Sunday, April 13, 2008


Duration: 01:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-18 21:25:59

big eddie and mr.nutcracker cr. =D


Sb3451  2008-03-30 00:28:08

u mean my voice b/c i can hear it fine except for that part with the green shade
conman639  2008-03-29 23:30:42

u r too quiet
Sb3451  2008-03-20 22:36:38

ummmm ok should i respond or something
joshmoss108  2008-03-20 22:11:06

hahaha, that was good. you should play my video challenge. i'll send it you way. PS:i'm am also "thejoshfilms"
Sb3451  2008-03-19 16:15:28

... hmmh

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