Monday, August 13, 2007

Re: Re: GOD is an answer

Duration: 600 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-12 12:47:40
User: teabowbraine
:::: Favorites

ENLARGE TO READ THE EMAIL AT THE END. Or read it below. Could you PLEASE watch my ILLUMINATE SECRETS of RELIGION & EVOLUTION series Its very important. YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THE LIES YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD ABOUT THE WORLD. PLEASE ITS A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH FOR EVERY ONE ON EARTH. I also need help with my best man speech. If you know of a one liner, I would be very grateful for it in the comments. Answering SwordofAllah87's question. How did organic life start on earth? RECOMMENDED BY KT45 NEONSOLID PART OF NEONSOLID'S EMAIL TO ME I cant give a video response, because I don't a have cam. So I will have to do the best that I can with a text response. The question you're asking isn't an evolution question its an abiogenesis question and all the science in that area is highly speculative at best. No atheist can come on here and tell you definitively where life came from, but that isn't a problem, when were actively looking for the answer. The thing about science is we're looking for the truth, the video you were responding to with this one, is a testament to that. Using god-of-the-gaps to fill in they answers for real questions we have isn't going to get us closer to answering the question of where we came from and thats what "Teabowbraine," was trying to say. There are problems about the idea of God without the whole abiogenesis/evolution thing even coming into play. A good quarter of "western philosophy" is dedicated to the debunking of God. As for the, "you can't prove a negative thing. " I personally think thats giving the idea of God too much credit. I take God no more seriously then I do "unicorns" or "Santa," the only reason they give your god the respect of the "negative" argument is because of the consensus in which it is believed to exist. In other words a lot of people believe, in what we (Atheists) believe to be "make believe" so thats why its taken more seriously then other ridiculous and mythological entities. If tons of people thought the earth was on an ice cream cone and I mean a good majority of the people on the planet like lets say three billion, the idea of that would become more important then other things we choose not to believe, because of their perceived infactuality. God isn't a negative, its not even a serious idea to begin with. I have a few questions for you now. If Islam loves science, why do you not accept modern science? Evolution whether you believe it or not, is a real field of science and Biology which you mentioned in your video is completely reliant upon it. Geography another scientific field you mention lends credence to they idea of evolution, through fossils and rock layers. How can you love those scientific fields if you wont accept some of the truths therein?

shadoweyes666 ::: Favorites
You're the one amazing atheist!
07-06-22 11:05:15
teabowbraine ::: Favorites
thank you . im lost for words. lol
07-06-22 11:59:22
cda6590 ::: Favorites
That sounds exactly like what a religious person does :)
07-06-25 02:55:26
KotoRyu ::: Favorites
The big crunch is no longer applicable. It will never happen, because the universe is not only expanding, it's expanding faster all the time.
07-06-27 17:32:53
KotoRyu ::: Favorites
Also there was no sky, because there was no matter except electromagnetically supercharged gas. There was no sky and no earth. Also the universe if 14.8 billion years old, and this planet is only 4.5 billion years old. What the hell have all these "gods" been doing for 10 billion years before us, then, hm?
07-06-27 17:36:27
cfrb ::: Favorites
Big crunch is still in debate.. and unlike the big Bang which is a fact, Big Crunch is still a theory. But I say it will be proven a fact soon.. Because the Quran states that.. and it ieve says a new Universe will be created all consistent with science but are yet to be proved
07-06-27 17:49:31
cfrb ::: Favorites
I never said "gods", I said The God in the Quran.. Who created the Universe, and is not bound by or confined by this Space-Time of the Universe, but is Outside of it. Who other than G0od could say about the creation of the universe, galaxies... and even the state of the universe before the big Bang, except the Creator
07-06-27 17:53:12
pierrepepi ::: Favorites
Man created god, So as long as people keep searching even if there are answers that may never be told for a very long time if ever, it forces the human mind to think beyond and question everything, those who proclaim religion are happy because they don't strive to learn more...which is a shame.
07-07-13 08:38:06
teabowbraine ::: Favorites
perfect comment : )
07-07-13 15:03:19
Dalbert342 ::: Favorites
but you are,you are funny
07-07-21 22:35:28

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