Friday, February 22, 2008

The Island - Wii Game Concept

Duration: 01:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-22 18:00:35
User: NathanMandjes

island | nintendo | wii | new | game 


This is a Nintendo Wii game concept. I'd like to see a game like this on the Wii console. I hope you guys support this concept.. please post your comment on this game. Bye!


benitofinito  2007-10-10 16:49:28

not bad. think I'm going too put some concepts on youtube
NathanMandjes  2007-03-29 10:28:55

Well, you probably searched for my video, so who's the real n00b then? This video is produced for freeware only and I'm too lazy and busy to send the 'script' (like there is one') and the idea to several game producers. YouTube comes in handy..
tehcommenderer  2007-03-23 14:34:31

I highly doubt that one of the execs or any of the people who work with Nintendo, have or anytime in the future, are gonna watch your video. The best thing you can have is advice on getting your video watched by these people, by sending a portfolio of your game and the conceptual script of how the game would play out. If Nintendo won't listen, then you can always research third party game publishing companys. They are always looking for a good game to produce and market. I train n00bs

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