Friday, February 15, 2008

Actor Heath Ledger found Dead!

Duration: 02:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-22 20:25:32
User: Blueiscoool

heath  ledger  died  body  removed  brokeback  mountain  


Actor Health Ledger, best known for his role in 'Brokeback Mountain,' was found dead in a Manhattan apartment.


xxnufxx  2008-01-30 15:12:54

ich musste heulen.ich war echt lang am letzter zeit sind ein paar leute die mir am herz liegen gestorben.und es tut weh...auch wenn sie nur haarscharf am tot vorbeigekommen sind,oder auch wenn ich ihnen in meinem ganzen leben nur einmal hallo sagen konnte.passt alle auf euch auf und für die bei denen es shon zu spät ist--> R.I.P rest in peace... i love you!
cariito2929  2008-01-30 01:16:42

que este con diosiito
digitalmoviefile  2008-01-29 21:49:38

R.I.P Heath Ledger
Alize101586  2008-01-29 21:44:26

Dead in body, but not in spirit. We will see him again at the last day just like everyone else who have passed. Jesus will raise him up on the last day. In the Bible, it says the a trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised. That is the hope of Christian faith.
TABWISH  2008-01-29 11:45:09

ohhhhhh my Gooood....i think im goin to kill myself cause he is dead...and im so depressed that i wont be able to see him in movies anymore...oh my godddd...please....come back...f the media..

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