Monday, August 27, 2007

Jessica and Eric hash it out(1)

Duration: 06:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-05 01:26:21
User: Romie1218
:::: Favorites

Did he convince her?

windfallnbc ::: Favorites
aww I love these two.
07-08-05 21:30:48
Lozie82 ::: Favorites
i feel sorry for Eric and I can't wait for Dick or Dani to leave cuz they think they're running shit
07-08-05 17:17:37
TiGGERB0O94621 ::: Favorites
07-08-15 18:22:48
betsymeya ::: Favorites
Hes a jim carey wanta be..dont quit your day job..fool
07-08-05 12:49:29
betsymeya ::: Favorites
I think america has helped eric get far enough in this game..bye-bye eric..see ya wouldn't want to be ya...liar-liar pants on fire..
07-08-05 12:46:58
bigbrotherfanNICK ::: Favorites
My aunt is the only person I know that finds Eric attractive and yes, I took an America's Player poll. Although my aunt was KIDDING! Eric you have no character to attack you piece of wacked out UGLY!
07-08-05 12:42:50
betsymeya ::: Favorites
I think your aunt was kidding she probly tells you your pretty too..cant beleive everyone..
07-08-05 12:51:05
betsymeya ::: Favorites
I think america has help him get far enough in this game..bye bye eric..see ya wouldn't want to be ya..LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE..
07-08-05 12:42:49
bigbrotherfanNICK ::: Favorites
I totally agree with you betsy, you must be SMART! Eric needs to hop on the banner and get the fo!
07-08-05 12:48:35
Romie1218 ::: Favorites
is America's Player really a lie? It's a twist. They can be mad but it's what the game is about this year.
07-08-05 09:17:21
avoozl07 ::: Favorites
if america's player can pull this off...he deserves to win!!
07-08-05 04:23:52
bigbrotherfanNICK ::: Favorites
You have to be homely to think anything like that! He doesn't deserve to win, Dick and Dani do because they figured Eric out! Atleast they are nice to look at, Eric looks constipated when he talks, he must be camera shy of pooping. Eric go sit in the diary room for two hours again and get it all out! He is so ugly!
07-08-05 12:46:43
tvFanatic89 ::: Favorites
aww thats knda mean. eric is just trying to play the game, and he is the only one who was really playing how the game should be played( or atleast one of the few who r trying to play it). it's not fair that america has been screwing him up. they dont really seem to help, just making the game more difficult for him.
07-08-05 14:53:17
avoozl07 ::: Favorites
lol...thats pretty funny! Despite his constipation if he can continue to lie and get away with it despite ED and Dani figuring him out...he deserves to win...but we will see...?>?
07-08-05 16:33:21
bagelhole ::: Favorites
umm Ed and Dani think he is in an allience with kail and jen their WRONG!!. The only thing he has lied about is the votes wich he cant control
07-08-05 16:59:07
micomom ::: Favorites
I think he really does like her, but OMG, she is going to hate him so much when this is over and sees that everything was based on the lie of him being AP. I sorta feel sorry for both of them!
07-08-05 03:15:42
Reesey2006 ::: Favorites
aww they are so cute.... sigh.
07-08-05 02:22:17
lego020 ::: Favorites
i'm not happy about that lol i like the idea of having the AP around
07-08-05 01:49:45
GhengisGhandi ::: Favorites
I dont know if she's convinced but Im at least glad that she's looking at Eric more objectively.
07-08-05 01:48:04

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