Monday, August 27, 2007

GDC07 Miyamoto keynote line

Duration: 02:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-09 02:24:23
User: joystiq
:::: Favorites

From The around-the-block line to enter Shigeru Miyamato's keynote at GDC07. This video shows roughly half the line.

gh0str3ap3r ::: Favorites
Check how a hot girl strips publicly at a poor guy's wedding, and the shocking reaction of the bride at <b> w'w'w FreeBoobsOnline(.)com <b>
07-07-30 19:49:05
eman22g4 ::: Favorites wtf?
07-03-10 20:03:41
secretorganisation ::: Favorites
the song called 'mario the gay'
07-03-10 20:01:08
MurdocLC ::: Favorites
Shigerus speech was amazing. Whats the name of this song!?
07-03-10 14:51:51
LABYRINTHOSdotORG ::: Favorites
as an artist, Miyamoto has a huge following worldwide. its not all about Nintendo ya rly
07-03-10 13:17:02
nintendodsdark ::: Favorites
no its like the remix of the remix remixes. cause the remix sounds alot different.
07-03-09 17:45:40
kool4eva ::: Favorites
yeah.. i mean i heard rings of fire in that.. crazy.. well i guess we will never know
07-03-10 04:25:02
kool4eva ::: Favorites
Half the line? wtf.. whats the super mario theme remix called? it actually blew my mind
07-03-09 16:05:36
Faro0 ::: Favorites
07-03-09 09:56:52
LABYRINTHOSdotORG ::: Favorites
so many video views, so few ratings. SAD Farkers
07-03-10 13:17:30

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