Monday, March 31, 2008

Canon guitar & piano

Duration: 03:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-20 08:48:54

My mate's down from Sydney and we decided to fk round with canon, its an old school thing we used to do, lol.


PeteRochford  2008-03-24 20:43:24

Yes we are gay, I love it, NOT, u dumbass, I guess its all perception and that you yourself actually have homosexual tendancies to even think of that, oh well, good luck with that bro. :P
butthoel  2008-03-22 04:00:10

the video description and the video itself creates an impression on my mind that you're a gay coulple. im not gay, so im kinda disturbed
kreitzman  2008-03-06 20:40:30

hahahah lmfao..that was sick!!!!!!
crazyniceciccio  2008-02-13 15:05:03

ooo good job firends...really!!! good job...........LOl
Weldon598  2008-02-06 01:55:44

really nice rhythm

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