Wednesday, April 2, 2008

frou frou- let go

Duration: 04:51 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-07 20:39:23

video and photos I took, hope you like it you should watch it!


rocketjm  2007-08-18 19:47:14

well i live near the beach like a few blocks away. and thank you.
laynaxo  2007-08-18 19:45:26

you live on the beach? that's so cool. great song great video.
rocketjm  2007-07-14 10:44:15

thanks. i live at the beach and there are a lot of different beaches around the island.
vidular  2007-07-14 10:24:35

Beach time! The sea foam around 1:05 was a cool video shot.

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