Monday, August 13, 2007

Bush admitting to an Impeachable Offense on national TV

Duration: 190 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-20 17:06:15
User: benfrankdotnet
:::: Favorites

2 clips- the first proves Bush knows that spying without a warrant is UnConstitutional- the 2nd has him claiming the exact opposite. He lied and he knows it- yet Congress rolled over. go to for more

h4ll0h4ll0h4ll0 ::: Favorites
Voip Wi-Fi
07-02-15 03:25:38
mminformation ::: Favorites
Impeach Now. Unchecked Power. Bush: Liar, Murderer, dictactor, Evil.
07-02-15 19:59:42
soapboxguy ::: Favorites
this is completely disgusting. I'm horrified by the implications of this administration's actions and its ability to get away with all of it.
07-04-29 17:15:45
PuffLippy06 ::: Favorites
This is worse than a blow-job, or a few hundred grand profit on the legal sale of some land.
07-05-18 22:41:38
Dionysius9 ::: Favorites
yes bush, you're definitely not a lawyer. any 1st day law student would know that half of the stuff you have been doing as president is ILLEGAL. your funny talk makes it sound like you're working for us, but ask any scholar of constitutional law why they are getting nervous. sir, your vow is to protect the constitution, not the people. the people's protection comes from the law.
07-06-25 01:42:44

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