

Duration: 04:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-26 01:43:02
User: DustInTheWind1984
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ana  pro  thinspo  thinspiration  anorexia  mia  


forever young-youth group


kitmao ::: Favorites  2007-12-28 13:29:46

I love the comments that are matching being in shape up with this kind of thinness. I bet I could outrun, bike, yoga, whatever any of these tiny girls. Oh, and do it while having the body of a woman, not a little boy. Why do girls want to look like skinny 10 year old boys anyway? I would never date a guy that thought that was actually hot.
androiu ::: Favorites  2007-12-10 07:50:58

some of those girls are darn pretty... and I don't think ana's only a disease.. its a way of living, thinking, breathing...
iursouhardkor ::: Favorites  2007-12-02 17:37:28

2:50 is just beautiful!
CaptainBootHead ::: Favorites  2007-12-01 01:57:21

2;21 is perfect...
ashfatmess ::: Favorites  2007-11-28 09:28:17

1.38 is perfect!
catiriveros ::: Favorites  2007-11-28 08:29:58

i tottaly understand, its so difficult living in this country were life is basically the beach and not being able to wear a bikini is so sad....i feel pain everytime i have to sit and eat with my family...its like im being pushed to do something i dont want...i want to be pure
o1bAnanas ::: Favorites  2007-11-25 05:53:10

the have never known the pain of a causal insult to their body. They do not say "I'll fight you for it" and hear in return "Be careful...she might sit on you." They are the blessed, the envied, the loved.... Slimness is my hunger, my desire, my despairing wail to the heavens. It is my dream and my pain. Maybe you see the point..! By the way: Great video - nice song! (; Blessings <3
o1bAnanas ::: Favorites  2007-11-25 05:36:32

To be whistled at in the street! To buy a bikini and wear it with pride! To fit into the beautiful dresses at the store. To think of love, of sex, of a family without despair! Some complain of being stick-like, without breasts or hips. They have no idea. They take for granted the joy of having full control of your body, being able to run a mile without stopping, of feeling your powerful muscles working with each stride.
o1bAnanas ::: Favorites  2007-11-24 13:19:58

Um..yes, of course! A lot of guys r right about anorexia and something. But sometimes it´s hard.. ..that´s how I feel: O God! To be thin! To run to class with your friends and still have breath to laugh! To enjoy gym class! To be asked to join a group in gym, and not have to seek out the unlucky partner. To exchange the encouraging, pityng, pasted-on smiles for cheers of congratulation.
Waterytart207 ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 18:14:10

quannum1 ::: Favorites  2007-11-13 10:25:24

I understand that it is a form of 'disease', but you have to take into account the fact that it is only prevalent in western societies. Most diseases are not so socially specific...just a thought.
godessceline ::: Favorites  2007-11-12 10:30:41

It's got nothing to do with food.
pretzelxface ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 06:41:33

Dude. You picked an awesome song. Nice pics, I LOVE HIP BONEEEES. 0.57 has really great legs too. Pretzel Face x
littlepig93 ::: Favorites  2007-10-26 11:59:00

you are very very pretty!!!
nicw ::: Favorites  2007-10-18 16:40:16

its a disease, you don't choose to do it

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