Monday, April 7, 2008

SSBB Home-Run Contest record 10879.9 ft.

Duration: 02:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-04-01 18:36:56

Me and Sven killing the fuck out of the sandbag! After a lot of practicing and sychronizing, timing each others moves and stuff.. Oh and tips and stuff are welcome..


asf218sef  2008-04-07 00:47:13

yeahhh!! death note....whats up people!! ohh death note + SSBB = yeahh
sonikage  2008-04-06 23:49:16

lolz to kurosaki1kun :P
sonikage  2008-04-06 23:46:40

ho... ly... shit... Deathnote Season 2 Opening + Two Ganondorfs + beating the living beJEEEEZUS outta sandbag + almost TWO EFFING MILES OF HOME RUN PWNAGE = there isn't a word to express the pure awesomeness of this event. well done, RichDichman and friend. well done.
Sodylin  2008-04-06 15:31:00

That made my day. Rofl!
killjoy377  2008-04-06 13:37:55

sand bag got raped on!!!

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