Sunday, February 24, 2008

Strange Facts About Me: 01 How Many Wizdom Teeth Did I Have?

Duration: 01:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-25 15:24:14
User: BlackUniGryphon

Strange | things | facts | about | wisdom 


Strange Facts About me: 001 How many Wizdome teeth Did I have? When Did I get my Wizdom Lines in My Forehead?


GG1Animal  2007-08-05 20:06:46

I kind moved around the first day and I was Very hungry and I did not eat smart, I riped up some curly frys from arbys and I did eat icecream. I was not feeling wors after that but I was kinda swollen. I dont need to take a week off thank God, I have to run with my team tomarrow for Cross Country so I should be fine by then.
BlackUniGryphon  2007-08-05 19:49:02

kinda swollen, and I wasn;t allowed to leave my bed. I was told to stay in beed for a week, and it was at thanx giving time. I only ate mashed potatoes. and, the meds they gave me, gave me a super apetite. So, I was sucking up mashed tators every hours like I was starving... I looked like a chipmunk too. Ha!
GG1Animal  2007-08-05 19:36:08

Were U very sore or not that bad?
BlackUniGryphon  2007-08-05 19:23:48

I had 'em removed all at the same time. :D
BlackUniGryphon  2007-08-05 19:23:25

I'll bet that was fun! Ha!

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